α ּ

battle log*

this battle starts at
01/30 14:22:03
Raid - ð
հ : 116
: 38.7
HP : 3841680/3841680
հ : 300
: 60
HP : 36758/36758
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 500ŭ ߰.
(100 >>> 600)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 3683880/3683880
SP : 25800/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 78900/78900
SP : 1000/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 78900/78900
SP : 1000/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3859/3859
SP : 1522/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 2425/2425
SP : 2403/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 7168/7168
SP : 2330/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17686/17686
SP : 847/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5620/5620
SP : 4129/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
Relentless SP ! +10%
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9001 HP(7168 > 7168)
28127 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3683880 > 3655753)
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(1000 > 955)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4408 HP(7168 > 7168)
13773 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(78900 > 65127)
ġŸ! 3.9!
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(1000 > 955)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17188 HP(7168 > 7168)
53712 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(78900 > 25188)
: Two Hand Weapon
ũƼ !(+0.5)
: SubHatchet
Relentless ATK rise 88
Relentless ATK rise 65
Relentless DEF rise 214
Relentless MDEF rise 267
: Axe
Relentless ATK rise 644
Relentless ATK rise 255
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25755 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Field Battle

ִ , , ¦! Ķ! ϴ ༮ θ ڻ쳻ش!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .( Double Move )(0 >>> 150/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25800 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Shield Up

,!! ,ϴ! , !!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() з ڽ մ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon moved to front.
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 394 HP ȸ (5620 > 5620)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (4129 > 4129)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (2403 > 2403)
Skill : Spell Focus
() ӽ״!
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Double Magic Circle
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x2
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Call:Grand Dino
߼ +50%!
߼ ߷ +18%!
Grand Dino(A)() ߴ!
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -150/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 HP ! +17%
1 SP ! +12%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise 20%
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise 20%
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2279 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4763 HP(7168 > 7168)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2887293 > 2887293)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(955 > 910)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9526 HP(7168 > 7168)
29769 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(65127 > 35358)
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(955 > 910)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4763 HP(7168 > 7168)
14885 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(25188 > 10303)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Goblin Battle Tank(A)
Skill : Attack
Grand Dino(A)() ڸ߻() ״!
38 Grand Dino(A)(14403 > 14365)
Goblin Battle Tank(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- Goblin Battle Tank(B)
Skill : Attack
Grand Dino(A)() Relentless() ״!
38 Grand Dino(A)(14365 > 14327)
Goblin Battle Tank(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2887293/3683880
SP : 25755/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 35358/78900
SP : 910/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 10303/78900
SP : 910/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 14327/14403
SP : 1602/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3859/3859
SP : 1447/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 2425/2425
SP : 2403/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 7168/7168
SP : 2279/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17686/17686
SP : 497/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5620/5620
SP : 3829/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25755 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Rampage
286 (2425 > 2139)
DEF down 10%
MDEF down 10%
241 Grand Dino(A)(14327 > 14086)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 10%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 10%
267 ƴ(17686 > 17419)
ƴ DEF down 10%
ƴ MDEF down 10%
600 ݻ Relentless(2887293 > 2886693)
236 Relentless(7168 > 6932)
Relentless DEF down 10%
Relentless MDEF down 10%
267 ƴ(17419 > 17152)
ƴ DEF down 10%
ƴ MDEF down 10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (2403 > 2403)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2279 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4763 HP(6932 > 7168)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886693 > 2886693)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(910 > 865)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9526 HP(7168 > 7168)
29769 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(35358 > 5589)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(910 > 865)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 20958 HP(7168 > 7168)
65491 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(10303 > -55188)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)() ߴ.(TP )
Goblin Battle Tank(B) TP down -10%
Ƽ(5) 640 ġ .
mongsil() $ 2,880() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 656 HP ȸ (3859 > 3859)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 394 HP ȸ (5620 > 5620)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (3829 > 4119)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 14)
10 SP !(1703 > 1713) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(865 > 855)
2126 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(5589 > 3463)
10 SP !(1713 > 1723) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25745)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886693 > 2886693)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(1723 > 1733) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(855 > 845)
13056 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(3463 > -9593)
10 SP !(1733 > 1743) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(845 > 835)
2128 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(-9593 > -11721)
10 SP !(1743 > 1753) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(835 > 825)
2128 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(-11721 > -13849)
10 SP !(1753 > 1763) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25745 > 25735)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886693 > 2886693)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)() ߴ.(TP )
Goblin Battle Tank(A) TP down -10%
Ƽ(5) 640 ġ .
mongsil() $ 2,880() .
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 1440 HP ȸ (14086 > 14403)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Hardness
Grand Dino(A)() ܴ!
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD down 25%
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25735 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Monk(A)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
200 1(3859 > 3659)
Goblin Warrior(A)() ߴ.
281 (2139 > 1858)
Goblin Warrior(B)() ߴ.
600 ݻ Relentless(2886693 > 2886093)
189 Relentless(7168 > 6979)
Goblin Mage(A)() ߴ.
214 ƴ(17152 > 16938)
Goblin Mage(B)() ߴ.
Ҵ!! Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon .
0 ڸ߻(5620 > 5620)
Goblin Monk(B)() ߴ.
ܴ δ! -50% .
97 Grand Dino(A)(14403 > 14306)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise 20%
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise 20%
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2279 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 20958 HP(6979 > 7168)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886093 > 2886093)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Monk(A)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 56502 HP(7168 > 7168)
176567 Goblin Monk(A)(4520 > -172047)
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Warrior(A)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9404 HP(7168 > 7168)
29387 Goblin Warrior(A)(2670 > -26717)
45 SP !(2279 > 2324) : Goblin Warrior(B)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9404 HP(7168 > 7168)
29387 Goblin Warrior(B)(2670 > -26717)
45 SP !(2324 > 2330) : Goblin Mage(A)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14068 HP(7168 > 7168)
43961 Goblin Mage(A)(1950 > -42011)
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Goblin Mage(B)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14068 HP(7168 > 7168)
43961 Goblin Mage(B)(1950 > -42011)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Goblin Monk(B)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 56502 HP(7168 > 7168)
176567 Goblin Monk(B)(4520 > -172047)
Goblin Monk(A)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(A)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(B)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(A)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(B)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(B)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 612 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,200() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 394 HP ȸ (5620 > 5620)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (3769 > 4059)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 85/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Anubis
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 3
Anubis(A) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -400/100)
- Anubis(A)
Skill : Shout

Anubis(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2886093/3683880
SP : 25755/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 825/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 14306/14403
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3659/3859
SP : 1447/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 1858/2425
SP : 1763/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 7168/7168
SP : 2330/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 16938/17686
SP : 497/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5620/5620
SP : 3059/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
HP : 15448/15448
SP : 15448/15448
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- Anubis(A)
Skill : Shadow Abyss
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886093 > 2886093)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886093 > 2886093)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886093 > 2886093)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down to the limit! (220)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
Anubis(A)() ҸϿ.
Anubis(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2330 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 11094 HP(7168 > 7168)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886093 > 2886093)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (1763 > 1812)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* 1 HP ! 656 HP ȸ (3659 > 3859)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25710 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Kill Bite
Grand Dino(A)() () ״!
ܴ δ! -50% .
1442 Grand Dino(A)(14306 > 12864)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> -100/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(3859) extended to 7396
MAXHP(2425) extended to 5962
Relentless MAXHP(7168) extended to 10705
ƴ MAXHP(17686) extended to 21223
ڸ߻ MAXHP(5620) extended to 9157
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(14403) extended to 21477
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 28)
10 SP !(1112 > 1122) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25790)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886093 > 2886093)
10 SP !(1122 > 1132) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25790 > 25780)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886093 > 2886093)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(1132 > 1142) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25780 > 25770)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886093 > 2886093)
10 SP !(1142 > 1152) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25770 > 25760)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886093 > 2886093)
10 SP !(1152 > 1162) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25760 > 25750)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886093 > 2886093)
10 SP !(1162 > 1172) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25750 > 25740)
α и Ƴִ!
а ʴʴ ȴ!

,~! а~!!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886093 > 2886093)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 2148 HP ȸ (12864 > 15012)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise 20%
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise 20%
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25740 > 25695)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 11094 HP(7168 > 10705)
34669 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886093 > 2851424)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25695 > 25650)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 49265 HP(10705 > 10705)
153953 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2851424 > 2697471)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (1172 > 1221)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* 1 HP ! 1257 HP ȸ (3859 > 5116)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(7396) extended to 10933
MAXHP(5962) extended to 9499
Relentless MAXHP(10705) extended to 14242
ƴ MAXHP(21223) extended to 24760
ڸ߻ MAXHP(9157) extended to 12694
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(21477) extended to 28551
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2697471/3683880
SP : 25650/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 825/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 15012/28551
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
1 (casting)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 5116/10933
SP : 1522/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection (casting)
Job : Spell Master
HP : 1858/9499
SP : 1221/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 10705/14242
SP : 2189/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 16938/24760
SP : 457/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5620/12694
SP : 3059/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 2855 HP ȸ (15012 > 17867)
Grand Dino(A)() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 0/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 42)
10 SP !(521 > 531) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25650 > 25640)
2916 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2697471 > 2694555)
10 SP !(531 > 541) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25640 > 25630)
2917 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2694555 > 2691638)
10 SP !(541 > 551) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25630 > 25620)
2918 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2691638 > 2688720)
10 SP !(551 > 561) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25620 > 25610)
2918 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2688720 > 2685802)
10 SP !(561 > 571) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25610 > 25600)
2920 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2685802 > 2682882)
10 SP !(571 > 581) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25600 > 25590)
2920 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2682882 > 2679962)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25590 > 25545)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 49265 HP(10705 > 14242)
153953 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2679962 > 2526009)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise 20%
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise 20%
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25545 > 25500)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 49265 HP(14242 > 14242)
153953 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2526009 > 2372056)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25500 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Rampage
ܴ δ! -50% .
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(17867 > 17867)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 10%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 10%
175 (1858 > 1683)
DEF down 10%
MDEF down 10%
178 ƴ(16938 > 16760)
ƴ DEF down 10%
ƴ MDEF down 10%
ܴ δ! -50% .
81 Grand Dino(A)(17867 > 17786)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 10%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 10%
600 ݻ Relentless(2372056 > 2371456)
158 Relentless(14242 > 14084)
Relentless DEF down 10%
Relentless MDEF down 10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* 1 HP ! 1859 HP ȸ (5116 > 6975)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(10933) extended to 14470
MAXHP(9499) extended to 13036
Relentless MAXHP(14242) extended to 17779
ƴ MAXHP(24760) extended to 28297
ڸ߻ MAXHP(12694) extended to 16231
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(28551) extended to 35625
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (581 > 630)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 11094 HP(14084 > 17779)
34669 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2371456 > 2336787)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Skill : High Mana Recharge
() ȸǾ: 1202 SP(630 > 1832)
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Kill Bite
8387 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2336787 > 2328400)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2328400/3683880
SP : 25755/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 825/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 17786/35625
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 6975/14470
SP : 1447/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 1683/13036
SP : 1832/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 17779/17779
SP : 2189/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 16760/28297
SP : 437/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5620/16231
SP : 3059/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 49265 HP(17779 > 17779)
153953 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2328400 > 2174447)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1137 HP ȸ (5620 > 6757)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (3059 > 3349)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25710 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Shield Down

,!! ! غض!! д !!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() и ȴ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .( Double Move )(0 >>> 150/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25800 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(150 >>> 147/100)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Party Heal
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon () ȸǾ: 760 HP(2174447 > 2175207)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (1832 > 1881)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* 1 HP ! 2460 HP ȸ (6975 > 9435)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(14470) extended to 18007
MAXHP(13036) extended to 16573
Relentless MAXHP(17779) extended to 21316
ƴ MAXHP(28297) extended to 31834
ڸ߻ MAXHP(16231) extended to 19768
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(35625) extended to 42699
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25770 > 25725)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 49265 HP(17779 > 21316)
153953 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2175207 > 2021254)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1384 HP ȸ (6757 > 8141)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (2999 > 3289)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 85/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless SPD rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 56)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(1181 > 1191) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25715)
10263 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2021254 > 2010991)
10 SP !(1191 > 1201) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25715 > 25705)
3333 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2010991 > 2007658)
10 SP !(1201 > 1211) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25705 > 25695)
3334 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2007658 > 2004324)
10 SP !(1211 > 1221) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25695 > 25685)
3335 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2004324 > 2000989)
10 SP !(1221 > 1231) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25685 > 25675)
5063 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2000989 > 1995926)
10 SP !(1231 > 1241) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25675 > 25665)
3336 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(1995926 > 1992590)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Anubis
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 3
Anubis(B) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -400/100)
- Anubis(B)
Skill : Shout

Anubis(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 1992590/3683880
SP : 25665/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 825/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 17786/42699
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 9435/18007
SP : 1447/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 1683/16573
SP : 1241/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 21316/21316
SP : 2189/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 16760/31834
SP : 417/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 8141/19768
SP : 2289/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
HP : 16294/16294
SP : 16294/16294
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- Anubis(B)
Skill : Shadow Abyss
3602 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(1992590 > 1988988)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down to the limit! (220)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
3737 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(1988988 > 1985251)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down to the limit! (220)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
3828 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(1985251 > 1981423)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down to the limit! (220)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
Anubis(B)() ҸϿ.
Anubis(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 4270 HP ȸ (17786 > 22056)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25665 > 25620)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 65370 HP(21316 > 21316)
204281 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(1981423 > 1777142)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(18007) extended to 21544
MAXHP(16573) extended to 20110
Relentless MAXHP(21316) extended to 24853
ƴ MAXHP(31834) extended to 35371
ڸ߻ MAXHP(19768) extended to 23305
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(42699) extended to 49773
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* 1 HP ! 3662 HP ȸ (9435 > 13097)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (1241 > 1290)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25620 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Hit&Away
̻ ! ƿԴ...
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(22056 > 22056)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon moved to back.
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .( Double Move )(0 >>> 150/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25790 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ڼ ִ...(100%)(150 >>> 70/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 15660 HP(21316 > 24853)
48935 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(1777142 > 1728207)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 SPD rise to the maximum(500%).
STR rise 20%
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless SPD rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 70)
10 SP !(590 > 600) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25745)
3524 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(1728207 > 1724683)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(600 > 610) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25745 > 25735)
10935 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(1724683 > 1713748)
10 SP !(610 > 620) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25735 > 25725)
3526 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(1713748 > 1710222)
10 SP !(620 > 630) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25715)
3527 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(1710222 > 1706695)
10 SP !(630 > 640) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25715 > 25705)
3527 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(1706695 > 1703168)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(640 > 650) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25705 > 25695)
10939 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(1703168 > 1692229)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Charge
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25695 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 20/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 4977 HP ȸ (22056 > 27033)
Grand Dino(A)() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 69352 HP(24853 > 24853)
216723 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(1692229 > 1475506)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon (charging)
Rank : BOSS
HP : 1475506/3683880
SP : 25755/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 825/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A) (charging)
HP : 27033/49773
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 13097/21544
SP : 1447/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 1683/20110
SP : 650/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 2189/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 16760/35371
SP : 397/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 8141/23305
SP : 2289/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(16760 > 16765) : 1(13097 > 13092)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(16765 > 16772)
135 1(13092 > 12957)
1 ൿ . (84 >>> 134/100).
5 HP !(16772 > 16777) : (1683 > 1678)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(16777 > 16785)
141 (1678 > 1537)
ൿ . (58 >>> 108/100).
5 HP !(16785 > 16790) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(16790 > 16797)
600 ݻ Relentless(16797 > 16197)
128 Relentless(24848 > 24720)
Relentless ൿ . (48 >>> 97/100).
5 HP !(16197 > 16202) : ڸ߻(8141 > 8136)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(16202 > 16208)
110 ڸ߻(8136 > 8026)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-166 >>> -116/100).
5 HP !(16208 > 16213) : Grand Dino(A)(27033 > 27028)
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(16213 > 16221)
156 Grand Dino(A)(27028 > 26872)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (22 >>> 71/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* 1 HP ! 3662 HP ȸ (12957 > 16619)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(134 >>> 104/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (650 > 699)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(108 >>> 78/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 15660 HP(24720 > 24853)
48935 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(1475506 > 1426571)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Skill : High Mana Recharge
() ȸǾ: 1202 SP(699 > 1901)
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Kill Bite
9515 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(1426571 > 1417056)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25665)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 31451 HP(24853 > 24853)
98284 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(1417056 > 1318772)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Gobound

ȥ İ Ʊ ģ!
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
1() ִ!
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
34991 1(16619 > -18372)
35059 (1537 > -33522)
! 5% ߴ.
Relentless () ȸǾ: 31 HP(24853 > 24853)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 31 SP(2189 > 2220)
600 ݻ Relentless(1318772 > 1318172)
35053 Relentless(24853 > -10200)
35061 ƴ(16221 > -18840)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
35058 ڸ߻(8026 > -27032)
35054 Grand Dino(A)(26872 > -8182)
1() ߴ.(TP )
1 TP down -10%
() ߴ.(TP )
TP down -10%
Relentless() ߴ.(TP )
Relentless TP down -10%
ƴ() ߴ.(TP )
ƴ TP down -10%
ڸ߻() ߴ.(TP )
ڸ߻ TP down -10%
Grand Dino(A)() ߴ.(TP )
Grand Dino(A) TP down -10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .( Double Move )(0 >>> 150/100)
Raid - ð() ¸ߴ!
HP : 1318172/3859960
: 1/9
: 4718
HP : 0/174956
: 0/6
: 2322945
: 67/600
ȹ ġ : 9460
ȹ Funds : $ 6,960
žӽ :+180

žӽ :-1511

2322945 ( : 9337129)