Raid - ȯ ٴ
հ : 55
: 55
HP : 15467000/15467000 | ĥ ˷
հ : 300
: 60
HP : 34957/34957 |
Raid BossSeiren Norn() 500ŭ ߰. (100 >>> 600) |
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 15467000/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Social Knight
HP : 10885/10885
SP : 618/618
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 7772/7772
SP : 1848/1848
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Cardinal
HP : 5769/5769
SP : 2811/2811
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : High Druid
HP : 6160/6160
SP : 2712/2712
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Troubadour
HP : 4371/4371
SP : 1093/1093
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Field Battle
[]Ҽ() []ī() ״!
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100) |
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Wing Guard

ȭ ʴ° ٵ...?
Raid BossSeiren Norn ǥ ٲ.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100) |
[]() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 0/100)
* []ī HP ! 577 HP ȸ (5769 > 5769)
* []ī SP ! 169 SP ȸ (2811 > 2811)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 62/100)
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 263 HP ȸ (4371 > 4371)
- [Ʈ]ٵ
Skill :  The Song of Minstrel ( 100 85 )
[] 뷡 ... ൿ(20) ο!
[]Ҽ 뷡 ... ൿ(20) ο!
[]ī 뷡 ... ൿ(20) ο!
[ڸ] 뷡 ... ൿ(20) ο!
[Ʈ]ٵ() ָ ߴ...
[Ʈ]ٵ 뷡 ... ൿ(20) ο!
[Ʈ]ٵ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 20/100) |
* [ڸ] HP ! 432 HP ȸ (6160 > 6160)
* [ڸ] SP ! 136 SP ȸ (2712 > 2712)
- [ڸ]
Skill :  Holy Shield
[ڸ] SP ! +4%
[]() ִ!
[]Ҽ() ִ!
[]ī() ִ!
[ڸ]() ִ!
[Ʈ]ٵ() ִ!
[ڸ] ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> -80/100) |
* []Ҽ HP ! 1851 HP ȸ (10885 > 10885)
* []Ҽ SP ! 44 SP ȸ (618 > 618)
- []Ҽ
Skill :  Sword Breaker
[]Ҽ HP ! +8%
[]Ҽ() غ Ǿ.
[]Ҽ() ȣѴ!
[]Ҽ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 20/100) |
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Seiren's Song -Rage-

г뿡 뷧Ҹ .
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK rise 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK rise 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD rise 30%
[] STR down 15%
[] INT down 15%
[] DEX down 15%
[] SPD down 15%
[]Ҽ STR down 15%
[]Ҽ INT down 15%
[]Ҽ DEX down 15%
[]Ҽ SPD down 15%
[]ī STR down 15%
[]ī INT down 15%
[]ī DEX down 15%
[]ī SPD down 15%
[ڸ] STR down 15%
[ڸ] INT down 15%
[ڸ] DEX down 15%
[ڸ] SPD down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ STR down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ INT down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ DEX down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ SPD down 15%
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100) |
- []ī
Skill :  Inner Fire
[] STR rise 20%
[] INT rise 20%
[] DEX rise 20%
[] SPD rise 20%
[]Ҽ STR rise 20%
[]Ҽ INT rise 20%
[]Ҽ DEX rise 20%
[]Ҽ SPD rise 20%
[]ī STR rise 20%
[]ī INT rise 20%
[]ī DEX rise 20%
[]ī SPD rise 20%
[ڸ] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] SPD rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ STR rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ INT rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ DEX rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ SPD rise 20%
[]ī ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 10/100) |
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Seiren's Song -Pain-

뿡 뷧Ҹ .
3886 [](7772 > 3886)
5443 []Ҽ(10885 > 5442)
2885 []ī(5769 > 2884)
3080 [ڸ](6160 > 3080)
2186 [Ʈ]ٵ(4371 > 2185)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100) |
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Water Pile
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 []Ҽ(5442 > 5442)
[]Ҽ() ڷ з!
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100) |
- []
Skill :  Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 6218 HP ( Ŀ 2)
(3886 > -2332)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
25 SP !(1808 > 1833) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47300 > 47275)
èǾ !
[] ATK rise 5%
[] MATK rise 5%
[] STR rise 50
[] INT rise 50
[] DEX rise 50
[] SPD rise 50
[] LUK rise 50
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 11330 HP(-2332 > 7772)
23603 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7297526 > 7273923)
25 SP !(1833 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47275 > 47250)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 11985 HP(7772 > 7772)
24967 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7273923 > 7248956)
Ҵ! 2!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47250 > 47225)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 23664 HP(7772 > 7772)
49299 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7248956 > 7199657)
ġŸ! 3!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47225 > 47200)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 35343 HP(7772 > 7772)
73631 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7199657 > 7126026)
ġŸ! 3!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47200 > 47175)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 35343 HP(7772 > 7772)
73631 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7126026 > 7052395)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47175 > 47150)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 11985 HP(7772 > 7772)
24967 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7052395 > 7027428)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47150 > 47125)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 11985 HP(7772 > 7772)
24967 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7027428 > 7002461)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47125 > 47100)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 11985 HP(7772 > 7772)
24967 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7002461 > 6977494)
: Two Hand Weapon
ũƼ !(+0.5)
: SubMace
[] ATK rise 467
: Axe
[] ATK rise 765
[] ATK rise 357
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
[] ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 70/100) |
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 6977494/15467000
SP : 47100/47800
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 7772/7772
SP : 1848/1848
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Social Knight
HP : 5442/10885
SP : 618/618
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Cardinal
HP : 2884/5769
SP : 2736/2811
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : High Druid
HP : 3080/6160
SP : 2612/2712
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Troubadour
HP : 2185/4371
SP : 1003/1093
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 263 HP ȸ (2185 > 2448)
[Ʈ]ٵ ְ ִ︮...(ַ 8580)
- [Ʈ]ٵ
Skill :  Discord(Seal) ( 80 70 )
[Ʈ]ٵ() ! x1
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 10%
[Ʈ]ٵ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> -30/100) |
* []Ҽ HP ! 871 HP ȸ (5442 > 6313)
* []Ҽ HP ! 1851 HP ȸ (6313 > 8164)
* []Ҽ SP ! 44 SP ȸ (618 > 618)
- []Ҽ
Skill :  Stance Restore-Forward(Self)
[]Ҽ moved to front.
[]Ҽ ش!
[]Ҽ DEF rise 20%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 20%
[]Ҽ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 20/100) |
[] ȿ .
- []
Skill :  Rowfarce's Celibacy
[]() ν ȿ ̰ Ǿ!
[]Ҽ() ν ȿ ̰ Ǿ!
[]ī() ν ȿ ̰ Ǿ!
[ڸ]() ν ȿ ̰ Ǿ!
[Ʈ]ٵ() ν ȿ ̰ Ǿ!
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* []ī HP ! 577 HP ȸ (2884 > 3461)
* []ī SP ! 169 SP ȸ (2736 > 2811)
[]ī ȿ .
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47100 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Seiren's Song -Rage-

г뿡 뷧Ҹ .
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK rise 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK rise 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD rise 30%
[] STR down 15%
[] INT down 15%
[] DEX down 15%
[] SPD down 15%
[]Ҽ STR down 15%
[]Ҽ INT down 15%
[]Ҽ DEX down 15%
[]Ҽ SPD down 15%
[]ī STR down 15%
[]ī INT down 15%
[]ī DEX down 15%
[]ī SPD down 15%
[ڸ] STR down 15%
[ڸ] INT down 15%
[ڸ] DEX down 15%
[ڸ] SPD down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ STR down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ INT down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ DEX down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ SPD down 15%
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100) |
- []ī
Skill :  Heal All
[]ī() عߴ!
[] HP ! +7%
[]ī() عߴ!
[] SP ! +7%
[] () ȸǾ: 9438 HP(7772 > 7772)
[]ī() عߴ!
[]Ҽ SP ! +7%
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 9438 HP(8164 > 10885)
[]ī() عߴ!
[]ī HP ! +7%
[]ī() عߴ!
[]ī SP ! +7%
[]ī () ȸǾ: 33009 HP(3461 > 5769)
[]ī() عߴ!
[ڸ] HP ! +7%
[ڸ] () ȸǾ: 21141 HP(3080 > 6160)
[]ī() عߴ!
[Ʈ]ٵ HP ! +7%
[]ī() عߴ!
[Ʈ]ٵ SP ! +7%
[Ʈ]ٵ () ȸǾ: 10759 HP(2448 > 4371)
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(15) )(0 >>> -25/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Water Pile
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 []ī(5769 > 5769)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100) |
* []Ҽ HP ! 871 HP ȸ (10885 > 10885)
* []Ҽ SP ! 43 SP ȸ (618 > 618)
* []Ҽ HP ! 1851 HP ȸ (10885 > 10885)
* []Ҽ SP ! 44 SP ȸ (618 > 618)
- []Ҽ
Skill :  Weapon Break
296 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6977494 > 6977198)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 30%
[]Ҽ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 20/100) |
* [] HP ! 544 HP ȸ (7772 > 7772)
* [] SP ! 129 SP ȸ (1848 > 1848)
[]() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 0/100)
* [ڸ] HP ! 431 HP ȸ (6160 > 6160)
* [ڸ] SP ! 108 SP ȸ (2612 > 2712)
* [ڸ] HP ! 432 HP ȸ (6160 > 6160)
* [ڸ] SP ! 136 SP ȸ (2712 > 2712)
- [ڸ]
Skill :  Holy Shield
[]Ҽ() ִ!
[]ī() ִ!
[ڸ] ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> -80/100) |
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 306 HP ȸ (4371 > 4371)
* [Ʈ]ٵ SP ! 77 SP ȸ (883 > 960)
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 263 HP ȸ (4371 > 4371)
[Ʈ]ٵ() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47300 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Seiren's Song -Pain-

뿡 뷧Ҹ .
3886 [](7772 > 3886)
5443 []Ҽ(10885 > 5442)
2885 []ī(5769 > 2884)
3080 [ڸ](6160 > 3080)
2186 [Ʈ]ٵ(4371 > 2185)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100) |
- [Ʈ]ٵ
Skill :  Melt Down
47 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6977198 > 6977151)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
Ҵ! 2!
421 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6977151 > 6976730)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
47 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6976730 > 6976683)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
[Ʈ]ٵ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> -30/100) |
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 6976683/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Social Knight
HP : 5442/10885
SP : 608/618
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 3886/7772
SP : 1848/1848
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Cardinal
HP : 2884/5769
SP : 2744/2811
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : High Druid
HP : 3080/6160
SP : 2679/2712
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Troubadour
HP : 2185/4371
SP : 923/1093
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
Raid BossSeiren Norn() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> -100/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 871 HP ȸ (5442 > 6313)
* []Ҽ SP ! 43 SP ȸ (608 > 618)
* []Ҽ HP ! 1851 HP ȸ (6313 > 8164)
* []Ҽ SP ! 44 SP ȸ (618 > 618)
- []Ҽ
Skill :  Armor Break
338 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6976683 > 6976345)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 30%
[]Ҽ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 20/100) |
- []
Skill :  Ragnarok
[] sacrifice 2488 HP ( Ŀ 2)
(3886 > 1398)
ġŸ! 3.5!
25 SP !(1765 > 1790) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 439945 HP(1398 > 7772)
ִ !( Ѱ 500000) 500000 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6976345 > 6476345)
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100) |
* [] HP ! 544 HP ȸ (7772 > 7772)
* [] SP ! 129 SP ȸ (1790 > 1848)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* []ī HP ! 404 HP ȸ (2884 > 3288)
* []ī SP ! 197 SP ȸ (2744 > 2811)
* []ī HP ! 577 HP ȸ (3288 > 3865)
* []ī SP ! 169 SP ȸ (2811 > 2811)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 70/100)
- []ī
Skill :  Heal All
[] () ȸǾ: 9438 HP(7772 > 7772)
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 9438 HP(8164 > 10885)
[]ī () ȸǾ: 33009 HP(3865 > 5769)
[ڸ] () ȸǾ: 21141 HP(3080 > 6160)
[Ʈ]ٵ () ȸǾ: 10759 HP(2185 > 4371)
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(15) )(0 >>> -25/100)
- []
Skill :  Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 1244 HP ( Ŀ 2)
(7772 > 6528)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
25 SP !(1835 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47775 > 47750)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 18762 HP(6528 > 7772)
39086 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6476345 > 6437259)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47750 > 47725)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 18762 HP(7772 > 7772)
39086 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6437259 > 6398173)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47725 > 47700)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 18762 HP(7772 > 7772)
39086 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6398173 > 6359087)
Ҵ! 2!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47700 > 47675)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 37185 HP(7772 > 7772)
77469 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6359087 > 6281618)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47675 > 47650)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 18762 HP(7772 > 7772)
39086 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6281618 > 6242532)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47650 > 47625)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 18762 HP(7772 > 7772)
39086 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6242532 > 6203446)
Ҵ! 2!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47625 > 47600)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 37185 HP(7772 > 7772)
77469 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6203446 > 6125977)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47600 > 47575)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 18762 HP(7772 > 7772)
39086 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6125977 > 6086891)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 4.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 871 HP ȸ (10885 > 10885)
* []Ҽ SP ! 43 SP ȸ (608 > 618)
* []Ҽ HP ! 1851 HP ȸ (10885 > 10885)
* []Ҽ SP ! 44 SP ȸ (618 > 618)
- []Ҽ
Skill :  Weapon Break
ġŸ! 2!
936 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6086891 > 6085955)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 30%
[]Ҽ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 20/100) |
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Painful Scream
[]() ȥ ¿ !
500 ݻ [](6085955 > 6085455)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 [](7772 > 7772)
[]Ҽ() ȥ ¿ !
Raid BossSeiren Norn Ƴ´!!
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 []Ҽ(10885 > 10885)
[]ī() ȥ ¿ !
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 []ī(5769 > 5769)
[ڸ]() ȥ ¿ !
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 [ڸ](6160 > 6160)
[Ʈ]ٵ() ȥ ¿ !
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 [Ʈ]ٵ(4371 > 4371)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100) |
* [] HP ! 544 HP ȸ (7772 > 7772)
* [] SP ! 129 SP ȸ (1848 > 1848)
- []
Skill :  Battle Rage
[] sacrifice 468 HP ( Ŀ 2)
(7772 > 7304)
[]() !
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 3.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* [ڸ] HP ! 431 HP ȸ (6160 > 6160)
* [ڸ] SP ! 108 SP ȸ (2679 > 2712)
* [ڸ] HP ! 432 HP ȸ (6160 > 6160)
* [ڸ] SP ! 136 SP ȸ (2712 > 2712)
- [ڸ]
Skill :  Holy Shield
[]() ִ!
[]Ҽ() ִ!
[]ī() ִ!
[ڸ]() ִ!
[Ʈ]ٵ() ִ!
[ڸ] ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> -80/100) |
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 306 HP ȸ (4371 > 4371)
* [Ʈ]ٵ SP ! 77 SP ȸ (923 > 1000)
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 263 HP ȸ (4371 > 4371)
- [Ʈ]ٵ
Skill :  Song of Coral ( 70 55 )
[] ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[]Ҽ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[]ī ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[ڸ] ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[Ʈ]ٵ() ָ ߴ...
[Ʈ]ٵ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[Ʈ]ٵ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100) |
* [] HP ! 544 HP ȸ (7304 > 7772)
* [] SP ! 129 SP ȸ (1848 > 1848)
- []
Skill :  Battle Rage
[] sacrifice 468 HP ( Ŀ 2)
(7772 > 7304)
[] MAXHP(7772) extended to 8005
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
[]() !
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 2.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 6085455/15467000
SP : 47575/47800
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Social Knight
HP : 10885/10885
SP : 608/618
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 7304/8005
SP : 1848/1848
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Cardinal
HP : 5769/5769
SP : 2744/2811
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : High Druid
HP : 6160/6160
SP : 2679/2712
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Troubadour
HP : 4371/4371
SP : 970/1093
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47575 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Water Pile
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 []Ҽ(10885 > 10885)
[]Ҽ() ڷ з!
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100) |
* [] HP ! 560 HP ȸ (7304 > 7864)
* [] SP ! 129 SP ȸ (1848 > 1848)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 871 HP ȸ (10885 > 10885)
* []Ҽ SP ! 43 SP ȸ (608 > 618)
* []Ҽ HP ! 1851 HP ȸ (10885 > 10885)
* []Ҽ SP ! 44 SP ȸ (618 > 618)
- []Ҽ
Skill :  Stance Restore-Forward(Self)
[]Ҽ MAXHP(10885) extended to 11212
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ moved to front.
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100) |
* []ī HP ! 404 HP ȸ (5769 > 5769)
* []ī SP ! 197 SP ȸ (2744 > 2811)
* []ī HP ! 577 HP ȸ (5769 > 5769)
* []ī SP ! 169 SP ȸ (2811 > 2811)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 62/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47300 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Water Pile
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (21770 19039)
0 []Ҽ(10885 > 10885)
[]Ҽ() ڷ з!
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100) |
- []ī
Skill :  Inner Fire
[]ī MAXHP(5769) extended to 5942
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
[] STR rise 20%
[] INT rise 20%
[] DEX rise 20%
[] SPD rise 20%
[]Ҽ STR rise 20%
[]Ҽ INT rise 20%
[]Ҽ DEX rise 20%
[]Ҽ SPD rise 20%
[]ī STR rise 20%
[]ī INT rise 20%
[]ī DEX rise 20%
[]ī SPD rise 20%
[ڸ] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] SPD rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ STR rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ INT rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ DEX rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ SPD rise 20%
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(15) )(0 >>> 5/100)
- []
Skill :  Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 1282 HP ( Ŀ 2)
(7864 > 6582)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
[] MAXHP(8005) extended to 8245
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
25 SP !(1835 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47300 > 47275)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 21452 HP(6582 > 8245)
44690 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6085455 > 6040765)
ġŸ! 3.5!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47275 > 47250)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 73937 HP(8245 > 8245)
154036 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6040765 > 5886729)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47250 > 47225)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 21452 HP(8245 > 8245)
44690 Raid BossSeiren Norn(5886729 > 5842039)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47225 > 47200)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 21452 HP(8245 > 8245)
44690 Raid BossSeiren Norn(5842039 > 5797349)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47200 > 47175)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 21452 HP(8245 > 8245)
44690 Raid BossSeiren Norn(5797349 > 5752659)
ġŸ! 3.5!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47175 > 47150)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 73937 HP(8245 > 8245)
154036 Raid BossSeiren Norn(5752659 > 5598623)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47150 > 47125)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 21452 HP(8245 > 8245)
44690 Raid BossSeiren Norn(5598623 > 5553933)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47125 > 47100)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 21452 HP(8245 > 8245)
44690 Raid BossSeiren Norn(5553933 > 5509243)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 1.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 306 HP ȸ (4371 > 4371)
* [Ʈ]ٵ SP ! 77 SP ȸ (970 > 1047)
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 263 HP ȸ (4371 > 4371)
[Ʈ]ٵ ְ ִ︮...(ַ 5550)
- [Ʈ]ٵ
Skill :  Discord(Seal) ( 50 40 )
[Ʈ]ٵ MAXHP(4371) extended to 4502
[Ʈ]ٵ DEF rise 5%
[Ʈ]ٵ MDEF rise 5%
[Ʈ]ٵ() ! x1
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 10%
[Ʈ]ٵ ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100) |
* [] HP ! 577 HP ȸ (8245 > 8245)
* [] SP ! 129 SP ȸ (1848 > 1848)
- []
Skill :  Battle Rage
[] sacrifice 496 HP ( Ŀ 2)
(8245 > 7749)
[] MAXHP(8245) extended to 8492
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
[]() !
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
[] Ragnarok !
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47100 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Seiren's Song -Rage-

г뿡 뷧Ҹ .
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK rise 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK rise 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD rise 30%
[] STR down 15%
[] INT down 15%
[] DEX down 15%
[] SPD down 15%
[]Ҽ STR down 15%
[]Ҽ INT down 15%
[]Ҽ DEX down 15%
[]Ҽ SPD down 15%
[]ī STR down 15%
[]ī INT down 15%
[]ī DEX down 15%
[]ī SPD down 15%
[ڸ] STR down 15%
[ڸ] INT down 15%
[ڸ] DEX down 15%
[ڸ] SPD down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ STR down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ INT down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ DEX down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ SPD down 15%
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100) |
* []Ҽ HP ! 897 HP ȸ (10885 > 11212)
* []Ҽ SP ! 43 SP ȸ (618 > 618)
* []Ҽ HP ! 1907 HP ȸ (11212 > 11212)
* []Ҽ SP ! 44 SP ȸ (618 > 618)
- []Ҽ
Skill :  Stance Restore-Forward(Self)
[]Ҽ MAXHP(11212) extended to 11548
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ moved to front.
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100) |
* [] HP ! 594 HP ȸ (7749 > 8343)
* [] SP ! 129 SP ȸ (1848 > 1848)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Water Pile
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (19039 16063)
0 []Ҽ(11212 > 11212)
[]Ҽ() ڷ з!
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100) |
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 5509243/15467000
SP : 47300/47800
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 8343/8492
SP : 1848/1848
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Social Knight
HP : 11212/11548
SP : 618/618
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Cardinal
HP : 5769/5942
SP : 2786/2811
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : High Druid
HP : 6160/6160
SP : 2679/2712
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Troubadour
HP : 4371/4502
SP : 1007/1093
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
* [ڸ] HP ! 431 HP ȸ (6160 > 6160)
* [ڸ] SP ! 108 SP ȸ (2679 > 2712)
* [ڸ] HP ! 432 HP ȸ (6160 > 6160)
* [ڸ] SP ! 136 SP ȸ (2712 > 2712)
[ڸ]() ֹ ִܿ...(63%)(100 >>> 6/100)
* []ī HP ! 416 HP ȸ (5769 > 5942)
* []ī SP ! 197 SP ȸ (2786 > 2811)
* []ī HP ! 595 HP ȸ (5942 > 5942)
* []ī SP ! 169 SP ȸ (2811 > 2811)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 62/100)
- []ī
Skill :  Inner Fire
[]ī MAXHP(5942) extended to 6120
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
[] STR rise 20%
[] INT rise 20%
[] DEX rise 20%
[] SPD rise 20%
[]Ҽ STR rise 20%
[]Ҽ INT rise 20%
[]Ҽ DEX rise 20%
[]Ҽ SPD rise 20%
[]ī STR rise 20%
[]ī INT rise 20%
[]ī DEX rise 20%
[]ī SPD rise 20%
[ڸ] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] SPD rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ STR rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ INT rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ DEX rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ SPD rise 20%
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(15) )(0 >>> 5/100)
- []
Skill :  Ragnarok
[] sacrifice 2718 HP ( Ŀ 2)
(8343 > 5625)
[] MAXHP(8492) extended to 8747
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
ġŸ! 3.5!
25 SP !(1765 > 1790) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47300 > 47275)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 545363 HP(5625 > 8747)
ִ !( Ѱ 500000) 500000 Raid BossSeiren Norn(5509243 > 5009243)
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100) |
* [] HP ! 612 HP ȸ (8747 > 8747)
* [] SP ! 129 SP ȸ (1790 > 1848)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47275 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Water Pile
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 []ī(5942 > 5942)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100) |
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 315 HP ȸ (4371 > 4502)
* [Ʈ]ٵ SP ! 77 SP ȸ (1007 > 1084)
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 271 HP ȸ (4502 > 4502)
[Ʈ]ٵ() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 924 HP ȸ (11212 > 11548)
* []Ҽ SP ! 43 SP ȸ (618 > 618)
* []Ҽ HP ! 1964 HP ȸ (11548 > 11548)
* []Ҽ SP ! 44 SP ȸ (618 > 618)
- []Ҽ
Skill :  Stance Restore-Forward(Self)
[]Ҽ MAXHP(11548) extended to 11894
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ moved to front.
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100) |
- [ڸ]
Skill :  Full Asist(Seal)
[ڸ] MAXHP(6160) extended to 6345
[ڸ] DEF rise 5%
[ڸ] MDEF rise 5%
ڿ []() ´!(ִġ 2000)
[] STR rise 162
[] INT rise 162
[] DEX rise 162
[] SPD rise 162
ڿ []Ҽ() ´!(ִġ 2000)
[]Ҽ STR rise 162
[]Ҽ INT rise 162
[]Ҽ DEX rise 162
[]Ҽ SPD rise 162
ڿ []ī() ´!(ִġ 2000)
[]ī STR rise 162
[]ī INT rise 162
[]ī DEX rise 162
[]ī SPD rise 162
ڿ [ڸ]() ´!(ִġ 2000)
[ڸ] STR rise 162
[ڸ] INT rise 162
[ڸ] DEX rise 162
[ڸ] SPD rise 162
ڿ [Ʈ]ٵ() ´!(ִġ 2000)
[Ʈ]ٵ STR rise 162
[Ʈ]ٵ INT rise 162
[Ʈ]ٵ DEX rise 162
[Ʈ]ٵ SPD rise 162
[ڸ] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- []
Skill :  Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 1400 HP ( Ŀ 2)
(8747 > 7347)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
[] MAXHP(8747) extended to 9009
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
Ҵ! 2!
25 SP !(1835 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47300 > 47275)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 47600 HP(7347 > 9009)
99167 Raid BossSeiren Norn(5009243 > 4910076)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47275 > 47250)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 24081 HP(9009 > 9009)
50168 Raid BossSeiren Norn(4910076 > 4859908)
ġŸ! 3.5!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47250 > 47225)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 82880 HP(9009 > 9009)
172665 Raid BossSeiren Norn(4859908 > 4687243)
ġŸ! 3.5!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47225 > 47200)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 82880 HP(9009 > 9009)
172665 Raid BossSeiren Norn(4687243 > 4514578)
ġŸ! 3.5!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47200 > 47175)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 82880 HP(9009 > 9009)
172665 Raid BossSeiren Norn(4514578 > 4341913)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47175 > 47150)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 24081 HP(9009 > 9009)
50168 Raid BossSeiren Norn(4341913 > 4291745)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47150 > 47125)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 24081 HP(9009 > 9009)
50168 Raid BossSeiren Norn(4291745 > 4241577)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47125 > 47100)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 24081 HP(9009 > 9009)
50168 Raid BossSeiren Norn(4241577 > 4191409)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 4.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
- [Ʈ]ٵ
Skill :  Melt Down
[Ʈ]ٵ MAXHP(4502) extended to 4637
[Ʈ]ٵ DEF rise 5%
[Ʈ]ٵ MDEF rise 5%
463 Raid BossSeiren Norn(4191409 > 4190946)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
463 Raid BossSeiren Norn(4190946 > 4190483)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
463 Raid BossSeiren Norn(4190483 > 4190020)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
[Ʈ]ٵ ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100) |
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47100 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Seiren's Song -Rage-

г뿡 뷧Ҹ .
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK rise 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK rise 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD rise 30%
[] STR down 15%
[] INT down 15%
[] DEX down 15%
[] SPD down 15%
[]Ҽ STR down 15%
[]Ҽ INT down 15%
[]Ҽ DEX down 15%
[]Ҽ SPD down 15%
[]ī STR down 15%
[]ī INT down 15%
[]ī DEX down 15%
[]ī SPD down 15%
[ڸ] STR down 15%
[ڸ] INT down 15%
[ڸ] DEX down 15%
[ڸ] SPD down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ STR down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ INT down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ DEX down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ SPD down 15%
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100) |
* []ī HP ! 428 HP ȸ (5942 > 6120)
* []ī SP ! 197 SP ȸ (2786 > 2811)
* []ī HP ! 612 HP ȸ (6120 > 6120)
* []ī SP ! 169 SP ȸ (2811 > 2811)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 62/100)
* [] HP ! 631 HP ȸ (9009 > 9009)
* [] SP ! 129 SP ȸ (1848 > 1848)
- []
Skill :  War Song
[] MAXHP(9009) extended to 9279
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
[] TP rise 5%
[] STR rise 30%
[]Ҽ TP rise 5%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī TP rise 5%
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] TP rise 5%
[ڸ] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[Ʈ]ٵ TP rise 5%
[Ʈ]ٵ STR rise 30%
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 3.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Seiren's Song -Pain-

뿡 뷧Ҹ .
4505 [](9009 > 4504)
5774 []Ҽ(11548 > 5774)
3060 []ī(6120 > 3060)
3080 [ڸ](6160 > 3080)
2251 [Ʈ]ٵ(4502 > 2251)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100) |
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 4190020/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Social Knight
HP : 5774/11894
SP : 618/618
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 4504/9279
SP : 1848/1848
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3060/6120
SP : 2811/2811
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : High Druid
HP : 3080/6345
SP : 2679/2712
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Troubadour
HP : 2251/4637
SP : 1047/1093
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
- []ī
Skill :  Inner Fire
[]ī MAXHP(6120) extended to 6304
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
[] STR rise 20%
[] INT rise 20%
[] DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[] SPD rise 20%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ INT rise 20%
[]Ҽ DEX rise 20%
[]Ҽ SPD rise 20%
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī INT rise 20%
[]ī DEX rise 20%
[]ī SPD rise 20%
[ڸ] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] SPD rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ STR rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ INT rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[Ʈ]ٵ SPD rise 20%
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(15) )(0 >>> 5/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Water Pile
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 [Ʈ]ٵ(2251 > 2251)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100) |
* []Ҽ HP ! 952 HP ȸ (5774 > 6726)
* []Ҽ SP ! 43 SP ȸ (618 > 618)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2022 HP ȸ (6726 > 8748)
* []Ҽ SP ! 44 SP ȸ (618 > 618)
- []Ҽ
Skill :  Weapon Break
[]Ҽ MAXHP(11894) extended to 12251
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
536 Raid BossSeiren Norn(4190020 > 4189484)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 30%
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100) |
* [] HP ! 650 HP ȸ (4504 > 5154)
* [] SP ! 129 SP ȸ (1848 > 1848)
[]() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 80/100)
* [ڸ] HP ! 444 HP ȸ (3080 > 3524)
* [ڸ] SP ! 108 SP ȸ (2679 > 2712)
* [ڸ] HP ! 445 HP ȸ (3524 > 3969)
* [ڸ] SP ! 136 SP ȸ (2712 > 2712)
[ڸ]() ֹ ִܿ...(63%)(100 >>> 68/100)
- []
Skill :  Shout of Dragon
[] sacrifice 1114 HP ( Ŀ 2)
(5154 > 4040)
Raid BossSeiren Norn moved to back.
[] MAXHP(9279) extended to 9557
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
25 SP !(1773 > 1798) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47300 > 47275)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 18881 HP(4040 > 9557)
39336 Raid BossSeiren Norn(4189484 > 4150148)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ . (2 >>> -28/100).
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 2.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Shout of Dragon 7.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 40/100)
- [ڸ]
Skill :  Healing Wave
[ڸ] MAXHP(6345) extended to 6535
[ڸ] DEF rise 5%
[ڸ] MDEF rise 5%
[] () ȸǾ: 4926 HP(9557 > 9557)
[]() ġ Ѵ...
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 4926 HP(8748 > 12251)
[]Ҽ() ġ Ѵ...
[]ī () ȸǾ: 18351 HP(3060 > 6304)
[]ī() ġ Ѵ...
[ڸ] () ȸǾ: 11034 HP(3969 > 6535)
[ڸ]() ġ Ѵ...
[Ʈ]ٵ () ȸǾ: 5616 HP(2251 > 4637)
[Ʈ]ٵ() ġ Ѵ...
ġ [ڸ]() ġѴ!
[ڸ] () ȸǾ: 11034 HP(6535 > 6535)
[ڸ] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> -10/100)
* [] HP ! 669 HP ȸ (9557 > 9557)
* [] SP ! 129 SP ȸ (1798 > 1848)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 325 HP ȸ (4637 > 4637)
* [Ʈ]ٵ SP ! 77 SP ȸ (1047 > 1093)
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 279 HP ȸ (4637 > 4637)
- [Ʈ]ٵ
Skill :  Song of Coral ( 40 25 )
[Ʈ]ٵ MAXHP(4637) extended to 4776
[Ʈ]ٵ DEF rise 5%
[Ʈ]ٵ MDEF rise 5%
[] ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[]Ҽ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[]ī ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[ڸ] ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[Ʈ]ٵ() ָ ߴ...
[Ʈ]ٵ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
ġ [Ʈ]ٵ() ġѴ!
[Ʈ]ٵ () ȸǾ: 5616 HP(4637 > 4776)
[Ʈ]ٵ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100) |
* []ī HP ! 441 HP ȸ (6304 > 6304)
* []ī SP ! 197 SP ȸ (2786 > 2811)
* []ī HP ! 631 HP ȸ (6304 > 6304)
* []ī SP ! 169 SP ȸ (2811 > 2811)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 62/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47275 > 47800)
Raid BossSeiren Norn() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> -100/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 980 HP ȸ (12251 > 12251)
* []Ҽ SP ! 43 SP ȸ (608 > 618)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2083 HP ȸ (12251 > 12251)
* []Ҽ SP ! 44 SP ȸ (618 > 618)
- []Ҽ
Skill :  Armor Break
[]Ҽ MAXHP(12251) extended to 12619
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
536 Raid BossSeiren Norn(4150148 > 4149612)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 30%
ġ []Ҽ() ġѴ!
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 4926 HP(12251 > 12619)
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100) |
- []ī
Skill :  Inner Fire
[]ī MAXHP(6304) extended to 6493
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
[] STR rise 20%
[] INT rise 20%
[] DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[] SPD rise 20%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ DEX rise 20%
[]Ҽ SPD rise 20%
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī INT rise 20%
[]ī DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī SPD rise 20%
[ڸ] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] SPD rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ STR rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ INT rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[Ʈ]ٵ SPD rise 20%
ġ []ī() ġѴ!
[]ī () ȸǾ: 18351 HP(6304 > 6493)
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(15) )(0 >>> 5/100)
- []
Skill :  Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 1530 HP ( Ŀ 2)
(9557 > 8027)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
[] MAXHP(9557) extended to 9844
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
25 SP !(1835 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 24589 HP(8027 > 9844)
51226 Raid BossSeiren Norn(4149612 > 4098386)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47775 > 47750)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 24589 HP(9844 > 9844)
51226 Raid BossSeiren Norn(4098386 > 4047160)
ġŸ! 3.5!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47750 > 47725)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 84496 HP(9844 > 9844)
176032 Raid BossSeiren Norn(4047160 > 3871128)
ġŸ! 3.5!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47725 > 47700)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 84496 HP(9844 > 9844)
176032 Raid BossSeiren Norn(3871128 > 3695096)
ġŸ! 3.5!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47700 > 47675)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 84496 HP(9844 > 9844)
176032 Raid BossSeiren Norn(3695096 > 3519064)
Ҵ! 2!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47675 > 47650)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 48551 HP(9844 > 9844)
101148 Raid BossSeiren Norn(3519064 > 3417916)
Ҵ! 2!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47650 > 47625)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 48551 HP(9844 > 9844)
101148 Raid BossSeiren Norn(3417916 > 3316768)
ġŸ! 3.5!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47625 > 47600)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 84496 HP(9844 > 9844)
176032 Raid BossSeiren Norn(3316768 > 3140736)
ġ []() ġѴ!
[] () ȸǾ: 4926 HP(9844 > 9844)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 1.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] War Song !
Shout of Dragon 6.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* [ڸ] HP ! 457 HP ȸ (6535 > 6535)
* [ڸ] SP ! 108 SP ȸ (2679 > 2712)
* [ڸ] HP ! 458 HP ȸ (6535 > 6535)
* [ڸ] SP ! 136 SP ȸ (2712 > 2712)
- [ڸ]
Skill :  Holy Shield
[ڸ] MAXHP(6535) extended to 6731
[ڸ] DEF rise 5%
[ڸ] MDEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ() ִ!
[]ī() ִ!
[Ʈ]ٵ() ִ!
[ڸ] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> -90/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 3140736/15467000
SP : 47600/47800
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Social Knight
HP : 12619/12619
SP : 608/618
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 9844/9844
SP : 1848/1848
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Cardinal
HP : 6493/6493
SP : 2786/2811
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : High Druid
HP : 6535/6731
SP : 2679/2712
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Troubadour
HP : 4776/4776
SP : 1063/1093
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
* [] HP ! 689 HP ȸ (9844 > 9844)
* [] SP ! 129 SP ȸ (1848 > 1848)
- []
Skill :  War Song
[] MAXHP(9844) extended to 10139
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
[] TP rise 5%
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ TP rise 5%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī TP rise 5%
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] TP rise 5%
[ڸ] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[Ʈ]ٵ TP rise 5%
[Ʈ]ٵ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
[] Ragnarok !
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Shout of Dragon 5.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 334 HP ȸ (4776 > 4776)
* [Ʈ]ٵ SP ! 77 SP ȸ (1063 > 1093)
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 287 HP ȸ (4776 > 4776)
[Ʈ]ٵ ְ ִ︮...(ַ 2520)
- [Ʈ]ٵ
Skill :  Tuning
Ư ī 999 ȸ (: 100)
[Ʈ]ٵ MAXHP(4776) extended to 4919
[Ʈ]ٵ DEF rise 5%
[Ʈ]ٵ MDEF rise 5%
[Ʈ]ٵ ְ ƴ...
[Ʈ]ٵ ൿ .(0 >>> 30/100) |
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Painful Scream
500 ݻ [](3140736 > 3140236)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 [](9844 > 9844)
Raid BossSeiren Norn Ǿ.
0 []Ҽ(12619 > 12619)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 []ī(6493 > 6493)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 [ڸ](6535 > 6535)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 [Ʈ]ٵ(4776 > 4776)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100) |
* []Ҽ HP ! 1010 HP ȸ (12619 > 12619)
* []Ҽ SP ! 43 SP ȸ (608 > 618)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2146 HP ȸ (12619 > 12619)
* []Ҽ SP ! 44 SP ȸ (618 > 618)
- []Ҽ
Skill :  Self Regeneration
[]Ҽ MAXHP(12619) extended to 12998
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ HP ! +7%
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> -20/100) |
* [] HP ! 710 HP ȸ (9844 > 10139)
* [] SP ! 129 SP ȸ (1848 > 1848)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* []ī HP ! 455 HP ȸ (6493 > 6493)
* []ī SP ! 197 SP ȸ (2786 > 2811)
* []ī HP ! 650 HP ȸ (6493 > 6493)
* []ī SP ! 169 SP ȸ (2811 > 2811)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 62/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47600 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Water Pile
2572 [ڸ](6535 > 3963)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100) |
- []ī
Skill :  Inner Fire
[]ī MAXHP(6493) extended to 6688
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[] INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[] DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[] SPD rise 20%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ DEX rise 20%
[]Ҽ SPD rise 20%
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī INT rise 20%
[]ī DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī SPD rise 20%
[ڸ] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] SPD rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[Ʈ]ٵ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[Ʈ]ٵ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[Ʈ]ٵ SPD rise 20%
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(15) )(0 >>> 5/100)
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 344 HP ȸ (4776 > 4919)
* [Ʈ]ٵ SP ! 77 SP ȸ (1093 > 1093)
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 296 HP ȸ (4919 > 4919)
[Ʈ]ٵ() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
- []
Skill :  Ragnarok
[] sacrifice 3246 HP ( Ŀ 2)
(10139 > 6893)
[] MAXHP(10139) extended to 10443
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
ġŸ! 3.5!
25 SP !(1765 > 1790) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47300 > 47275)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 588594 HP(6893 > 10443)
ִ !( Ѱ 500000) 500000 Raid BossSeiren Norn(3140236 > 2640236)
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Shout of Dragon 4.
[] ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100) |
* [] HP ! 731 HP ȸ (10443 > 10443)
* [] SP ! 129 SP ȸ (1790 > 1848)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
- [Ʈ]ٵ
Skill :  Melt Down
[Ʈ]ٵ MAXHP(4919) extended to 5067
[Ʈ]ٵ DEF rise 5%
[Ʈ]ٵ MDEF rise 5%
672 Raid BossSeiren Norn(2640236 > 2639564)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
672 Raid BossSeiren Norn(2639564 > 2638892)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
672 Raid BossSeiren Norn(2638892 > 2638220)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
[Ʈ]ٵ 帥...
[Ʈ]ٵ ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100) |
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47275 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Seiren's Song -Pain-

뿡 뷧Ҹ .
5222 [](10443 > 5221)
6310 []Ҽ(12619 > 6309)
3247 []ī(6493 > 3246)
1982 [ڸ](3963 > 1981)
2460 [Ʈ]ٵ(4919 > 2459)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100) |
* []Ҽ HP ! 1950 HP ȸ (6309 > 8259)
* []Ҽ SP ! 43 SP ȸ (613 > 618)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2210 HP ȸ (8259 > 10469)
* []Ҽ SP ! 44 SP ȸ (618 > 618)
- []Ҽ
Skill :  Weapon Break
[]Ҽ MAXHP(12998) extended to 13388
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
548 Raid BossSeiren Norn(2638220 > 2637672)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 30%
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100) |
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2637672/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Social Knight
HP : 10469/13388
SP : 608/618
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 5221/10443
SP : 1848/1848
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3246/6688
SP : 2786/2811
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : High Druid
HP : 1981/6731
SP : 2679/2712
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Troubadour
HP : 2459/5067
SP : 1056/1093
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
- []
Skill :  Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 1672 HP ( Ŀ 2)
(5221 > 3549)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
[] MAXHP(10443) extended to 10756
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
25 SP !(1835 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 24734 HP(3549 > 10756)
51530 Raid BossSeiren Norn(2637672 > 2586142)
ġŸ! 3.5!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47775 > 47750)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 84831 HP(10756 > 10756)
176731 Raid BossSeiren Norn(2586142 > 2409411)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47750 > 47725)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 24734 HP(10756 > 10756)
51530 Raid BossSeiren Norn(2409411 > 2357881)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47725 > 47700)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 24734 HP(10756 > 10756)
51530 Raid BossSeiren Norn(2357881 > 2306351)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47700 > 47675)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 24734 HP(10756 > 10756)
51530 Raid BossSeiren Norn(2306351 > 2254821)
ġŸ! 3.5!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47675 > 47650)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 84831 HP(10756 > 10756)
176731 Raid BossSeiren Norn(2254821 > 2078090)
ġŸ! 3.5!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47650 > 47625)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 84831 HP(10756 > 10756)
176731 Raid BossSeiren Norn(2078090 > 1901359)
Ҵ! 2!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47625 > 47600)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 48773 HP(10756 > 10756)
101610 Raid BossSeiren Norn(1901359 > 1799749)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 4.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] War Song !
Shout of Dragon 3.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* [ڸ] HP ! 471 HP ȸ (1981 > 2452)
* [ڸ] SP ! 108 SP ȸ (2679 > 2712)
* [ڸ] HP ! 472 HP ȸ (2452 > 2924)
* [ڸ] SP ! 136 SP ȸ (2712 > 2712)
[ڸ]() ֹ ִܿ...(63%)(100 >>> 68/100)
* []ī HP ! 468 HP ȸ (3246 > 3714)
* []ī SP ! 197 SP ȸ (2786 > 2811)
* []ī HP ! 669 HP ȸ (3714 > 4383)
* []ī SP ! 169 SP ȸ (2811 > 2811)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47600 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Seiren's Song -Rage-

г뿡 뷧Ҹ .
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK rise 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK rise 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD rise 30%
[] STR down 15%
[] INT down 15%
[] DEX down 15%
[] SPD down 15%
[]Ҽ STR down 15%
[]Ҽ INT down 15%
[]Ҽ DEX down 15%
[]Ҽ SPD down 15%
[]ī STR down 15%
[]ī INT down 15%
[]ī DEX down 15%
[]ī SPD down 15%
[ڸ] STR down 15%
[ڸ] INT down 15%
[ڸ] DEX down 15%
[ڸ] SPD down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ STR down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ INT down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ DEX down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ SPD down 15%
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100) |
* [] HP ! 753 HP ȸ (10756 > 10756)
* [] SP ! 129 SP ȸ (1848 > 1848)
- []
Skill :  War Song
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
[] TP rise 5%
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ TP rise 5%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī TP rise 5%
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] TP rise 5%
[ڸ] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[Ʈ]ٵ TP rise 5%
[Ʈ]ٵ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 3.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Shout of Dragon 2.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Water Pile
500 ݻ [](1799749 > 1799249)
3682 [](10756 > 7074)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100) |
- []ī
Skill :  Heal All
[]ī MAXHP(6688) extended to 6889
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
[] () ȸǾ: 12749 HP(7074 > 10756)
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 12749 HP(10469 > 13388)
[]ī () ȸǾ: 42875 HP(4383 > 6889)
[ڸ] () ȸǾ: 28557 HP(2924 > 6731)
[Ʈ]ٵ () ȸǾ: 14534 HP(2459 > 5067)
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(15) )(0 >>> -25/100)
- [ڸ]
Skill :  Healing Wave
[ڸ] MAXHP(6731) extended to 6933
[ڸ] DEF rise 5%
[ڸ] MDEF rise 5%
ȿ ش! ġ 5!
[] () ȸǾ: 22703 HP(10756 > 10756)
[]() ġ Ѵ...
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 4541 HP(13388 > 13388)
[]Ҽ() ġ Ѵ...
[]ī () ȸǾ: 17202 HP(6889 > 6889)
[]ī() ġ Ѵ...
[ڸ] () ȸǾ: 10171 HP(6731 > 6933)
[ڸ]() ġ Ѵ...
[Ʈ]ٵ () ȸǾ: 5177 HP(5067 > 5067)
[Ʈ]ٵ() ġ Ѵ...
ġ [ڸ]() ġѴ!
[ڸ] () ȸǾ: 10171 HP(6933 > 6933)
[ڸ] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> -10/100)
* [] HP ! 753 HP ȸ (10756 > 10756)
* [] SP ! 129 SP ȸ (1848 > 1848)
- []
Skill :  Head Hunt
[] sacrifice 646 HP ( Ŀ 2)
(10756 > 10110)
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] 53599 Raid BossSeiren Norn(1799249 > 1745650)
ġŸ! 3.5!
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] 186665 Raid BossSeiren Norn(1745650 > 1558985)
ġŸ! 3.5!
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] 186665 Raid BossSeiren Norn(1558985 > 1372320)
ġŸ! 3.5!
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] 186665 Raid BossSeiren Norn(1372320 > 1185655)
ġ []() ġѴ!
[] () ȸǾ: 22703 HP(10110 > 10756)
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 2.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Shout of Dragon 1.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 0/100)
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 355 HP ȸ (5067 > 5067)
* [Ʈ]ٵ SP ! 77 SP ȸ (1056 > 1093)
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 305 HP ȸ (5067 > 5067)
- [Ʈ]ٵ
Skill :  Little Whistle
[] () ȸǾ: 0 HP(10756 > 10756)
[] () ȸǾ: 2 SP(1828 > 1830)
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 0 HP(13388 > 13388)
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 1 SP(608 > 609)
[]ī () ȸǾ: 0 HP(6889 > 6889)
[]ī () ȸǾ: 7 SP(2744 > 2751)
[ڸ] () ȸǾ: 0 HP(6933 > 6933)
[ڸ] () ȸǾ: 4 SP(2679 > 2683)
[Ʈ]ٵ () ȸǾ: 0 HP(5067 > 5067)
[Ʈ]ٵ () ȸǾ: 0 SP(1093 > 1093)
[Ʈ]ٵ ൿ .( Һ )(0 >>> 100/100) |
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 355 HP ȸ (5067 > 5067)
* [Ʈ]ٵ SP ! 77 SP ȸ (1093 > 1093)
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 305 HP ȸ (5067 > 5067)
- [Ʈ]ٵ
Skill :  Song of Coral ( 100 85 )
[Ʈ]ٵ MAXHP(5067) extended to 5219
[Ʈ]ٵ DEF rise 5%
[Ʈ]ٵ MDEF rise 5%
[] ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[]Ҽ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[]ī ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[ڸ] ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[Ʈ]ٵ() ָ ߴ...
[Ʈ]ٵ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
ġ [Ʈ]ٵ() ġѴ!
[Ʈ]ٵ () ȸǾ: 5177 HP(5067 > 5219)
[Ʈ]ٵ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100) |
* []Ҽ HP ! 2008 HP ȸ (13388 > 13388)
* []Ҽ SP ! 43 SP ȸ (609 > 618)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2276 HP ȸ (13388 > 13388)
* []Ҽ SP ! 44 SP ȸ (618 > 618)
- []Ҽ
Skill :  Weapon Break
[]Ҽ MAXHP(13388) extended to 13790
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
ġŸ! 2!
1368 Raid BossSeiren Norn(1185655 > 1184287)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 30%
ġ []Ҽ() ġѴ!
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 4541 HP(13388 > 13790)
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100) |
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47300 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Water Pile
500 ݻ [](1184287 > 1183787)
3489 [](10756 > 7267)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100) |
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 1183787/15467000
SP : 47300/47800
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Social Knight
HP : 13790/13790
SP : 608/618
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 7267/10756
SP : 1830/1848
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Cardinal
HP : 6889/6889
SP : 2751/2811
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : High Druid
HP : 6933/6933
SP : 2683/2712
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Troubadour
HP : 5219/5219
SP : 1063/1093
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
* [ڸ] HP ! 485 HP ȸ (6933 > 6933)
* [ڸ] SP ! 108 SP ȸ (2683 > 2712)
* [ڸ] HP ! 486 HP ȸ (6933 > 6933)
* [ڸ] SP ! 136 SP ȸ (2712 > 2712)
- [ڸ]
Skill :  Holy Shield
[ڸ] MAXHP(6933) extended to 7141
[ڸ] DEF rise 5%
[ڸ] MDEF rise 5%
[]() ִ!
[]ī() ִ!
[ڸ]() ִ!
[Ʈ]ٵ() ִ!
[ڸ] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> -90/100)
* []ī HP ! 482 HP ȸ (6889 > 6889)
* []ī SP ! 197 SP ȸ (2751 > 2811)
* []ī HP ! 689 HP ȸ (6889 > 6889)
* []ī SP ! 169 SP ȸ (2811 > 2811)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 62/100)
* [] HP ! 753 HP ȸ (7267 > 8020)
* [] SP ! 129 SP ȸ (1830 > 1848)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47300 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Seiren's Song -Rage-

г뿡 뷧Ҹ .
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK rise 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK rise 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD rise 30%
[] STR down 15%
[] INT down 15%
[] DEX down 15%
[] SPD down 15%
[]Ҽ STR down 15%
[]Ҽ INT down 15%
[]Ҽ DEX down 15%
[]Ҽ SPD down 15%
[]ī STR down 15%
[]ī INT down 15%
[]ī DEX down 15%
[]ī SPD down 15%
[ڸ] STR down 15%
[ڸ] INT down 15%
[ڸ] DEX down 15%
[ڸ] SPD down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ STR down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ INT down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ DEX down 15%
[Ʈ]ٵ SPD down 15%
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100) |
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Water Pile
500 ݻ [](1183787 > 1183287)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 [](8020 > 8020)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100) |
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 365 HP ȸ (5219 > 5219)
* [Ʈ]ٵ SP ! 77 SP ȸ (1063 > 1093)
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 314 HP ȸ (5219 > 5219)
[Ʈ]ٵ ְ ִ︮...(ַ 8580)
- [Ʈ]ٵ
Skill :  Discord(Seal) ( 80 70 )
[Ʈ]ٵ MAXHP(5219) extended to 5376
[Ʈ]ٵ DEF rise 5%
[Ʈ]ٵ MDEF rise 5%
[Ʈ]ٵ() ! x1
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 10%
[Ʈ]ٵ ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100) |
- []ī
Skill :  Inner Fire
[]ī MAXHP(6889) extended to 7096
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[] INT rise 20%
[] DEX rise 20%
[] SPD rise 20%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ INT rise 20%
[]Ҽ DEX rise 20%
[]Ҽ SPD rise 20%
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī INT rise 20%
[]ī DEX rise 20%
[]ī SPD rise 20%
[ڸ] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] INT rise 20%
[ڸ] DEX rise 20%
[ڸ] SPD rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[Ʈ]ٵ INT rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ DEX rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ SPD rise 20%
ġ []ī() ġѴ!
[]ī () ȸǾ: 17202 HP(6889 > 7096)
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(15) )(0 >>> 5/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2069 HP ȸ (13790 > 13790)
* []Ҽ SP ! 43 SP ȸ (608 > 618)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2345 HP ȸ (13790 > 13790)
* []Ҽ SP ! 44 SP ȸ (618 > 618)
- []Ҽ
Skill :  Armor Break
[]Ҽ MAXHP(13790) extended to 14204
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
559 Raid BossSeiren Norn(1183287 > 1182728)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 30%
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100) |
- []
Skill :  Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 1722 HP ( Ŀ 2)
(8020 > 6298)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
25 SP !(1835 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47300 > 47275)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 24876 HP(6298 > 10756)
51824 Raid BossSeiren Norn(1182728 > 1130904)
ġŸ! 3.5!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47275 > 47250)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 85326 HP(10756 > 10756)
177762 Raid BossSeiren Norn(1130904 > 953142)
ġŸ! 3.5!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47250 > 47225)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 85326 HP(10756 > 10756)
177762 Raid BossSeiren Norn(953142 > 775380)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47225 > 47200)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 24876 HP(10756 > 10756)
51824 Raid BossSeiren Norn(775380 > 723556)
ġŸ! 3.5!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47200 > 47175)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 85326 HP(10756 > 10756)
177762 Raid BossSeiren Norn(723556 > 545794)
Ҵ! 2!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47175 > 47150)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 49056 HP(10756 > 10756)
102199 Raid BossSeiren Norn(545794 > 443595)
ġŸ! 3.5!
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47150 > 47125)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 85326 HP(10756 > 10756)
177762 Raid BossSeiren Norn(443595 > 265833)
25 SP !(1848 > 1848) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47125 > 47100)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 24876 HP(10756 > 10756)
51824 Raid BossSeiren Norn(265833 > 214009)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 1.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] War Song !
[] Shout of Dragon !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* [] HP ! 753 HP ȸ (10756 > 10756)
* [] SP ! 129 SP ȸ (1848 > 1848)
- []
Skill :  War Song
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
[] TP rise 5%
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ TP rise 5%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī TP rise 5%
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] TP rise 5%
[ڸ] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[Ʈ]ٵ TP rise 5%
[Ʈ]ٵ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
[] Ragnarok !
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47100 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill :  Water Pile
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 [Ʈ]ٵ(5219 > 5219)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100) |
* []ī HP ! 497 HP ȸ (7096 > 7096)
* []ī SP ! 197 SP ȸ (2786 > 2811)
* []ī HP ! 710 HP ȸ (7096 > 7096)
* []ī SP ! 169 SP ȸ (2811 > 2811)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 62/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2131 HP ȸ (13790 > 14204)
* []Ҽ SP ! 43 SP ȸ (608 > 618)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2415 HP ȸ (14204 > 14204)
* []Ҽ SP ! 44 SP ȸ (618 > 618)
- []Ҽ
Skill :  Weapon Break
[]Ҽ MAXHP(14204) extended to 14630
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
571 Raid BossSeiren Norn(214009 > 213438)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 30%
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100) |
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 213438/15467000
SP : 47300/47800
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Social Knight
HP : 14204/14630
SP : 608/618
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 10756/10756
SP : 1848/1848
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Cardinal
HP : 7096/7096
SP : 2811/2811
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : High Druid
HP : 6933/7141
SP : 2679/2712
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
Job : Troubadour
HP : 5219/5376
SP : 1053/1093
TP : ||||||||||||||||||||
* [] HP ! 753 HP ȸ (10756 > 10756)
* [] SP ! 129 SP ȸ (1848 > 1848)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
- []ī
Skill :  Inner Fire
[]ī MAXHP(7096) extended to 7309
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[] INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[] DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[] SPD rise 20%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ DEX rise 20%
[]Ҽ SPD rise 20%
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī INT rise 20%
[]ī DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī SPD rise 20%
[ڸ] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ] SPD rise 20%
[Ʈ]ٵ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[Ʈ]ٵ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[Ʈ]ٵ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[Ʈ]ٵ SPD rise 20%
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(15) )(0 >>> 5/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47300 > 47800)
Raid BossSeiren Norn() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> -100/100)
* [ڸ] HP ! 500 HP ȸ (6933 > 7141)
* [ڸ] SP ! 108 SP ȸ (2679 > 2712)
* [ڸ] HP ! 500 HP ȸ (7141 > 7141)
* [ڸ] SP ! 136 SP ȸ (2712 > 2712)
- [ڸ]
Skill :  Holy Shield
[ڸ] MAXHP(7141) extended to 7355
[ڸ] DEF rise 5%
[ڸ] MDEF rise 5%
[]() ִ!
[Ʈ]ٵ() ִ!
[ڸ] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> -90/100)
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 376 HP ȸ (5219 > 5376)
* [Ʈ]ٵ SP ! 77 SP ȸ (1053 > 1093)
* [Ʈ]ٵ HP ! 323 HP ȸ (5376 > 5376)
[Ʈ]ٵ() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
- []
Skill :  Ragnarok
[] sacrifice 3442 HP ( Ŀ 2)
(10756 > 7314)
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
25 SP !(1765 > 1790) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss] [] () ȸǾ: 166304 HP(7314 > 10756)
346466 Raid BossSeiren Norn(213438 > -133028)
Raid BossSeiren Norn() ߴ.(TP )
Raid BossSeiren Norn TP down -10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn() 𰡸 ȴ.
Raid Box (Seiren Norn).
߸ ... Ⱦ...
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
[] ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100) |
ĥ ˷() ¸ߴ!
HP : 0/15467000
: 0/1
: 82594
| HP : 44573/45426
: 5/5
: 7428054
: 93/600
Raid Box (Seiren Norn) x 1
[] žӽ :+370 7428054 ( : 15596028)