α ּ

battle log*

this battle starts at
02/08 02:30:41
Raid - ð
հ : 116
: 38.7
HP : 3841680/3841680
հ : 300
: 60
HP : 42668/42668
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 500ŭ ߰.
(100 >>> 600)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 3683880/3683880
SP : 25800/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 78900/78900
SP : 1000/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 78900/78900
SP : 1000/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 8335/8335
SP : 612/612
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3859/3859
SP : 1522/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 7168/7168
SP : 2330/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17686/17686
SP : 847/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5620/5620
SP : 4129/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 0/100)
ũ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25800 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Field Battle

ִ , , ¦! Ķ! ϴ ༮ θ ڻ쳻ش!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .( Double Move )(0 >>> 150/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25800 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(150 >>> 147/100)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Darkness
103 1(3859 > 3756)
Ҵ!! Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon .
0 Relentless(7168 > 7168)
105 ƴ(17686 > 17581)
98 ũ(8335 > 8237)
ġŸ! 1.1!
112 ڸ߻(5620 > 5508)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 394 HP ȸ (5508 > 5620)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (4129 > 4129)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Double Magic Circle
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x2
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Call:Grand Dino
߼ +50%!
߼ ߷ +18%!
Grand Dino(A)() ߴ!
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -150/100)
- ũ
Skill : Pressure
ũ sacrifice 4585 HP (8237 > 3652)
èǾ !
ũ ATK rise 5%
ũ MATK rise 5%
ũ STR rise 50
ũ INT rise 50
ũ DEX rise 50
ũ SPD rise 50
ũ LUK rise 50
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 1366 HP(3652 > 5018)
5692 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3683880 > 3678188)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ . (40 >>> -16/100).
ũ () ȸǾ: 1613 HP(5018 > 6631)
6718 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(78900 > 72182)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)() ڷ з!
Goblin Battle Tank(A) ൿ . (79 >>> 23/100).
ġŸ! 2.5!
ũ () ȸǾ: 4071 HP(6631 > 8335)
16960 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(78900 > 61940)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)() ڷ з!
Goblin Battle Tank(B) ൿ . (79 >>> 23/100).
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> -65/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 HP ! +17%
1 SP ! +12%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise 20%
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise 20%
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ũ STR rise 20%
ũ INT rise 20%
ũ DEX rise 20%
ũ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Blood Rage
Relentless sacrifice 5736 HP ( Ŀ 2) (7168 > 1432)
Relentless SP ! +10%
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
ġŸ! 3.9!
45 SP !(2104 > 2149) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(1000 > 955)
Goblin Battle Tank(B) DEF down 5%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) MDEF down 5%
èǾ !
Relentless ATK rise 5%
Relentless MATK rise 5%
Relentless STR rise 50
Relentless INT rise 50
Relentless DEX rise 50
Relentless SPD rise 50
Relentless LUK rise 50
Relentless () ȸǾ: 7320 HP(1432 > 7168)
22874 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(61940 > 39066)
45 SP !(2149 > 2194) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(1000 > 955)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 1861 HP(7168 > 7168)
5815 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(72182 > 66367)
ġŸ! 3.9!
45 SP !(2194 > 2239) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(955 > 910)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 7596 HP(7168 > 7168)
23736 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(39066 > 15330)
45 SP !(2239 > 2284) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25680 > 25635)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 1291 HP(7168 > 7168)
4032 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3678188 > 3674156)
ġŸ! 3.9!
45 SP !(2284 > 2329) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(955 > 910)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 7131 HP(7168 > 7168)
22283 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(66367 > 44084)
45 SP !(2329 > 2330) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(910 > 865)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 1861 HP(7168 > 7168)
5815 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(44084 > 38269)
ġŸ! 3.9!
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(910 > 865)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 7596 HP(7168 > 7168)
23736 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(15330 > -8406)
ġŸ! 3.9!
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(865 > 820)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 7131 HP(7168 > 7168)
22283 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(38269 > 15986)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)() ߴ.(TP )
Goblin Battle Tank(B) TP down -10%
Ƽ(5) 640 ġ .
mongsil() $ 2,880() .
: Two Hand Weapon
ũƼ !(+0.5)
: SubHatchet
Relentless ATK rise 92
Relentless ATK rise 68
Relentless DEF rise 214
Relentless MDEF rise 267
: Axe
Relentless ATK rise 676
Relentless ATK rise 267
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2330 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
Relentless() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 80/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Shout of Dragon
Relentless sacrifice 4302 HP ( Ŀ 2) (7168 > 2866)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon moved to back.
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(1919 > 1964) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25635 > 25590)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 10239 HP(2866 > 7168)
31997 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3674156 > 3642159)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ . (56 >>> 32/100).
Goblin Battle Tank(A) moved to back.
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(1964 > 2009) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(820 > 775)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 22344 HP(7168 > 7168)
69823 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(15986 > -53837)
Goblin Battle Tank(A) ATK down 10%
Goblin Battle Tank(A) MATK down 10%
Goblin Battle Tank(A) DEF down 10%
Goblin Battle Tank(A) MDEF down 10%
Goblin Battle Tank(A) ൿ . (61 >>> 36/100).
Goblin Battle Tank(A)() ߴ.(TP )
Goblin Battle Tank(A) TP down -10%
Ƽ(5) 640 ġ .
mongsil() $ 2,880() .
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Shout of Dragon 7.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 40/100)
* 1 HP ! 656 HP ȸ (3756 > 3859)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 394 HP ȸ (5620 > 5620)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (3829 > 4119)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2009 > 2242)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2242 > 2056)
- Relentless
Skill : Battle Rage
Relentless sacrifice 2152 HP ( Ŀ 2) (7168 > 5016)
Relentless() ⿡ !
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Shout of Dragon 6.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 3642159/3683880
SP : 25590/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 8335/8335
SP : 562/612
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 14403/14403
SP : 1602/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
1 (casting)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3859/3859
SP : 1522/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 5016/7168
SP : 2056/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17581/17686
SP : 497/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5620/5620
SP : 3769/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 1440 HP ȸ (14403 > 14403)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Hardness
Grand Dino(A)() ܴ!
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD down 25%
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25590 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Stomp
157 1(3859 > 3702)
2% ! [Ÿ:Hybrid]
600 ݻ Relentless(3642159 > 3641559)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Relentless(5016 > 5016)
160 ƴ(17581 > 17421)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 ũ(8335 > 8335)
155 ڸ߻(5620 > 5465)
ܴ δ! -50% .
216 Grand Dino(A)(14403 > 14187)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .( Double Move )(0 >>> 150/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25800 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(150 >>> 147/100)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Party Heal
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon () ȸǾ: 1230 HP(3641559 > 3642789)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 1251 HP (8335 > 7084)
ۻ ! ȭ!
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7436 HP(7084 > 8335)
30980 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3642789 > 3611809)
ġŸ! 2.5!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 8066 HP(8335 > 8335)
33608 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3611809 > 3578201)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 3120 HP(8335 > 8335)
13000 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3578201 > 3565201)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2056 > 2289)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2289 > 2103)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise 20%
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise 20%
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ũ STR rise 20%
ũ INT rise 20%
ũ DEX rise 20%
ũ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 394 HP ȸ (5465 > 5620)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (3769 > 4059)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 85/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Anubis
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 3
Anubis(A) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -400/100)
- Anubis(A)
Skill : Shout

Anubis(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Anubis(A)
Skill : Shadow Abyss
2996 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3565201 > 3562205)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
3214 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3562205 > 3558991)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
3389 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3558991 > 3555602)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down to the limit! (220)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
Anubis(A)() ҸϿ.
Anubis(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 1251 HP (8335 > 7084)
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 5417 HP(7084 > 8335)
22567 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3555602 > 3533035)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 5411 HP(8335 > 8335)
22545 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3533035 > 3510490)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 5406 HP(8335 > 8335)
22522 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3510490 > 3487968)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Blood Rage
Relentless sacrifice 5736 HP ( Ŀ 2) (5016 > -720)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2063 > 2108) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25770 > 25725)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 20769 HP(-720 > 7168)
64902 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3487968 > 3423066)
45 SP !(2108 > 2153) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25680)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4721 HP(7168 > 7168)
14752 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3423066 > 3408314)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2153 > 2198) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25680 > 25635)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9441 HP(7168 > 7168)
29502 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3408314 > 3378812)
45 SP !(2198 > 2243) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25635 > 25590)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4721 HP(7168 > 7168)
14752 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3378812 > 3364060)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2243 > 2288) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25590 > 25545)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 20769 HP(7168 > 7168)
64902 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3364060 > 3299158)
45 SP !(2288 > 2330) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25545 > 25500)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4721 HP(7168 > 7168)
14752 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3299158 > 3284406)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25500 > 25455)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9441 HP(7168 > 7168)
29502 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3284406 > 3254904)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25455 > 25410)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 20769 HP(7168 > 7168)
64902 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3254904 > 3190002)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Shout of Dragon 5.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 3190002/3683880
SP : 25410/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 8335/8335
SP : 562/612
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 14187/14403
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3702/3859
SP : 1447/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 7168/7168
SP : 2330/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17421/17686
SP : 497/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5620/5620
SP : 3059/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25410 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 97/100)
* 1 HP ! 656 HP ȸ (3702 > 3859)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2330 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Battle Rage
Relentless sacrifice 2152 HP ( Ŀ 2) (7168 > 5016)
Relentless() ⿡ !
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Shout of Dragon 4.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Full Asist
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR rise 40
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT rise 40
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX rise 40
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD rise 40
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .( Double Move )(0 >>> 150/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25700 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(150 >>> 147/100)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Darkness
65 1(3859 > 3794)
2% ! [Ÿ:Magic]
! 5% ߴ.
Relentless () ȸǾ: 35 HP(5016 > 5051)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 35 SP(2144 > 2179)
600 ݻ Relentless(3190002 > 3189402)
70 Relentless(5051 > 4981)
66 ƴ(17421 > 17355)
62 ũ(8335 > 8273)
64 ڸ߻(5620 > 5556)
ܴ δ! -50% .
30 Grand Dino(A)(14187 > 14157)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(3859) extended to 7396
Relentless MAXHP(7168) extended to 10705
ƴ MAXHP(17686) extended to 21223
ũ MAXHP(8335) extended to 11872
ڸ߻ MAXHP(5620) extended to 9157
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(14403) extended to 21477
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 2148 HP ȸ (14157 > 16305)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2179 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Battle Rage
Relentless sacrifice 3212 HP ( Ŀ 2) (4981 > 1769)
Relentless() ⿡ !
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Shout of Dragon 3.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 1781 HP (8273 > 6492)
ۻ ! ȭ!
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 13575 HP(6492 > 11872)
56559 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3189402 > 3132843)
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 13540 HP(11872 > 11872)
56417 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3132843 > 3076426)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 5301 HP(11872 > 11872)
22086 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3076426 > 3054340)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise 20%
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise 20%
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ũ STR rise 20%
ũ INT rise 20%
ũ DEX rise 20%
ũ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2144 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 0/100)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 1781 HP (11872 > 10091)
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 5429 HP(10091 > 11872)
22620 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3054340 > 3031720)
Ҵ! 2!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 11016 HP(11872 > 11872)
45900 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3031720 > 2985820)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 5412 HP(11872 > 11872)
22549 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2985820 > 2963271)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Blood Rage
Relentless sacrifice 8564 HP ( Ŀ 2) (1769 > -6795)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
45 SP !(2104 > 2149) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25680 > 25635)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 5540 HP(-6795 > -1255)
17312 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2963271 > 2945959)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2149 > 2194) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25635 > 25590)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 23898 HP(-1255 > 10705)
74679 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2945959 > 2871280)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2194 > 2239) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25590 > 25545)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 23898 HP(10705 > 10705)
74679 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2871280 > 2796601)
45 SP !(2239 > 2284) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25545 > 25500)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 5540 HP(10705 > 10705)
17312 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2796601 > 2779289)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2284 > 2329) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25500 > 25455)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 23898 HP(10705 > 10705)
74679 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2779289 > 2704610)
45 SP !(2329 > 2330) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25455 > 25410)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 5540 HP(10705 > 10705)
17312 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2704610 > 2687298)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25410 > 25365)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 10940 HP(10705 > 10705)
34185 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2687298 > 2653113)
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25365 > 25320)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 5540 HP(10705 > 10705)
17312 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2653113 > 2635801)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Shout of Dragon 2.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2635801/3683880
SP : 25320/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 11872/11872
SP : 562/612
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 16305/21477
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3794/7396
SP : 1447/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 10705/10705
SP : 2330/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17355/21223
SP : 477/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5556/9157
SP : 3059/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25320 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Shield Up

,!! ,ϴ! , !!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() з ڽ մ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon moved to front.
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* 1 HP ! 1257 HP ȸ (3794 > 5051)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(7396) extended to 10933
Relentless MAXHP(10705) extended to 14242
ƴ MAXHP(21223) extended to 24760
ũ MAXHP(11872) extended to 15409
ڸ߻ MAXHP(9157) extended to 12694
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(21477) extended to 28551
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2330 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 0/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 2855 HP ȸ (16305 > 19160)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Ground Strike
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2635801 > 2635801)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ . (40 >>> 21/100).
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise 20%
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ũ STR rise 20%
ũ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ DEX rise 20%
ũ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 2312 HP (11872 > 9560)
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 5257 HP(9560 > 14817)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2635801 > 2635801)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 5257 HP(14817 > 15409)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2635801 > 2635801)
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 13396 HP(15409 > 15409)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2635801 > 2635801)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Ragnarok
Relentless sacrifice 22788 HP ( Ŀ 2) (10705 > -12083)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(1894 > 1939) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 208597 HP(-12083 > 14242)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2635801 > 2635801)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Shout of Dragon 1.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
Relentless ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (1939 > 2172)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2172 > 1986)
- Relentless
Skill : War Song
1 TP rise 5%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless TP rise 5%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ TP rise 5%
ƴ STR rise 30%
ũ TP rise 5%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ TP rise 5%
ڸ߻ STR rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) TP rise 5%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 30%
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Relentless Shout of Dragon !
Ragnarok 4.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 2312 HP (15409 > 13097)
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 5374 HP(13097 > 15409)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2635801 > 2635801)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 5374 HP(15409 > 15409)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2635801 > 2635801)
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 13688 HP(15409 > 15409)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2635801 > 2635801)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (1986 > 2219)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2219 > 2033)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* 1 HP ! 1859 HP ȸ (5051 > 6910)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25755 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Warrior(A)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
136 1(6910 > 6774)
Goblin Warrior(B)() ߴ.
600 ݻ Relentless(2635801 > 2635201)
171 Relentless(14242 > 14071)
Goblin Mage(A)() ߴ.
145 ƴ(17355 > 17210)
Goblin Warrior(C)() ߴ.
136 ũ(15409 > 15273)
Goblin Monk(A)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
140 ڸ߻(5556 > 5416)
Goblin Warrior(D)() ߴ.
ܴ δ! -50% .
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(19160 > 19160)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(10933) extended to 14470
Relentless MAXHP(14242) extended to 17779
ƴ MAXHP(24760) extended to 28297
ũ MAXHP(15409) extended to 18946
ڸ߻ MAXHP(12694) extended to 16231
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(28551) extended to 35625
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Mage(A)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2635201/3683880
SP : 25800/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Warrior(A)
HP : 2670/2670
SP : 550/550
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Warrior(B)
HP : 2670/2670
SP : 550/550
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Warrior(C)
HP : 2670/2670
SP : 550/550
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Monk(A)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 800/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Warrior(D)
HP : 2670/2670
SP : 550/550
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 15273/18946
SP : 562/612
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (105%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 19160/35625
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (105%)
1 (casting)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 6774/14470
SP : 1522/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (105%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica (charging)
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 14071/17779
SP : 2033/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (105%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17210/28297
SP : 437/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (105%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5416/16231
SP : 3059/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (105%)
- Relentless
Skill : Blood Rage
Relentless sacrifice 14224 HP ( Ŀ 2) (14071 > -153)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
0 Goblin Monk(A)(4520 > 4520)
Goblin Warrior(C)() Goblin Mage(A)() ״!
45 SP !(1993 > 2038) : Goblin Warrior(C)(550 > 505)
Goblin Warrior(C) DEF down 5%
Goblin Warrior(C) MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4947 HP(-153 > 4794)
15460 Goblin Warrior(C)(2670 > -12790)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2038 > 2083) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 10625 HP(4794 > 15419)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2635201 > 2635201)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2083 > 2128) : Goblin Warrior(A)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 19711 HP(15419 > 17779)
61594 Goblin Warrior(A)(2670 > -58924)
45 SP !(2128 > 2173) : Goblin Warrior(A)(505 > 460)
Goblin Warrior(A) DEF down 5%
Goblin Warrior(A) MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4947 HP(17779 > 17779)
15460 Goblin Warrior(A)(-58924 > -74384)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2173 > 2218) : Goblin Warrior(B)(550 > 505)
Goblin Warrior(B) DEF down 5%
Goblin Warrior(B) MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9470 HP(17779 > 17779)
29593 Goblin Warrior(B)(2670 > -26923)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(A)() ״!
45 SP !(2218 > 2263) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 5492 HP(17779 > 17779)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2635201 > 2635201)
45 SP !(2263 > 2308) : Goblin Warrior(C)(505 > 460)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4947 HP(17779 > 17779)
15460 Goblin Warrior(C)(-12790 > -28250)
Goblin Warrior(A)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(B)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(C)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 306 ġ .
mongsil() $ 600() .
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 3.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ DEX rise 20%
ũ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 2842 HP (15273 > 12431)
ۻ ! ȭ!
ġŸ! 2.5!
ũ () ȸǾ: 13325 HP(12431 > 18946)
55519 Goblin Monk(A)(4520 > -50999)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 5374 HP(18946 > 18946)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2635201 > 2635201)
ġŸ! 2.5!
ũ () ȸǾ: 601 HP(18946 > 18946)
2503 Goblin Monk(A)(-50999 > -53502)
ũ moved to front.
Goblin Monk(A)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 102 ġ .
mongsil() $ 200() .
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2308 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Head Hunt
Relentless sacrifice 5334 HP ( Ŀ 2) (17779 > 12445)
ġŸ! 4.4!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2635201 > 2635201)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2635201 > 2635201)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2635201 > 2635201)
ġŸ! 4.4!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2635201 > 2635201)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 2.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
Relentless War Song !
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 0/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1137 HP ȸ (5416 > 6553)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (3059 > 3349)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 2842 HP (18946 > 16104)
ۻ ! ȭ!
ũ () ȸǾ: 4177 HP(16104 > 18946)
17404 Goblin Warrior(D)(2670 > -14734)
ũ () ȸǾ: 241 HP(18946 > 18946)
1001 Goblin Warrior(D)(-14734 > -15735)
Ҵ! 2!
Goblin Warrior(D) DEF down 5%
Goblin Warrior(D) MDEF down 5%
ũ () ȸǾ: 481 HP(18946 > 18946)
2002 Goblin Warrior(D)(-15735 > -17737)
ũ moved to front.
Goblin Warrior(D)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 102 ġ .
mongsil() $ 200() .
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 3563 HP ȸ (19160 > 22723)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25710 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Rampage
170 ũ(18946 > 18776)
ũ DEF down 10%
ũ MDEF down 10%
ܴ δ! -50% .
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(22723 > 22723)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 10%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 10%
170 ũ(18776 > 18606)
ũ DEF down 10%
ũ MDEF down 10%
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
170 1(6774 > 6604)
1 DEF down 10%
1 MDEF down 10%
600 ݻ Relentless(2635201 > 2634601)
214 Relentless(12445 > 12231)
Relentless DEF down 10%
Relentless MDEF down 10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2084 > 2317)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2317 > 2131)
- Relentless
Skill : War Song
1 TP rise 5%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless TP rise 5%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ TP rise 5%
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ TP rise 5%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ TP rise 5%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) TP rise 5%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 30%
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 1.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* 1 HP ! 2460 HP ȸ (6604 > 9064)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(14470) extended to 18007
Relentless MAXHP(17779) extended to 21316
ƴ MAXHP(28297) extended to 31834
ũ MAXHP(18946) extended to 22483
ڸ߻ MAXHP(16231) extended to 19768
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(35625) extended to 42699
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Mage(A)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2634601/3683880
SP : 25800/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 18606/22483
SP : 562/612
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 22723/42699
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
1 (casting)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 9064/18007
SP : 1522/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 12231/21316
SP : 2131/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17210/31834
SP : 417/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 6553/19768
SP : 2999/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1384 HP ȸ (6553 > 7937)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (2999 > 3289)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 85/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2131 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless SPD rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Anubis
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 3
Anubis(B) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -400/100)
- Anubis(B)
Skill : Shout

Anubis(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Anubis(B)
Skill : Shadow Abyss
ġŸ! 1.1!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down to the limit! (220)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down to the limit! (220)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down to the limit! (220)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
2060 Goblin Mage(A)(1950 > -110)
Goblin Mage(A) STR down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) INT down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) DEX down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) LUK down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) SPD down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) ATK down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) MATK down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) DEF down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) MDEF down 20%
2512 Goblin Mage(A)(-110 > -2622)
Goblin Mage(A) STR down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) INT down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) DEX down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) LUK down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) SPD down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) ATK down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) MATK down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) DEF down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) MDEF down 20%
2874 Goblin Mage(A)(-2622 > -5496)
Goblin Mage(A) STR down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) INT down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) DEX down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) LUK down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) SPD down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) ATK down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) MATK down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) DEF down 20%
Goblin Mage(A) MDEF down 20%
Goblin Mage(A)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 102 ġ .
mongsil() $ 200() .
Anubis(B)() ҸϿ.
Anubis(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3373 HP (18606 > 15233)
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6509 HP(15233 > 21742)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6509 HP(21742 > 22483)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6509 HP(22483 > 22483)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Blood Rage
Relentless sacrifice 17054 HP ( Ŀ 2) (12231 > -4823)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
45 SP !(2104 > 2149) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 6937 HP(-4823 > 2114)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2149 > 2194) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 28394 HP(2114 > 21316)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
45 SP !(2194 > 2239) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25665)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 6937 HP(21316 > 21316)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
45 SP !(2239 > 2284) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25665 > 25620)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 6937 HP(21316 > 21316)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2284 > 2329) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25620 > 25575)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 28394 HP(21316 > 21316)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2329 > 2330) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25575 > 25530)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 13248 HP(21316 > 21316)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25530 > 25485)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 13248 HP(21316 > 21316)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25485 > 25440)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 6937 HP(21316 > 21316)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Relentless Ragnarok !
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2330 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3373 HP (22483 > 19110)
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6509 HP(19110 > 22483)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 16526 HP(22483 > 22483)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 16526 HP(22483 > 22483)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(18007) extended to 21544
Relentless MAXHP(21316) extended to 24853
ƴ MAXHP(31834) extended to 35371
ũ MAXHP(22483) extended to 26020
ڸ߻ MAXHP(19768) extended to 23305
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(42699) extended to 49773
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* 1 HP ! 3662 HP ȸ (9064 > 12726)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 4977 HP ȸ (22723 > 27700)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Armor Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 30%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 30%
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25440 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Kill Bite
Grand Dino(A)() Relentless() ״!
ܴ δ! -50% .
950 Grand Dino(A)(27700 > 26750)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> -100/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2634601/3683880
SP : 25800/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 22483/26020
SP : 562/612
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 26750/49773
SP : 1522/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
1 (casting)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 12726/21544
SP : 1522/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica (charging)
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 21316/24853
SP : 2144/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17210/35371
SP : 397/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 7937/23305
SP : 2289/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
- Relentless
Skill : Ragnarok
Relentless sacrifice 39766 HP ( Ŀ 2) (21316 > -18450)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(1894 > 1939) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 277413 HP(-18450 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
Relentless War Song !
Relentless ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (1939 > 2172)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2172 > 1986)
- Relentless
Skill : War Song
1 TP rise 5%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless TP rise 5%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ TP rise 5%
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ TP rise 5%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ TP rise 5%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) TP rise 5%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 4.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 SPD rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless SPD rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ SPD rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (22483 > 18580)
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6806 HP(18580 > 25386)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6806 HP(25386 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6806 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (1986 > 2219)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2219 > 2033)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Blood Rage
Relentless sacrifice 19884 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > 4969)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(1993 > 2038) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14324 HP(4969 > 19293)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2038 > 2083) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25665)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 30848 HP(19293 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
45 SP !(2083 > 2128) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25665 > 25620)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 7653 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
45 SP !(2128 > 2173) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25620 > 25575)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 7653 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2173 > 2218) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25575 > 25530)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14475 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2218 > 2263) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25530 > 25485)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14475 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
45 SP !(2263 > 2308) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25485 > 25440)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 7653 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
45 SP !(2308 > 2330) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25440 > 25395)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 7653 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 3.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(17210 > 17215) : 1(12726 > 12721)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(17215 > 17223)
141 1(12721 > 12580)
1 ൿ . (84 >>> 134/100).
5 HP !(17223 > 17228) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(17228 > 17237)
600 ݻ Relentless(17237 > 16637)
175 Relentless(24848 > 24673)
Relentless ൿ . (60 >>> 110/100).
5 HP !(16637 > 16642) : ũ(26020 > 26015)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(16642 > 16649)
139 ũ(26015 > 25876)
ũ ൿ . (81 >>> 130/100).
5 HP !(16649 > 16654) : ڸ߻(7937 > 7932)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(16654 > 16660)
116 ڸ߻(7932 > 7816)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-166 >>> -116/100).
5 HP !(16660 > 16665) : Grand Dino(A)(26750 > 26745)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(16665 > 16670)
87 Grand Dino(A)(26745 > 26658)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (72 >>> 121/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 4977 HP ȸ (26658 > 31635)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Poison Acid Breath
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon () ߵƴ! !
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 35%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 35%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ȮǾ!( + 100)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* 1 HP ! 3662 HP ȸ (12580 > 16242)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(134 >>> 104/100)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (25876 > 21973)
ۻ ! ȭ!
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 17270 HP(21973 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 17270 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 17270 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2330 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Head Hunt
Relentless sacrifice 7456 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24673 > 17217)
ġŸ! 4.4!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
Ҵ! 2!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 2.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
Relentless War Song !
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ũ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2634601/3683880
SP : 25395/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 26020/26020
SP : 562/612
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (115%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 31635/49773
SP : 1522/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (115%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 16242/21544
SP : 1462/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (115%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 17217/24853
SP : 2084/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (115%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 16670/35371
SP : 347/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (115%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 7816/23305
SP : 2289/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (115%)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6806 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 17270 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6806 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2084 > 2317)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2317 > 2131)
- Relentless
Skill : War Song
1 TP rise 5%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless TP rise 5%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ TP rise 5%
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ TP rise 5%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ TP rise 5%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) TP rise 5%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 1.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* 1 HP ! 3662 HP ȸ (16242 > 19904)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1462 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ũ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2131 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6906 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 17520 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6906 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(16670 > 16675) : 1(19904 > 19899)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(16675 > 16683)
141 1(19899 > 19758)
1 ൿ . (47 >>> 96/100).
5 HP !(16683 > 16688) : Relentless(17217 > 17212)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(16688 > 16697)
600 ݻ Relentless(16697 > 16097)
175 Relentless(17212 > 17037)
Relentless ൿ . (72 >>> 122/100).
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(16097 > 16102) : ũ(26020 > 26015)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 14 HP(16102 > 16116)
278 ũ(26015 > 25737)
ũ ൿ . (15 >>> 65/100).
5 HP !(16116 > 16121) : ڸ߻(7816 > 7811)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(16121 > 16127)
116 ڸ߻(7811 > 7695)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (50 >>> 99/100).
5 HP !(16127 > 16132) : Grand Dino(A)(31635 > 31630)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(16132 > 16137)
87 Grand Dino(A)(31630 > 31543)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (67 >>> 117/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 4977 HP ȸ (31543 > 36520)
Grand Dino(A)() ڼ ִ...(100%)(117 >>> 17/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Blood Rage
Relentless sacrifice 19884 HP ( Ŀ 2) (17037 > -2847)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2104 > 2149) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25395 > 25350)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 32572 HP(-2847 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
45 SP !(2149 > 2194) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25350 > 25305)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8081 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2194 > 2239) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25305 > 25260)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 15284 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2239 > 2284) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25260 > 25215)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 32572 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2284 > 2329) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25215 > 25170)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 15284 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
45 SP !(2329 > 2330) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25170 > 25125)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8081 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25125 > 25080)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 32572 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25080 > 25035)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8081 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Relentless Ragnarok !
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (7695 > 9327)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (2289 > 2579)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
* 1 HP ! 3662 HP ȸ (19758 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1462 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
- 1
Skill : Regeneration
1 HP ! +5%
Relentless HP ! +5%
ƴ HP ! +5%
ũ HP ! +5%
ڸ߻ HP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) HP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ũ HP ! 1301 HP ȸ (25737 > 26020)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
ۻ ! ȭ!
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 17520 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 17520 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 17520 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2634601 > 2634601)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 1243 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2330 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 1165 HP ȸ (9327 > 10492)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (10492 > 12124)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (2229 > 2519)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 4
Arch Angel(A) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -300/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2634601/3683880
SP : 25035/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 26020/26020
SP : 562/612
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (120%)
Grand Dino(A) (charging)
HP : 36520/49773
SP : 1522/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (120%)
Arch Angel(A)
HP : 16558/16558
SP : 16558/16558
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 1422/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (120%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica (charging)
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 2144/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (120%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 16137/35371
SP : 297/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (120%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 12124/23305
SP : 2019/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (120%)
- Arch Angel(A)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Arch Angel(A)
Skill : Holy Fortune
1 MAXSP(1522) extended to 1903
1 () ȸǾ: 9598 HP(21544 > 21544)
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEF rise 25%
1 MDEF rise 25%
Relentless MAXSP(2330) extended to 2913
Relentless () ȸǾ: 7998 HP(24853 > 24853)
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEF rise 25%
Relentless MDEF rise 25%
ƴ MAXSP(847) extended to 1059
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8348 HP(16137 > 24485)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 50%
ƴ DEF rise 25%
ƴ MDEF rise 25%
ũ MAXSP(612) extended to 765
ũ () ȸǾ: 7998 HP(26020 > 26020)
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ DEF rise 25%
ũ MDEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MAXSP(4129) extended to 5161
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 8348 HP(12124 > 20472)
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MAXSP(1602) extended to 2003
Grand Dino(A) () ȸǾ: 7998 HP(36520 > 44518)
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(A)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25035 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2520 Ծ. (2634601 > 2632081)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Monk(B)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
86 1(21544 > 21458)
Goblin Mage(B)() ߴ.
600 ݻ Relentless(2632081 > 2631481)
109 Relentless(24853 > 24744)
Goblin Mage(C)() ߴ.
92 ƴ(24485 > 24393)
Goblin Monk(C)() ߴ.
86 ũ(26020 > 25934)
Goblin Warrior(E)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
89 ڸ߻(20472 > 20383)
Goblin Warrior(F)() ߴ.
ܴ δ! -50% .
42 Grand Dino(A)(44518 > 44476)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Ragnarok
Relentless sacrifice 39766 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24744 > -15022)
45 SP !(1894 > 1939) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 69822 HP(-15022 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2631481 > 2631481)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
Relentless War Song !
Relentless ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Relentless HP ! 1243 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 291 SP ȸ (1939 > 2230)
* Relentless SP ߻! -233 SP ȸ (2230 > 1997)
- Relentless
Skill : War Song
1 TP rise 5%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless TP rise 5%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ TP rise 5%
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ TP rise 5%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ TP rise 5%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) TP rise 5%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 4.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* 1 HP ! 4740 HP ȸ (21458 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 228 SP ȸ (1422 > 1650)
* 1 SP ߻! 20 SP ȸ (1650 > 1670)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* ũ HP ! 1301 HP ȸ (25934 > 26020)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
ۻ ! ȭ!
ũ () ȸǾ: 4426 HP(22117 > 26020)
18442 Goblin Warrior(E)(2670 > -15772)
ũ () ȸǾ: 5619 HP(26020 > 26020)
23411 Goblin Monk(C)(4520 > -18891)
ũ () ȸǾ: 4426 HP(26020 > 26020)
18442 Goblin Warrior(F)(2670 > -15772)
ũ moved to front.
Goblin Monk(C)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(E)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(F)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 306 ġ .
mongsil() $ 600() .
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ũ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 1243 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 437 SP ȸ (1997 > 2434)
* Relentless SP ߻! -233 SP ȸ (2434 > 2201)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Kill Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2631481 > 2631481)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ HP ! 1769 HP ȸ (24393 > 26162)
* ƴ SP ! 53 SP ȸ (297 > 350)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(26162 > 26167) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
1() ִ!
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(26167 > 26175)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 1(21539 > 21539)
1 ൿ . (53 >>> 103/100).
Ҵ!! ƴ .
0 Relentless(24853 > 24853)
Relentless ൿ . (62 >>> 112/100).
5 HP !(26175 > 26180) : ũ(26020 > 26015)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(26180 > 26187)
139 ũ(26015 > 25876)
ũ ൿ . (71 >>> 120/100).
5 HP !(26187 > 26192) : ڸ߻(20383 > 20378)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(26192 > 26198)
116 ڸ߻(20378 > 20262)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-196 >>> -147/100).
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(26198 > 26203) : Grand Dino(A)(44476 > 44471)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(26203 > 26212)
173 Grand Dino(A)(44471 > 44298)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (15 >>> 64/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* ũ HP ! 1301 HP ȸ (25876 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 38 SP ȸ (562 > 600)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
ۻ ! ȭ!
Goblin Monk(B) DEF down 5%
Goblin Monk(B) MDEF down 5%
ũ () ȸǾ: 5679 HP(22117 > 26020)
23662 Goblin Monk(B)(4520 > -19142)
ũ () ȸǾ: 907 HP(26020 > 26020)
3777 Goblin Monk(B)(-19142 > -22919)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(C)() ״!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7005 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2631481 > 2631481)
ũ moved to front.
Goblin Monk(B)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 102 ġ .
mongsil() $ 200() .
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Mage(B)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(C)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2631481/3683880
SP : 25755/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 26020/26020
SP : 600/765
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (125%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 44298/49773
SP : 1522/2003
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (125%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21539/21544
SP : 1520/1903
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (125%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica (charging)
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 2201/2913
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (125%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 26212/35371
SP : 300/1059
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (125%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 20262/23305
SP : 2019/5161
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (125%)
- Relentless
Skill : Blood Rage
Relentless sacrifice 19884 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > 4969)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(C)() ״!
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2161 > 2206) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 15488 HP(4969 > 20457)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2631481 > 2631481)
45 SP !(2206 > 2251) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25665)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8183 HP(20457 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2631481 > 2631481)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2251 > 2296) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25665 > 25620)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 33021 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2631481 > 2631481)
45 SP !(2296 > 2341) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25620 > 25575)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8183 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2631481 > 2631481)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(B)() ״!
45 SP !(2341 > 2386) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25575 > 25530)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8183 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2631481 > 2631481)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(B)() ״!
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2386 > 2431) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25530 > 25485)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 33021 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2631481 > 2631481)
45 SP !(2431 > 2476) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25485 > 25440)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8183 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2631481 > 2631481)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(C)() ״!
45 SP !(2476 > 2521) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25440 > 25395)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8183 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2631481 > 2631481)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 3.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* 1 HP ! 4740 HP ȸ (21539 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 324 SP ȸ (1520 > 1844)
* 1 SP ߻! 20 SP ȸ (1844 > 1864)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(103 >>> 73/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ũ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 1243 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 437 SP ȸ (2521 > 2913)
* Relentless SP ߻! -233 SP ȸ (2913 > 2680)
- Relentless
Skill : Head Hunt
Relentless sacrifice 7456 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > 17397)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2631481 > 2631481)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2631481 > 2631481)
ġŸ! 4.4!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2631481 > 2631481)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2631481 > 2631481)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 2.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
Relentless War Song !
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 0/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 7466 HP ȸ (44298 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 100 SP ȸ (1522 > 1622)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ũ HP ! 1301 HP ȸ (26020 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 38 SP ȸ (600 > 638)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(C)() ״!
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7005 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2631481 > 2631481)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7005 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2631481 > 2631481)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(B)() ״!
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 17768 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2631481 > 2631481)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25395 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2520 Ծ. (2631481 > 2628961)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Rampage
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
109 ڸ߻(20262 > 20153)
ڸ߻ DEF down 10%
ڸ߻ MDEF down 10%
600 ݻ Relentless(2628961 > 2628361)
134 Relentless(17397 > 17263)
Relentless DEF down 10%
Relentless MDEF down 10%
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
109 ڸ߻(20153 > 20044)
ڸ߻ DEF down 10%
ڸ߻ MDEF down 10%
106 ũ(26020 > 25914)
ũ DEF down 10%
ũ MDEF down 10%
ܴ δ! -50% .
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 10%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* 1 HP ! 4740 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 324 SP ȸ (1804 > 1903)
* 1 SP ߻! 20 SP ȸ (1903 > 1903)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Relentless HP ! 1243 HP ȸ (17263 > 18506)
* Relentless SP ! 437 SP ȸ (2620 > 2913)
* Relentless SP ߻! -233 SP ȸ (2913 > 2680)
- Relentless
Skill : War Song
1 TP rise 5%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless TP rise 5%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ TP rise 5%
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ TP rise 5%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ TP rise 5%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) TP rise 5%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 1.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ũ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ HP ! 1769 HP ȸ (26212 > 27981)
* ƴ SP ! 106 SP ȸ (300 > 406)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* ũ HP ! 1301 HP ȸ (25914 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 77 SP ȸ (638 > 715)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(C)() ״!
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7104 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2628361 > 2628361)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(B)() ״!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7104 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2628361 > 2628361)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(B)() ״!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7104 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2628361 > 2628361)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Goblin Mage(C)() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 80/100)
Goblin Mage(B)() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 80/100)
* Relentless HP ! 1243 HP ȸ (18506 > 19749)
* Relentless SP ! 583 SP ȸ (2680 > 2913)
* Relentless SP ߻! -233 SP ȸ (2913 > 2680)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(27981 > 27986) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(27986 > 27994)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (40 >>> 89/100).
5 HP !(27994 > 27999) : Relentless(19749 > 19744)
! 5% ߴ.
Relentless () ȸǾ: 83 HP(19744 > 19827)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 83 SP(2680 > 2763)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(27999 > 28008)
600 ݻ Relentless(28008 > 27408)
175 Relentless(19827 > 19652)
Relentless ൿ . (32 >>> 82/100).
5 HP !(27408 > 27413) : ũ(26020 > 26015)
ƴ DEX rise 15%
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(27413 > 27420)
139 ũ(26015 > 25876)
ũ ൿ . (15 >>> 65/100).
5 HP !(27420 > 27425) : ڸ߻(20044 > 20039)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(27425 > 27431)
116 ڸ߻(20039 > 19923)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (19 >>> 68/100).
5 HP !(27431 > 27436) : Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49768)
ܴ δ! -50% .
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(27436 > 27441)
87 Grand Dino(A)(49768 > 49681)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (62 >>> 112/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Mage(B) (casting)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(C) (casting)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2628361/3683880
SP : 25800/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 25876/26020
SP : 715/765
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (130%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49681/49773
SP : 1622/2003
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (130%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21398/21544
SP : 1753/1903
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (130%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica (charging)
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 19652/24853
SP : 2763/2913
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (130%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 27441/35371
SP : 356/1059
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (130%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 19923/23305
SP : 2019/5161
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (130%)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 7466 HP ȸ (49681 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 200 SP ȸ (1622 > 1822)
Grand Dino(A)() ڼ ִ...(100%)(112 >>> 12/100)
* 1 HP ! 4740 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 419 SP ȸ (1753 > 1903)
* 1 SP ߻! 20 SP ȸ (1903 > 1903)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Blood Rage
Relentless sacrifice 19884 HP ( Ŀ 2) (19652 > -232)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(C)() ״!
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
45 SP !(2723 > 2768) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8285 HP(-232 > 8053)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2628361 > 2628361)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(C)() ״!
45 SP !(2768 > 2813) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8285 HP(8053 > 16338)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2628361 > 2628361)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2813 > 2858) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25665)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 15692 HP(16338 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2628361 > 2628361)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2858 > 2903) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25665 > 25620)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 15692 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2628361 > 2628361)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(C)() ״!
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2903 > 2913) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25620 > 25575)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 33469 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2628361 > 2628361)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(B)() ״!
45 SP !(2913 > 2913) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25575 > 25530)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8285 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2628361 > 2628361)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(B)() ״!
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2913 > 2913) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25530 > 25485)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 15692 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2628361 > 2628361)
45 SP !(2913 > 2913) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25485 > 25440)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8285 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2628361 > 2628361)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Relentless Ragnarok !
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
- 1
Skill : Regeneration
1 HP ! +5%
Relentless HP ! +5%
ƴ HP ! +5%
ũ HP ! +5%
ڸ߻ HP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) HP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ũ HP ! 2602 HP ȸ (25876 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 77 SP ȸ (715 > 765)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(B)() ״!
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7104 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2628361 > 2628361)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(C)() ״!
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 18015 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2628361 > 2628361)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7104 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2628361 > 2628361)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 2331 HP ȸ (19923 > 22254)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 516 SP ȸ (2019 > 2535)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (22254 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 362 SP ȸ (2535 > 2897)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
- Goblin Mage(C)
Skill : Thunder Bolt
Ҵ!! Goblin Mage(C) .
0 Relentless(24853 > 24853)
Goblin Mage(C) ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
- Goblin Mage(B)
Skill : Thunder Bolt
2% ! [Ÿ:Magic]
600 ݻ Relentless(1950 > 1350)
231 Relentless(24853 > 24622)
Goblin Mage(B) ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24622 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 583 SP ȸ (2913 > 2913)
* Relentless SP ߻! -233 SP ȸ (2913 > 2680)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 2331 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 516 SP ȸ (2547 > 3063)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 362 SP ȸ (3063 > 3425)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 4
Arch Angel(B) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -300/100)
- Arch Angel(B)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Arch Angel(B)
Skill : Holy Fortune
1 MAXSP(1903) extended to 2379
1 () ȸǾ: 9809 HP(21544 > 21544)
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEF rise 25%
1 MDEF rise 25%
Relentless MAXSP(2913) extended to 3641
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(24853 > 24853)
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEF rise 25%
Relentless MDEF rise 25%
ƴ MAXSP(1059) extended to 1324
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(27441 > 35371)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEF rise 25%
ƴ MDEF rise 25%
ũ MAXSP(765) extended to 956
ũ () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(26020 > 26020)
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ DEF rise 25%
ũ MDEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MAXSP(5161) extended to 6451
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(23305 > 23305)
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MAXSP(2003) extended to 2504
Grand Dino(A) () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(B)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Ragnarok
Relentless sacrifice 39766 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > -14913)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2430 > 2475) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25440 > 25395)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 141543 HP(-14913 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2628361 > 2628361)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
Relentless War Song !
Relentless ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Mage(B)
HP : 1350/1950
SP : 890/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(C)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 890/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2628361/3683880
SP : 25395/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 26020/26020
SP : 765/956
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (130%)
Grand Dino(A) (charging)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 1822/2504
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (130%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 1803/2379
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (130%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 2475/3641
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (130%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 35371/35371
SP : 356/1324
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (130%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23305/23305
SP : 2925/6451
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (130%)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 728 SP ȸ (2475 > 3203)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3203 > 2912)
- Relentless
Skill : War Song
1 TP rise 5%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless TP rise 5%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ TP rise 5%
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ TP rise 5%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ TP rise 5%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) TP rise 5%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 4.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* ũ HP ! 2602 HP ȸ (26020 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 96 SP ȸ (765 > 861)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(C)() ״!
ۻ ! ȭ!
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 18266 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2628361 > 2628361)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7205 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2628361 > 2628361)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(B)() ״!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7205 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2628361 > 2628361)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 523 SP ȸ (1803 > 2326)
* 1 SP ߻! 24 SP ȸ (2326 > 2350)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25395 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2520 Ծ. (2628361 > 2625841)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Monk(D)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
83 1(21544 > 21461)
Goblin Mage(D)() ߴ.
600 ݻ Relentless(2625841 > 2625241)
105 Relentless(24853 > 24748)
Goblin Mage(E)() ߴ.
89 ƴ(35371 > 35282)
Goblin Monk(E)() ߴ.
83 ũ(26020 > 25937)
Goblin Warrior(G)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
86 ڸ߻(23305 > 23219)
Goblin Mage(F)() ߴ.
ܴ δ! -50% .
41 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49732)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ũ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Kill Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2625241 > 2625241)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24748 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 728 SP ȸ (2912 > 3640)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3640 > 3349)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* ƴ HP ! 3537 HP ȸ (35282 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 132 SP ȸ (356 > 488)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
Ҵ!! ƴ .
0 1(21461 > 21461)
1 ൿ . (26 >>> 76/100).
Ҵ!! ƴ .
0 Relentless(24853 > 24853)
Relentless ൿ . (44 >>> 94/100).
Ҵ!! ƴ .
0 ũ(25937 > 25937)
ũ ൿ . (71 >>> 120/100).
Ҵ!! ƴ .
0 ڸ߻(23219 > 23219)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-227 >>> -177/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Grand Dino(A)(49732 > 49727)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(35371 > 35371)
87 Grand Dino(A)(49727 > 49640)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (10 >>> 59/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* ũ HP ! 2602 HP ȸ (25937 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 96 SP ȸ (861 > 956)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
Goblin Warrior(G)() Goblin Mage(F)() ״!
ۻ ! ȭ!
Ҵ! 2!
ũ () ȸǾ: 9137 HP(22117 > 26020)
38071 Goblin Warrior(G)(2670 > -35401)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(C)() ״!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7204 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2625241 > 2625241)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(D)() ״!
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 18263 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2625241 > 2625241)
ũ moved to front.
Goblin Warrior(G)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 102 ġ .
mongsil() $ 200() .
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Blood Rage
Relentless sacrifice 19884 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > 4969)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
45 SP !(3309 > 3354) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8387 HP(4969 > 13356)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2625241 > 2625241)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3354 > 3399) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 33918 HP(13356 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2625241 > 2625241)
Goblin Monk(D)() Goblin Mage(C)() ״!
45 SP !(3399 > 3444) : Goblin Monk(D)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 7062 HP(24853 > 24853)
22067 Goblin Monk(D)(4520 > -17547)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
45 SP !(3444 > 3489) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25665)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8387 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2625241 > 2625241)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(F)() ״!
45 SP !(3489 > 3534) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25665 > 25620)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8387 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2625241 > 2625241)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(C)() ״!
45 SP !(3534 > 3579) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25620 > 25575)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8387 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2625241 > 2625241)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
45 SP !(3579 > 3624) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25575 > 25530)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8387 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2625241 > 2625241)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(E)() ״!
ġŸ! 4.4!
ġŸ !
45 SP !(3624 > 3641) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25530 > 25485)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 33918 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2625241 > 2625241)
Goblin Monk(D)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 102 ġ .
mongsil() $ 200() .
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 3.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21461 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 523 SP ȸ (2290 > 2379)
* 1 SP ߻! 24 SP ȸ (2379 > 2379)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 728 SP ȸ (3641 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
- Relentless
Skill : Head Hunt
Relentless sacrifice 7456 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > 17397)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2625241 > 2625241)
Ҵ! 2!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2625241 > 2625241)
Ҵ! 2!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2625241 > 2625241)
ġŸ! 4.4!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2625241 > 2625241)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 2.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
Relentless War Song !
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ũ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Mage(B)
HP : 1350/1950
SP : 890/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(C)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 890/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(D)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(E)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Monk(E)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 800/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(F)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2625241/3683880
SP : 25485/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 26020/26020
SP : 956/956
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (135%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49640/49773
SP : 1822/2504
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (135%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 2319/2379
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (135%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 17397/24853
SP : 3290/3641
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (135%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 35371/35371
SP : 438/1324
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (135%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23219/23305
SP : 2925/6451
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (135%)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 9955 HP ȸ (49640 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 250 SP ȸ (1822 > 2072)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ũ HP ! 2602 HP ȸ (26020 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 96 SP ȸ (956 > 956)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(D)() ״!
ۻ ! ȭ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7204 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2625241 > 2625241)
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 18263 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2625241 > 2625241)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(C)() ״!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7204 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2625241 > 2625241)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (17397 > 19882)
* Relentless SP ! 728 SP ȸ (3290 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
- Relentless
Skill : War Song
1 TP rise 5%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless TP rise 5%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ TP rise 5%
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ TP rise 5%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ TP rise 5%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) TP rise 5%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 1.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25485 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2520 Ծ. (2625241 > 2622721)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Monk(F)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
83 1(21544 > 21461)
Goblin Warrior(H)() ߴ.
600 ݻ Relentless(2622721 > 2622121)
104 Relentless(19882 > 19778)
Goblin Monk(G)() ߴ.
88 ƴ(35371 > 35283)
Goblin Monk(H)() ߴ.
83 ũ(26020 > 25937)
Goblin Mage(G)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
85 ڸ߻(23219 > 23134)
Goblin Mage(H)() ߴ.
ܴ δ! -50% .
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49773)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21461 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 523 SP ȸ (2319 > 2379)
* 1 SP ߻! 24 SP ȸ (2379 > 2379)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
Goblin Mage(C)() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
Goblin Mage(B)() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* ƴ HP ! 3537 HP ȸ (35283 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 132 SP ȸ (438 > 570)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ũ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ũ HP ! 2602 HP ȸ (25937 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 143 SP ȸ (956 > 956)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
ۻ ! ȭ!
ũ () ȸǾ: 5856 HP(22117 > 26020)
24399 Goblin Monk(F)(4520 > -19879)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7303 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2622121 > 2622121)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(E)() ״!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7303 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2622121 > 2622121)
ũ moved to front.
Goblin Monk(F)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 102 ġ .
mongsil() $ 200() .
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 15 HP(35371 > 35371)
282 1(21539 > 21257)
1 ൿ . (13 >>> 62/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(19778 > 19773)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
175 Relentless(19773 > 19598)
Relentless ൿ . (96 >>> 146/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ũ(26020 > 26015)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(34776 > 34783)
139 ũ(26015 > 25876)
ũ ൿ . (15 >>> 65/100).
5 HP !(34783 > 34788) : ڸ߻(23134 > 23129)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34788 > 34794)
116 ڸ߻(23129 > 23013)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-12 >>> 38/100).
ƴ Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (57 >>> 106/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (19598 > 22083)
* Relentless SP ! 910 SP ȸ (3350 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(146 >>> 76/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 9955 HP ȸ (49773 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 376 SP ȸ (2072 > 2448)
Grand Dino(A)() ڼ ִ...(100%)(107 >>> 6/100)
- Goblin Monk(E)
Skill : Armor Break
ܴ δ! -50% .
34 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49739)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 30%
Goblin Monk(E) ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Goblin Mage(C)
Skill : Attack Asist
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK rise 25
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK rise 25
Goblin Mage(B) ATK rise 25
Goblin Mage(B) MATK rise 25
Goblin Mage(C) ATK rise 25
Goblin Mage(C) MATK rise 25
Goblin Mage(D) ATK rise 25
Goblin Mage(D) MATK rise 25
Goblin Mage(E) ATK rise 25
Goblin Mage(E) MATK rise 25
Goblin Monk(E) ATK rise 25
Goblin Monk(E) MATK rise 25
Goblin Mage(F) ATK rise 25
Goblin Mage(F) MATK rise 25
Goblin Warrior(H) ATK rise 25
Goblin Warrior(H) MATK rise 25
Goblin Monk(G) ATK rise 25
Goblin Monk(G) MATK rise 25
Goblin Monk(H) ATK rise 25
Goblin Monk(H) MATK rise 25
Goblin Mage(G) ATK rise 25
Goblin Mage(G) MATK rise 25
Goblin Mage(H) ATK rise 25
Goblin Mage(H) MATK rise 25
Goblin Mage(C) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- Goblin Mage(B)
Skill : Speed Asist
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD rise 60
Goblin Mage(B) SPD rise 60
Goblin Mage(C) SPD rise 60
Goblin Mage(D) SPD rise 60
Goblin Mage(E) SPD rise 60
Goblin Monk(E) SPD rise 60
Goblin Mage(F) SPD rise 60
Goblin Warrior(H) SPD rise 60
Goblin Monk(G) SPD rise 60
Goblin Monk(H) SPD rise 60
Goblin Mage(G) SPD rise 60
Goblin Mage(H) SPD rise 60
Goblin Mage(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Mage(B)
HP : 1350/1950
SP : 860/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(C)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 840/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(D)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(E)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Monk(E)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 770/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(F)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(G)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(H)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2622121/3683880
SP : 25800/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Warrior(H)
HP : 2670/2670
SP : 550/550
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Monk(G)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 800/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Monk(H)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 800/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 25876/26020
SP : 956/956
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (140%)
Grand Dino(A) (charging)
HP : 49739/49773
SP : 2448/2504
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (140%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21257/21544
SP : 2229/2379
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (140%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica (charging)
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 22083/24853
SP : 3350/3641
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (140%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34794/35371
SP : 520/1324
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (140%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23013/23305
SP : 2925/6451
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (140%)
- Relentless
Skill : Blood Rage
Relentless sacrifice 19884 HP ( Ŀ 2) (22083 > 2199)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(G)() ״!
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3310 > 3355) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 34366 HP(2199 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2622121 > 2622121)
Goblin Monk(G)() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
45 SP !(3355 > 3400) : Goblin Monk(G)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 7147 HP(24853 > 24853)
22332 Goblin Monk(G)(4520 > -17812)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(B)() ״!
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3400 > 3445) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 34366 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2622121 > 2622121)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(3445 > 3490) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25665)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 16100 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2622121 > 2622121)
45 SP !(3490 > 3535) : Goblin Monk(G)(755 > 710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 7147 HP(24853 > 24853)
22332 Goblin Monk(G)(-17812 > -40144)
Goblin Warrior(H)() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3535 > 3580) : Goblin Warrior(H)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 21889 HP(24853 > 24853)
68401 Goblin Warrior(H)(2670 > -65731)
45 SP !(3580 > 3625) : Goblin Warrior(H)(505 > 460)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 5430 HP(24853 > 24853)
16969 Goblin Warrior(H)(-65731 > -82700)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3625 > 3641) : Goblin Monk(H)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 28696 HP(24853 > 24853)
89675 Goblin Monk(H)(4520 > -85155)
Goblin Warrior(H)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(G)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(H)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 306 ġ .
mongsil() $ 600() .
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Relentless Ragnarok !
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* ũ HP ! 2602 HP ȸ (25876 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 143 SP ȸ (956 > 956)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(E)() ״!
ۻ ! ȭ!
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 18511 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2622121 > 2622121)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(F)() ״!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7303 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2622121 > 2622121)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(F)() ״!
Ҵ! 2!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 14775 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2622121 > 2622121)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Goblin Mage(F)() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 80/100)
Goblin Mage(E)() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 80/100)
Goblin Mage(D)() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 80/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21257 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 642 SP ȸ (2229 > 2379)
* 1 SP ߻! 24 SP ȸ (2379 > 2379)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 910 SP ȸ (3641 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 2331 HP ȸ (23013 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 968 SP ȸ (2925 > 3893)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 452 SP ȸ (3893 > 4345)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ũ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Double Magic Circle
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x2
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
- Goblin Mage(F)
Skill : Ice Spear
Grand Dino(A)() ƴ() ״!
Goblin Mage(F) Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49739 > 49739)
ܴ δ! -50% .
52 Grand Dino(A)(49739 > 49687)
Goblin Mage(F) Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49687 > 49687)
Goblin Mage(F) ൿ .(0 >>> -5/100)
- Goblin Mage(E)
Skill : Ice Spear
Goblin Mage(E) Ǿ.
0 ũ(26020 > 26020)
1% ! [Ӽ:Ice]
106 ũ(26020 > 25914)
Goblin Mage(E) Ǿ.
0 ũ(25914 > 25914)
Goblin Mage(E) ൿ .(0 >>> -5/100)
- Goblin Mage(D)
Skill : Thunder Bolt
203 ڸ߻(23305 > 23102)
Goblin Mage(D) ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* ũ HP ! 2602 HP ȸ (25914 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 143 SP ȸ (956 > 956)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7303 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2622121 > 2622121)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 18511 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2622121 > 2622121)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(H)() ״!
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 18511 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2622121 > 2622121)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Ragnarok
Relentless sacrifice 39766 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > -14913)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3100 > 3145) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25665 > 25620)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 317516 HP(-14913 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2622121 > 2622121)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
Relentless War Song !
Relentless ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 910 SP ȸ (3145 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
- Relentless
Skill : War Song
1 TP rise 5%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless TP rise 5%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ TP rise 5%
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ TP rise 5%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ TP rise 5%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) TP rise 5%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 4.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Mage(B)
HP : 1350/1950
SP : 860/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(C)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 840/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(D)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 890/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(E)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 940/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Monk(E)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 770/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(F)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 940/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(G)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(H)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2622121/3683880
SP : 25620/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 26020/26020
SP : 956/956
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (145%)
Grand Dino(A) (charging)
HP : 49687/49773
SP : 2448/2504
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (145%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 2319/2379
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (145%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 3350/3641
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (145%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34794/35371
SP : 520/1324
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (145%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23102/23305
SP : 4045/6451
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (145%)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25620 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2520 Ծ. (2622121 > 2619601)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Kill Bite
Grand Dino(A)() 1() ״!
ܴ δ! -50% .
929 Grand Dino(A)(49687 > 48758)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> -100/100)
* ƴ HP ! 3537 HP ȸ (34794 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 199 SP ȸ (520 > 719)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 642 SP ȸ (2319 > 2379)
* 1 SP ߻! 24 SP ȸ (2379 > 2379)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Kill Bite
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(G)() ״!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 910 SP ȸ (3350 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (99 >>> 149/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
175 Relentless(24848 > 24673)
Relentless ൿ . (38 >>> 88/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ũ(26020 > 26015)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(34776 > 34783)
139 ũ(26015 > 25876)
ũ ൿ . (71 >>> 120/100).
Ҵ!! ƴ .
0 ڸ߻(23102 > 23102)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (58 >>> 107/100).
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(34783 > 34788) : Grand Dino(A)(48758 > 48753)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(34788 > 34797)
173 Grand Dino(A)(48753 > 48580)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (4 >>> 54/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ũ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ũ HP ! 2602 HP ȸ (25876 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 191 SP ȸ (956 > 956)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(F)() ״!
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7402 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(C)() ״!
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 18759 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(D)() ״!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7402 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 2331 HP ȸ (23102 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 1290 SP ȸ (4045 > 5335)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 452 SP ȸ (5335 > 5787)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(108 >>> 101/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Blood Rage
Relentless sacrifice 19884 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24673 > 4789)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(B)() ״!
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3310 > 3355) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 34815 HP(4789 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(D)() ״!
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(3355 > 3400) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 16303 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(C)() ״!
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(3400 > 3445) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25665)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 16303 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
45 SP !(3445 > 3490) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25665 > 25620)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8590 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(C)() ״!
45 SP !(3490 > 3535) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25620 > 25575)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8590 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(F)() ״!
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(3535 > 3580) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25575 > 25530)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 16303 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(G)() ״!
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3580 > 3625) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25530 > 25485)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 34815 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(3625 > 3641) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25485 > 25440)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 16303 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 3.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
- Goblin Monk(E)
Skill : Weapon Break
Grand Dino(A)() Relentless() ״!
Goblin Monk(E) Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(48580 > 48580)
Grand Dino(A) ATK down 30%
Grand Dino(A) MATK down 30%
Goblin Monk(E) ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Goblin Mage(G)() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 80/100)
Goblin Mage(H)() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 80/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1092 SP ȸ (3641 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
- Relentless
Skill : Head Hunt
Relentless sacrifice 7456 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > 17397)
ġŸ! 4.4!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
ġŸ! 4.4!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Ҵ! 2!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 2.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
Relentless War Song !
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 0/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 2331 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 1290 SP ȸ (5437 > 6451)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 452 SP ȸ (6451 > 6451)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
Goblin Mage(B)() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 80/100)
Goblin Mage(C)() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 80/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 4
Arch Angel(C) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -300/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Mage(B) (casting)
HP : 1350/1950
SP : 860/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(C) (casting)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 840/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(D)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 890/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(E)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 940/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Monk(E)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 740/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(F)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 940/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(G) (casting)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(H) (casting)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2619601/3683880
SP : 25440/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 26020/26020
SP : 956/956
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (145%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 48580/49773
SP : 2448/2504
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (145%)
Arch Angel(C)
HP : 17087/17087
SP : 17087/17087
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21398/21544
SP : 2229/2379
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (145%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 17397/24853
SP : 3290/3641
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (145%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34797/35371
SP : 669/1324
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (145%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23305/23305
SP : 5951/6451
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (145%)
- Arch Angel(C)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(C) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Arch Angel(C)
Skill : Holy Fortune
1 MAXSP(2379) extended to 2974
1 () ȸǾ: 9809 HP(21398 > 21544)
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEF rise 25%
1 MDEF rise 25%
Relentless MAXSP(3641) extended to 4551
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(17397 > 24853)
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEF rise 25%
Relentless MDEF rise 25%
ƴ MAXSP(1324) extended to 1655
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(34797 > 35371)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEF rise 25%
ƴ MDEF rise 25%
ũ MAXSP(956) extended to 1195
ũ () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(26020 > 26020)
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ DEF rise 25%
ũ MDEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MAXSP(6451) extended to 8064
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(23305 > 23305)
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MAXSP(2504) extended to 3130
Grand Dino(A) () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(48580 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(C)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(C) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- Goblin Mage(G)
Skill : Thunder Bolt
Goblin Mage(G) Ǿ.
0 ƴ(35371 > 35371)
Goblin Mage(G) ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
- Goblin Mage(H)
Skill : Thunder Bolt
1() ִ!
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 1(21544 > 21544)
Goblin Mage(H) ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 9955 HP ȸ (49773 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 626 SP ȸ (2448 > 3074)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Poison Acid Breath
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 35%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 35%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ȮǾ!( + 100)
2586 Goblin Mage(B)(1350 > -1236)
Goblin Mage(B) () ߵƴ! !
Goblin Mage(B) DEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(B) MDEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(B)() ȮǾ!( + 100)
2586 Goblin Mage(C)(1950 > -636)
Goblin Mage(C) () ߵƴ! !
Goblin Mage(C) DEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(C) MDEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(C)() ȮǾ!( + 100)
2586 Goblin Mage(D)(1950 > -636)
Goblin Mage(D) () ߵƴ! !
Goblin Mage(D) DEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(D) MDEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(D)() ȮǾ!( + 100)
2586 Goblin Mage(E)(1950 > -636)
Goblin Mage(E) () ߵƴ! !
Goblin Mage(E) DEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(E) MDEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(E)() ȮǾ!( + 100)
2040 Goblin Monk(E)(4520 > 2480)
Goblin Monk(E) () ߵƴ! !
Goblin Monk(E) DEF down 35%
Goblin Monk(E) MDEF down 35%
Goblin Monk(E)() ȮǾ!( + 100)
2586 Goblin Mage(F)(1950 > -636)
Goblin Mage(F) () ߵƴ! !
Goblin Mage(F) DEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(F) MDEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(F)() ȮǾ!( + 100)
2586 Goblin Mage(G)(1950 > -636)
Goblin Mage(G) () ߵƴ! !
Goblin Mage(G) DEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(G) MDEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(G)() ȮǾ!( + 100)
2586 Goblin Mage(H)(1950 > -636)
Goblin Mage(H) () ߵƴ! !
Goblin Mage(H) DEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(H) MDEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(H)() ȮǾ!( + 100)
Goblin Mage(B)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(C)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(D)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(E)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(F)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(G)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(H)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 714 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,400() .
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* ũ HP ! 2602 HP ȸ (26020 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 239 SP ȸ (956 > 1195)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7402 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7402 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
Ҵ! 2!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 14973 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 952 SP ȸ (2229 > 2974)
* 1 SP ߻! 30 SP ȸ (2974 > 2974)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ũ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1365 SP ȸ (3290 > 4551)
* Relentless SP ߻! -364 SP ȸ (4551 > 4187)
- Relentless
Skill : War Song
1 TP rise 5%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless TP rise 5%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ TP rise 5%
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ TP rise 5%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ TP rise 5%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) TP rise 5%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 1.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* ƴ HP ! 3537 HP ȸ (35371 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 331 SP ȸ (669 > 1000)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* ũ HP ! 2602 HP ȸ (26020 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 239 SP ȸ (1195 > 1195)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7502 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7502 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7502 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ SPD rise 15%
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (47 >>> 96/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
175 Relentless(24848 > 24673)
Relentless ൿ . (91 >>> 140/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ũ(26020 > 26015)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(34776 > 34783)
139 ũ(26015 > 25876)
ũ ൿ . (15 >>> 65/100).
5 HP !(34783 > 34788) : ڸ߻(23305 > 23300)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34788 > 34794)
116 ڸ߻(23300 > 23184)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-190 >>> -140/100).
ƴ Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (22 >>> 71/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Monk(E)
HP : 2480/4520
SP : 740/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2619601/3683880
SP : 25440/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 25876/26020
SP : 1195/1195
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (150%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 3074/3130
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (150%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21398/21544
SP : 2914/2974
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (150%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24673/24853
SP : 4187/4551
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (150%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34794/35371
SP : 950/1655
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (150%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23184/23305
SP : 5951/8064
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (150%)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24673 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1365 SP ȸ (4187 > 4551)
* Relentless SP ߻! -364 SP ȸ (4551 > 4187)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(141 >>> 70/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 952 SP ȸ (2914 > 2974)
* 1 SP ߻! 30 SP ȸ (2974 > 2974)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
Goblin Monk(E)() 358 Ծ. (2480 > 2122)
- Goblin Monk(E)
Skill : Armor Break
Grand Dino(A)() ƴ() ״!
Goblin Monk(E) Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 30%
Goblin Monk(E) ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Blood Rage
Relentless sacrifice 19884 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > 4969)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(4147 > 4192) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25440 > 25395)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 36313 HP(4969 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
45 SP !(4192 > 4237) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25395 > 25350)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8958 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(4237 > 4282) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25350 > 25305)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17003 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
45 SP !(4282 > 4327) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25305 > 25260)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8958 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
45 SP !(4327 > 4372) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25260 > 25215)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8958 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
45 SP !(4372 > 4417) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25215 > 25170)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8958 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
45 SP !(4417 > 4462) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25170 > 25125)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8958 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(4462 > 4507) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25125 > 25080)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 36313 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Relentless Ragnarok !
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* ũ HP ! 2602 HP ȸ (25876 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 239 SP ȸ (1195 > 1195)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
ۻ ! ȭ!
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 19009 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7502 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7502 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ũ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 9955 HP ȸ (49773 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 626 SP ȸ (3074 > 3130)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Ground Strike
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ . (35 >>> 23/100).
Grand Dino(A) Ǿ.
0 Goblin Monk(E)(2122 > 2122)
Goblin Monk(E) ൿ . (27 >>> -3/100).
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1365 SP ȸ (4507 > 4551)
* Relentless SP ߻! -364 SP ȸ (4551 > 4187)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* ũ HP ! 2602 HP ȸ (26020 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 239 SP ȸ (1195 > 1195)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7502 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 19009 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7502 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Ragnarok
Relentless sacrifice 39766 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > -14913)
45 SP !(3937 > 3982) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25080 > 25035)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 77882 HP(-14913 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
Relentless War Song !
Relentless ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1365 SP ȸ (3982 > 4551)
* Relentless SP ߻! -364 SP ȸ (4551 > 4187)
- Relentless
Skill : War Song
1 TP rise 5%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless TP rise 5%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ TP rise 5%
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ TP rise 5%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ TP rise 5%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) TP rise 5%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 4.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 952 SP ȸ (2914 > 2974)
* 1 SP ߻! 30 SP ȸ (2974 > 2974)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Regeneration
1 HP ! +5%
Relentless HP ! +5%
ƴ HP ! +5%
ũ HP ! +5%
ڸ߻ HP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) HP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ HP ! 5306 HP ȸ (34794 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 331 SP ȸ (950 > 1281)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (23 >>> 72/100).
Ҵ!! ƴ .
0 Relentless(24853 > 24853)
Relentless ൿ . (92 >>> 141/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : ũ(26020 > 26015)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
139 ũ(26015 > 25876)
ũ ൿ . (60 >>> 110/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : ڸ߻(23184 > 23179)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(35371 > 35371)
116 ڸ߻(23179 > 23063)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (16 >>> 65/100).
ƴ Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (14 >>> 63/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Monk(E)
HP : 2122/4520
SP : 710/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2619601/3683880
SP : 25035/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 25876/26020
SP : 1195/1195
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (155%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 3130/3130
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (155%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21398/21544
SP : 2874/2974
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (155%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 4187/4551
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (155%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 35371/35371
SP : 1231/1655
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (155%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23063/23305
SP : 5951/8064
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (155%)
* Relentless HP ! 3728 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1365 SP ȸ (4187 > 4551)
* Relentless SP ߻! -364 SP ȸ (4551 > 4187)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(142 >>> 71/100)
* ũ HP ! 3903 HP ȸ (25876 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 239 SP ȸ (1195 > 1195)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7602 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7602 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 19259 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2619601 > 2619601)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25035 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2640 Ծ. (2619601 > 2616961)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Monk(I)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
84 1(21398 > 21314)
Goblin Monk(J)() ߴ.
600 ݻ Relentless(2616961 > 2616361)
106 Relentless(24853 > 24747)
Goblin Monk(K)() ߴ.
90 ƴ(35371 > 35281)
Goblin Warrior(I)() ߴ.
Ҵ!! Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon .
0 ũ(26020 > 26020)
Goblin Mage(I)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
87 ڸ߻(23063 > 22976)
Goblin Monk(L)() ߴ.
ܴ δ! -50% .
41 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49732)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Blood Rage
Relentless sacrifice 19884 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24747 > 4863)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(4147 > 4192) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17213 HP(4863 > 22076)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2616361 > 2616361)
Goblin Warrior(I)() Goblin Monk(J)() ״!
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(4192 > 4237) : Goblin Warrior(I)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 22744 HP(22076 > 24853)
71075 Goblin Warrior(I)(2670 > -68405)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(4237 > 4282) : Goblin Monk(K)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 13994 HP(24853 > 24853)
43731 Goblin Monk(K)(4520 > -39211)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(4282 > 4327) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17213 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2616361 > 2616361)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(J)() ״!
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(4327 > 4372) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25665)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 36774 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2616361 > 2616361)
45 SP !(4372 > 4417) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25665 > 25620)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9063 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2616361 > 2616361)
45 SP !(4417 > 4462) : Goblin Monk(K)(755 > 710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 7401 HP(24853 > 24853)
23128 Goblin Monk(K)(-39211 > -62339)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(J)() ״!
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(4462 > 4507) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25620 > 25575)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 36774 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2616361 > 2616361)
Goblin Monk(K)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(I)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 204 ġ .
mongsil() $ 400() .
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 3.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* 1 HP ! 6894 HP ȸ (21314 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 952 SP ȸ (2874 > 2974)
* 1 SP ߻! 30 SP ȸ (2974 > 2974)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 3496 HP ȸ (22976 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 1613 SP ȸ (5951 > 7564)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 565 SP ȸ (7564 > 8064)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ũ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
* Relentless HP ! 3728 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1593 SP ȸ (4507 > 4551)
* Relentless SP ߻! -364 SP ȸ (4551 > 4187)
- Relentless
Skill : Head Hunt
Relentless sacrifice 7456 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > 17397)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2616361 > 2616361)
Ҵ! 2!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2616361 > 2616361)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2616361 > 2616361)
ġŸ! 4.4!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2616361 > 2616361)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 2.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
Relentless War Song !
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 0/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 12443 HP ȸ (49732 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 783 SP ȸ (3130 > 3130)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ũ HP ! 3903 HP ȸ (26020 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 299 SP ȸ (1195 > 1195)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
ۻ ! ȭ!
ġŸ! 2.5!
Goblin Monk(L) DEF down 5%
Goblin Monk(L) MDEF down 5%
ũ () ȸǾ: 15464 HP(22117 > 26020)
64430 Goblin Monk(L)(4520 > -59910)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(I)() ״!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 7601 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2616361 > 2616361)
ũ () ȸǾ: 276 HP(26020 > 26020)
1149 Goblin Monk(L)(-59910 > -61059)
ũ moved to front.
Goblin Monk(L)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 102 ġ .
mongsil() $ 200() .
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Goblin Monk(E)() 324 Ծ. (2122 > 1798)
- Goblin Monk(E)
Skill : Weapon Break
62 ũ(26020 > 25958)
ũ ATK down 30%
ũ MATK down 30%
Goblin Monk(E) ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 3496 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 2016 SP ȸ (7714 > 8064)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 565 SP ȸ (8064 > 8064)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 4
Arch Angel(D) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -300/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Monk(E)
HP : 1798/4520
SP : 680/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Monk(J)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 800/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(I)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2616361/3683880
SP : 25575/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Monk(I)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 800/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 25958/26020
SP : 1195/1195
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (155%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 3130/3130
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (155%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 2824/2974
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (155%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 17397/24853
SP : 4127/4551
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (155%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 35281/35371
SP : 1231/1655
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (155%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23305/23305
SP : 7564/8064
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (155%)
Arch Angel(D)
HP : 17087/17087
SP : 17087/17087
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- Arch Angel(D)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(D) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Arch Angel(D)
Skill : Holy Fortune
1 MAXSP(2974) extended to 3718
1 () ȸǾ: 9809 HP(21544 > 21544)
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEF rise 25%
1 MDEF rise 25%
Relentless MAXSP(4551) extended to 5689
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(17397 > 24853)
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEF rise 25%
Relentless MDEF rise 25%
ƴ MAXSP(1655) extended to 2069
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(35281 > 35371)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEF rise 25%
ƴ MDEF rise 25%
ũ MAXSP(1195) extended to 1494
ũ () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(25958 > 26020)
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ DEF rise 25%
ũ MDEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MAXSP(8064) extended to 10080
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(23305 > 23305)
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MAXSP(3130) extended to 3913
Grand Dino(A) () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(D)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(D) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* 1 HP ! 6894 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 1376 SP ȸ (2824 > 3718)
* 1 SP ߻! 38 SP ȸ (3718 > 3718)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* ƴ HP ! 5306 HP ȸ (35371 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 517 SP ȸ (1231 > 1748)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Relentless HP ! 3728 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1991 SP ȸ (4127 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
- Relentless
Skill : War Song
1 TP rise 5%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless TP rise 5%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ TP rise 5%
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ TP rise 5%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ TP rise 5%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) TP rise 5%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 1.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (99 >>> 149/100).
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ () ȸǾ: 18 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
350 Relentless(24848 > 24498)
Relentless ൿ . (63 >>> 112/100).
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ũ(26020 > 26015)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 14 HP(34776 > 34790)
278 ũ(26015 > 25737)
ũ ൿ . (95 >>> 144/100).
5 HP !(34790 > 34795) : ڸ߻(23305 > 23300)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34795 > 34801)
116 ڸ߻(23300 > 23184)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-239 >>> -190/100).
5 HP !(34801 > 34806) : Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49768)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(34806 > 34811)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49768 > 49768)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (55 >>> 105/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ũ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ũ HP ! 3903 HP ȸ (25737 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 374 SP ȸ (1195 > 1494)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
ۻ ! ȭ!
ġŸ! 2.5!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 15361 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2616361 > 2616361)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6043 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2616361 > 2616361)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(I)() ״!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6043 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2616361 > 2616361)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 3728 HP ȸ (24498 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1991 SP ȸ (5234 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(113 >>> 42/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 12443 HP ȸ (49768 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 978 SP ȸ (3130 > 3913)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Armor Bite
Goblin Monk(I)() Goblin Monk(J)() ״!
1742 Goblin Monk(I)(4520 > 2778)
Goblin Monk(I) DEF down 30%
Goblin Monk(I) MDEF down 30%
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25575 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2640 Ծ. (2616361 > 2613721)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Mage(J)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
1() ִ!
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 1(21398 > 21398)
Goblin Monk(M)() ߴ.
600 ݻ Relentless(2613721 > 2613121)
105 Relentless(24853 > 24748)
Goblin Monk(N)() ߴ.
89 ƴ(34811 > 34722)
Goblin Mage(K)() ߴ.
Ҵ!! Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon .
0 ũ(26020 > 26020)
Goblin Mage(L)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
86 ڸ߻(23184 > 23098)
Goblin Mage(M)() ߴ.
ܴ δ! -50% .
40 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49733)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Blood Rage
Relentless sacrifice 19884 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24748 > 4864)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(J)() ״!
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
45 SP !(5194 > 5239) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9168 HP(4864 > 14032)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2613121 > 2613121)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(5239 > 5284) : Goblin Monk(N)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14164 HP(14032 > 24853)
44261 Goblin Monk(N)(4520 > -39741)
Goblin Monk(I)() Goblin Mage(L)() ״!
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(5284 > 5329) : Goblin Monk(I)(800 > 755)
Goblin Monk(I) DEF down 5%
Goblin Monk(I) MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 15519 HP(24853 > 24853)
48495 Goblin Monk(I)(2778 > -45717)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(5329 > 5374) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 37236 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2613121 > 2613121)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(J)() ״!
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(5374 > 5419) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25665)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 37236 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2613121 > 2613121)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(L)() ״!
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(5419 > 5464) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25665 > 25620)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 37236 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2613121 > 2613121)
45 SP !(5464 > 5509) : Goblin Monk(I)(755 > 710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8210 HP(24853 > 24853)
25655 Goblin Monk(I)(-45717 > -71372)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(5509 > 5554) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25620 > 25575)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17423 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2613121 > 2613121)
Goblin Monk(I)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(N)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 204 ġ .
mongsil() $ 400() .
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Relentless Ragnarok !
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
- Goblin Monk(J)
Skill : Armor Break
Grand Dino(A)() ڸ߻() ״!
Goblin Monk(J) Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49733 > 49733)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 30%
Goblin Monk(J) ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Monk(E)
HP : 1798/4520
SP : 680/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Monk(J)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 770/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(I)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(J)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(K)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(L)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(M)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2613121/3683880
SP : 25575/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Monk(M)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 800/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 26020/26020
SP : 1494/1494
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (160%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49733/49773
SP : 3883/3913
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (160%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21398/21544
SP : 3658/3718
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (160%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 5554/5689
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (160%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34722/35371
SP : 1698/2069
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (160%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23098/23305
SP : 7564/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (160%)
* ũ HP ! 3903 HP ȸ (26020 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 374 SP ȸ (1494 > 1494)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(J)() ״!
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6042 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2613121 > 2613121)
ũ () ȸǾ: 4866 HP(26020 > 26020)
20272 Goblin Monk(M)(4520 > -15752)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
Ҵ! 2!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 12253 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2613121 > 2613121)
ũ moved to front.
Goblin Monk(M)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 102 ġ .
mongsil() $ 200() .
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 3728 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1991 SP ȸ (5554 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* 1 HP ! 6894 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 1376 SP ȸ (3658 > 3718)
* 1 SP ߻! 38 SP ȸ (3718 > 3718)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
Goblin Monk(E)() 293 Ծ. (1798 > 1505)
- Goblin Monk(E)
Skill : Armor Break
Goblin Monk(E) Ǿ.
0 ũ(26020 > 26020)
ũ DEF down 30%
ũ MDEF down 30%
Goblin Monk(E) ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ũ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Goblin Mage(I)() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 80/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Ragnarok
Relentless sacrifice 39766 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > -14913)
45 SP !(4984 > 5029) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25575 > 25530)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 79861 HP(-14913 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2613121 > 2613121)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
Relentless War Song !
Relentless ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Relentless HP ! 3728 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 2276 SP ȸ (5029 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
- Relentless
Skill : War Song
1 TP rise 5%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless TP rise 5%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ TP rise 5%
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ TP rise 5%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ TP rise 5%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) TP rise 5%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 4.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* ƴ HP ! 5306 HP ȸ (34722 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 621 SP ȸ (1698 > 2069)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (56 >>> 106/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
175 Relentless(24848 > 24673)
Relentless ൿ . (64 >>> 113/100).
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ũ(26020 > 26015)
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ () ȸǾ: 14 HP(34776 > 34790)
278 ũ(26015 > 25737)
ũ ൿ . (95 >>> 144/100).
5 HP !(34790 > 34795) : ڸ߻(23098 > 23093)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34795 > 34801)
116 ڸ߻(23093 > 22977)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-34 >>> 16/100).
5 HP !(34801 > 34806) : Grand Dino(A)(49733 > 49728)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(34806 > 34811)
87 Grand Dino(A)(49728 > 49641)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (92 >>> 141/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 12443 HP ȸ (49641 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 1174 SP ȸ (3883 > 3913)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ũ HP ! 3903 HP ȸ (25737 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 448 SP ȸ (1494 > 1494)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(M)() ״!
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6121 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2613121 > 2613121)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(J)() ״!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6121 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2613121 > 2613121)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(J)() ״!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6121 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2613121 > 2613121)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 3728 HP ȸ (24673 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 2276 SP ȸ (5234 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(114 >>> 43/100)
* 1 HP ! 6894 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 1562 SP ȸ (3568 > 3718)
* 1 SP ߻! 38 SP ȸ (3718 > 3718)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(106 >>> 96/100)
- 1
Skill : Regeneration
1 HP ! +5%
Relentless HP ! +5%
ƴ HP ! +5%
ũ HP ! +5%
ڸ߻ HP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) HP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- Goblin Mage(I)
Skill : Thunder Bolt
1% ! [Ӽ:Thunder]
171 ũ(26020 > 25849)
Goblin Mage(I) ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Monk(E)
HP : 1505/4520
SP : 650/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Monk(J)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 770/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(I)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 890/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(J)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(K)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(L)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(M)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2613121/3683880
SP : 25530/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 25849/26020
SP : 1494/1494
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (165%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 3913/3913
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (165%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 3618/3718
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (165%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica (charging)
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 5234/5689
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (165%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34811/35371
SP : 2019/2069
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (165%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 22977/23305
SP : 7564/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (165%)
- Relentless
Skill : Blood Rage
Relentless sacrifice 19884 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > 4969)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(K)() ״!
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
45 SP !(5194 > 5239) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25530 > 25485)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9273 HP(4969 > 14242)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2613121 > 2613121)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(M)() ״!
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(5239 > 5284) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25485 > 25440)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 37698 HP(14242 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2613121 > 2613121)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(I)() ״!
45 SP !(5284 > 5329) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25440 > 25395)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9273 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2613121 > 2613121)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(I)() ״!
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(5329 > 5374) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25395 > 25350)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 37698 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2613121 > 2613121)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
45 SP !(5374 > 5419) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25350 > 25305)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9273 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2613121 > 2613121)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(L)() ״!
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(5419 > 5464) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25305 > 25260)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 37698 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2613121 > 2613121)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(J)() ״!
45 SP !(5464 > 5509) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25260 > 25215)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9273 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2613121 > 2613121)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(5509 > 5554) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25215 > 25170)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17633 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2613121 > 2613121)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 3.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25170 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2640 Ծ. (2613121 > 2610481)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Rampage
110 ƴ(34811 > 34701)
ƴ DEF down 10%
ƴ MDEF down 10%
110 ƴ(34701 > 34591)
ƴ DEF down 10%
ƴ MDEF down 10%
ܴ δ! -50% .
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 10%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 10%
ܴ δ! -50% .
50 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49723)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 10%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 10%
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
106 ڸ߻(22977 > 22871)
ڸ߻ DEF down 10%
ڸ߻ MDEF down 10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ũ HP ! 5204 HP ȸ (25849 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 448 SP ȸ (1494 > 1494)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(E)() ״!
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6120 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2610481 > 2610481)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(J)() ״!
ġŸ! 2.5!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 15554 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2610481 > 2610481)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(I)() ״!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6120 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2610481 > 2610481)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 2276 SP ȸ (5554 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
- Relentless
Skill : Head Hunt
Relentless sacrifice 7456 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > 17397)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2610481 > 2610481)
ġŸ! 4.4!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2610481 > 2610481)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2610481 > 2610481)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2610481 > 2610481)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 2.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
Relentless War Song !
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 0/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 4661 HP ȸ (22871 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 3024 SP ȸ (7564 > 10080)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 706 SP ȸ (10080 > 10080)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Double Magic Circle
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x2
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 1562 SP ȸ (3618 > 3718)
* 1 SP ߻! 38 SP ȸ (3718 > 3718)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
Goblin Monk(E)() 264 Ծ. (1505 > 1241)
- Goblin Monk(E)
Skill : Armor Break
Grand Dino(A)() ƴ() ״!
Goblin Monk(E) Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49723 > 49723)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 30%
Goblin Monk(E) ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Goblin Monk(J)
Skill : Armor Break
Grand Dino(A)() Relentless() ״!
Goblin Monk(J) Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49723 > 49723)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 30%
Goblin Monk(J) ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Goblin Mage(K)() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 80/100)
Goblin Mage(M)() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 80/100)
Goblin Mage(J)() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 80/100)
Goblin Mage(L)() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 80/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ũ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ HP ! 7074 HP ȸ (34591 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 621 SP ȸ (2019 > 2069)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (33 >>> 82/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(17397 > 17392)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
175 Relentless(17392 > 17217)
Relentless ൿ . (85 >>> 134/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ũ(26020 > 26015)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(34776 > 34783)
139 ũ(26015 > 25876)
ũ ൿ . (95 >>> 144/100).
5 HP !(34783 > 34788) : ڸ߻(23305 > 23300)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34788 > 34794)
116 ڸ߻(23300 > 23184)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (26 >>> 76/100).
5 HP !(34794 > 34799) : Grand Dino(A)(49723 > 49718)
ܴ δ! -50% .
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(34799 > 34804)
87 Grand Dino(A)(49718 > 49631)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (92 >>> 141/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 14932 HP ȸ (49631 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 1174 SP ȸ (3913 > 3913)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Ground Strike
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2610481 > 2610481)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ . (63 >>> 57/100).
4193 Goblin Monk(E)(1241 > -2952)
Goblin Monk(E) ൿ . (32 >>> 8/100).
3723 Goblin Monk(J)(4520 > 797)
Goblin Monk(J) ൿ . (29 >>> -2/100).
4606 Goblin Mage(I)(1950 > -2656)
Goblin Mage(I) ൿ . (52 >>> 21/100).
4606 Goblin Mage(J)(1950 > -2656)
Goblin Mage(J) ൿ . (93 >>> 62/100).
ġŸ! 1.1!
5075 Goblin Mage(K)(1950 > -3125)
Goblin Mage(K) ൿ . (93 >>> 62/100).
4606 Goblin Mage(L)(1950 > -2656)
Goblin Mage(L) ൿ . (93 >>> 62/100).
4606 Goblin Mage(M)(1950 > -2656)
Goblin Mage(M) ൿ . (93 >>> 62/100).
Goblin Monk(E)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(I)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(J)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(K)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(L)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(M)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 612 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,200() .
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Monk(J)
HP : 797/4520
SP : 740/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2610481/3683880
SP : 25800/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 25876/26020
SP : 1494/1494
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (165%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 3913/3913
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (165%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21398/21544
SP : 3658/3718
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (165%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 17217/24853
SP : 5174/5689
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (165%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34804/35371
SP : 2019/2069
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (165%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23184/23305
SP : 9780/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (165%)
* ũ HP ! 5204 HP ȸ (25876 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 448 SP ȸ (1494 > 1494)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6120 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2610481 > 2610481)
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 15554 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2610481 > 2610481)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(J)() ״!
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 15554 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2610481 > 2610481)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (17217 > 22188)
* Relentless SP ! 2276 SP ȸ (5174 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
- Relentless
Skill : War Song
1 TP rise 5%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless TP rise 5%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ TP rise 5%
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ TP rise 5%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ TP rise 5%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) TP rise 5%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 1.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 1562 SP ȸ (3658 > 3718)
* 1 SP ߻! 38 SP ȸ (3718 > 3718)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 4661 HP ȸ (23184 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 3024 SP ȸ (9780 > 10080)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 706 SP ȸ (10080 > 10080)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (22188 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 2276 SP ȸ (5234 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ũ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25800 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2640 Ծ. (2610481 > 2607841)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Mage(N)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
81 1(21544 > 21463)
Goblin Mage(O)() ߴ.
Ҵ!! Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon .
0 Relentless(24853 > 24853)
Goblin Mage(P)() ߴ.
87 ƴ(34804 > 34717)
Goblin Warrior(J)() ߴ.
81 ũ(26020 > 25939)
Goblin Warrior(K)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
84 ڸ߻(23305 > 23221)
Goblin Warrior(L)() ߴ.
ܴ δ! -50% .
39 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49734)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 4661 HP ȸ (23221 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 3024 SP ȸ (9730 > 10080)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 706 SP ȸ (10080 > 10080)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
* ũ HP ! 5204 HP ȸ (25939 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 448 SP ȸ (1494 > 1494)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(O)() ״!
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6198 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2607841 > 2607841)
Goblin Warrior(J)() Goblin Monk(J)() ״!
ġŸ! 2.5!
ũ () ȸǾ: 9915 HP(26020 > 26020)
41311 Goblin Warrior(J)(2670 > -38641)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(O)() ״!
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 15750 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2607841 > 2607841)
ũ moved to front.
Goblin Warrior(J)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 102 ġ .
mongsil() $ 200() .
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 4
Arch Angel(E) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -300/100)
- Arch Angel(E)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(E) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Arch Angel(E)
Skill : Holy Fortune
1 MAXSP(3718) extended to 4648
1 () ȸǾ: 9809 HP(21463 > 21544)
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEF rise 25%
1 MDEF rise 25%
Relentless MAXSP(5689) extended to 7111
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(24853 > 24853)
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEF rise 25%
Relentless MDEF rise 25%
ƴ MAXSP(2069) extended to 2586
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(34717 > 35371)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEF rise 25%
ƴ MDEF rise 25%
ũ MAXSP(1494) extended to 1868
ũ () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(26020 > 26020)
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ DEF rise 25%
ũ MDEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(23305 > 23305)
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MAXSP(3913) extended to 4891
Grand Dino(A) () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(49734 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(E)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(E) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Blood Rage
Relentless sacrifice 19884 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > 4969)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
45 SP !(5194 > 5239) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9378 HP(4969 > 14347)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2607841 > 2607841)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(5239 > 5284) : Goblin Warrior(L)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 23600 HP(14347 > 24853)
73749 Goblin Warrior(L)(2670 > -71079)
45 SP !(5284 > 5329) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9378 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2607841 > 2607841)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(O)() ״!
45 SP !(5329 > 5374) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25665)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9378 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2607841 > 2607841)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(O)() ״!
45 SP !(5374 > 5419) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25665 > 25620)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9378 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2607841 > 2607841)
45 SP !(5419 > 5464) : Goblin Warrior(K)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 5819 HP(24853 > 24853)
18184 Goblin Warrior(K)(2670 > -15514)
45 SP !(5464 > 5509) : Goblin Warrior(K)(505 > 460)
Goblin Warrior(K) DEF down 5%
Goblin Warrior(K) MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 6004 HP(24853 > 24853)
18762 Goblin Warrior(K)(-15514 > -34276)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(N)() ״!
45 SP !(5509 > 5554) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25620 > 25575)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9378 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2607841 > 2607841)
Goblin Warrior(K)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(L)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 204 ġ .
mongsil() $ 400() .
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Relentless Ragnarok !
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Monk(J)
HP : 797/4520
SP : 740/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(N)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(O)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(P)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2607841/3683880
SP : 25575/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 26020/26020
SP : 1494/1868
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (170%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 3913/4891
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (170%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 3658/4648
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (170%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 5554/7111
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (170%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 35371/35371
SP : 2019/2586
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (170%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23305/23305
SP : 9580/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (170%)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 2844 SP ȸ (5554 > 7111)
* Relentless SP ߻! -568 SP ȸ (7111 > 6543)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 1952 SP ȸ (3658 > 4648)
* 1 SP ߻! 47 SP ȸ (4648 > 4648)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* ƴ HP ! 7074 HP ȸ (35371 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 776 SP ȸ (2019 > 2586)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ũ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (9 >>> 59/100).
Ҵ!! ƴ .
0 Relentless(24853 > 24853)
Relentless ൿ . (51 >>> 101/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : ũ(26020 > 26015)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
139 ũ(26015 > 25876)
ũ ൿ . (95 >>> 144/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : ڸ߻(23305 > 23300)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(35371 > 35371)
116 ڸ߻(23300 > 23184)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-229 >>> -180/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49768)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(35371 > 35371)
87 Grand Dino(A)(49768 > 49681)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (42 >>> 91/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* ũ HP ! 5204 HP ȸ (25876 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 654 SP ȸ (1494 > 1868)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(P)() ״!
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6198 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2607841 > 2607841)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Monk(J)() ״!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6198 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2607841 > 2607841)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(P)() ״!
Ҵ! 2!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 12566 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2607841 > 2607841)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Ragnarok
Relentless sacrifice 39766 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > -14913)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(6293 > 6338) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25575 > 25530)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 161668 HP(-14913 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2607841 > 2607841)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
Relentless War Song !
Relentless ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 3200 SP ȸ (6338 > 7111)
* Relentless SP ߻! -568 SP ȸ (7111 > 6543)
- Relentless
Skill : War Song
1 TP rise 5%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless TP rise 5%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ TP rise 5%
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ TP rise 5%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ TP rise 5%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) TP rise 5%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 4.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 14932 HP ȸ (49681 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 1712 SP ȸ (3913 > 4891)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Poison Acid Breath
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2607841 > 2607841)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 35%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 35%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ȮǾ!( + 100)
2217 Goblin Monk(J)(797 > -1420)
Goblin Monk(J) () ߵƴ! !
Goblin Monk(J) DEF down 35%
Goblin Monk(J) MDEF down 35%
Goblin Monk(J)() ȮǾ!( + 100)
2798 Goblin Mage(N)(1950 > -848)
Goblin Mage(N) () ߵƴ! !
Goblin Mage(N) DEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(N) MDEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(N)() ȮǾ!( + 100)
2798 Goblin Mage(O)(1950 > -848)
Goblin Mage(O) () ߵƴ! !
Goblin Mage(O) DEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(O) MDEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(O)() ȮǾ!( + 100)
2798 Goblin Mage(P)(1950 > -848)
Goblin Mage(P) () ߵƴ! !
Goblin Mage(P) DEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(P) MDEF down 35%
Goblin Mage(P)() ȮǾ!( + 100)
Goblin Monk(J)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(N)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(O)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(P)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 408 ġ .
mongsil() $ 800() .
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 2185 SP ȸ (4498 > 4648)
* 1 SP ߻! 47 SP ȸ (4648 > 4648)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 3200 SP ȸ (6543 > 7111)
* Relentless SP ߻! -568 SP ȸ (7111 > 6543)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ũ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ũ HP ! 5204 HP ȸ (26020 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 654 SP ȸ (1868 > 1868)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6277 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2607841 > 2607841)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6277 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2607841 > 2607841)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6277 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2607841 > 2607841)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25530 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2760 Ծ. (2607841 > 2605081)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Kill Bite
Grand Dino(A)() Relentless() ״!
ܴ δ! -50% .
868 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 48905)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> -100/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Blood Rage
Relentless sacrifice 19884 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > 4969)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(6503 > 6548) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 39365 HP(4969 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(6548 > 6593) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 39365 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
45 SP !(6593 > 6638) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25665)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9669 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(6638 > 6683) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25665 > 25620)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18403 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
45 SP !(6683 > 6728) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25620 > 25575)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9669 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
45 SP !(6728 > 6773) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25575 > 25530)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9669 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
45 SP !(6773 > 6818) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25530 > 25485)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9669 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
45 SP !(6818 > 6863) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25485 > 25440)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9669 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 3.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2605081/3683880
SP : 25440/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 26020/26020
SP : 1868/1868
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (175%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 48905/49773
SP : 4891/4891
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (175%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 4588/4648
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (175%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 6863/7111
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (175%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 35371/35371
SP : 2536/2586
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (175%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23184/23305
SP : 9580/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (175%)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 3200 SP ȸ (6863 > 7111)
* Relentless SP ߻! -568 SP ȸ (7111 > 6543)
- Relentless
Skill : Head Hunt
Relentless sacrifice 7456 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > 17397)
ġŸ! 4.4!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
ġŸ! 4.4!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 2.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
Relentless War Song !
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ HP ! 7074 HP ȸ (35371 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 905 SP ȸ (2536 > 2586)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 15 HP(35371 > 35371)
282 1(21539 > 21257)
1 ൿ . (95 >>> 145/100).
Ҵ!! ƴ .
0 Relentless(17397 > 17397)
Relentless ൿ . (21 >>> 71/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : ũ(26020 > 26015)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
139 ũ(26015 > 25876)
ũ ൿ . (95 >>> 144/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : ڸ߻(23184 > 23179)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
! 10% ߴ.
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 135 HP(23179 > 23305)
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 135 SP(9580 > 9715)
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(35371 > 35371)
116 ڸ߻(23305 > 23189)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-23 >>> 26/100).
ƴ Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(48905 > 48905)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (54 >>> 103/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21257 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 2185 SP ȸ (4588 > 4648)
* 1 SP ߻! 47 SP ȸ (4648 > 4648)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(145 >>> 135/100)
* ũ HP ! 5204 HP ȸ (25876 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 654 SP ȸ (1868 > 1868)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6276 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6276 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 15945 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ũ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 14932 HP ȸ (48905 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 1956 SP ȸ (4891 > 4891)
Grand Dino(A)() ڼ ִ...(100%)(104 >>> 3/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (17397 > 22368)
* Relentless SP ! 3556 SP ȸ (6483 > 7111)
* Relentless SP ߻! -568 SP ȸ (7111 > 6543)
- Relentless
Skill : War Song
1 TP rise 5%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless TP rise 5%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ TP rise 5%
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ TP rise 5%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ TP rise 5%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) TP rise 5%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 1.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (22368 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 3556 SP ȸ (6543 > 7111)
* Relentless SP ߻! -568 SP ȸ (7111 > 6543)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 4661 HP ȸ (23189 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 4032 SP ȸ (9715 > 10080)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 706 SP ȸ (10080 > 10080)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
* ũ HP ! 5204 HP ȸ (26020 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 747 SP ȸ (1868 > 1868)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
ۻ ! ȭ!
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 16142 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6355 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6355 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 2417 SP ȸ (4498 > 4648)
* 1 SP ߻! 47 SP ȸ (4648 > 4648)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ũ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Blood Rage
Relentless sacrifice 19884 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > 4969)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(6503 > 6548) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25440 > 25395)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18617 HP(4969 > 23586)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(6548 > 6593) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25395 > 25350)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 39836 HP(23586 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(6593 > 6638) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25350 > 25305)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 39836 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
45 SP !(6638 > 6683) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25305 > 25260)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9776 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(6683 > 6728) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25260 > 25215)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18617 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(6728 > 6773) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25215 > 25170)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18617 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(6773 > 6818) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25170 > 25125)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18617 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
45 SP !(6818 > 6863) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25125 > 25080)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9776 HP(24853 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Relentless Ragnarok !
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 4661 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 4032 SP ȸ (9730 > 10080)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 706 SP ȸ (10080 > 10080)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 4
Arch Angel(F) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -300/100)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 775/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2605081/3683880
SP : 25080/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ũ The Marduk's Chosen One
Job : Soul Desire
HP : 26020/26020
SP : 1868/1868
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (180%)
Grand Dino(A) (charging)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 4891/4891
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (180%)
Arch Angel(F)
HP : 17087/17087
SP : 17087/17087
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 4588/4648
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (180%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 6863/7111
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (180%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 35371/35371
SP : 2536/2586
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (180%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23305/23305
SP : 9580/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (180%)
- Arch Angel(F)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(F) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Arch Angel(F)
Skill : Holy Fortune
1 MAXSP(4648) extended to 5810
1 () ȸǾ: 9809 HP(21544 > 21544)
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEF rise 25%
1 MDEF rise 25%
Relentless MAXSP(7111) extended to 8889
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(24853 > 24853)
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEF rise 25%
Relentless MDEF rise 25%
ƴ MAXSP(2586) extended to 3233
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(35371 > 35371)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEF rise 25%
ƴ MDEF rise 25%
ũ MAXSP(1868) extended to 2335
ũ () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(26020 > 26020)
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ DEF rise 25%
ũ MDEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(23305 > 23305)
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MAXSP(4891) extended to 6114
Grand Dino(A) () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(F)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(F) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ HP ! 7074 HP ȸ (35371 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 1293 SP ȸ (2536 > 3233)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (36 >>> 86/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
175 Relentless(24848 > 24673)
Relentless ൿ . (92 >>> 142/100).
Ҵ!! ƴ .
0 ũ(26020 > 26020)
ũ ൿ . (95 >>> 144/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ڸ߻(23305 > 23300)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34776 > 34782)
116 ڸ߻(23300 > 23184)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-279 >>> -229/100).
ƴ Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (95 >>> 145/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Kill Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ũ HP ! 5204 HP ȸ (26020 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 934 SP ȸ (1868 > 2335)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
ۻ ! ȭ!
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 16142 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
Ҵ! 2!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 12880 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 16142 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24673 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 4445 SP ȸ (6863 > 8889)
* Relentless SP ߻! -711 SP ȸ (8889 > 8178)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(142 >>> 72/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 3021 SP ȸ (4588 > 5810)
* 1 SP ߻! 59 SP ȸ (5810 > 5810)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
- Relentless
Skill : Ragnarok
Relentless sacrifice 39766 HP ( Ŀ 2) (24853 > -14913)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(7928 > 7973) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25080 > 25035)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 168874 HP(-14913 > 24853)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
Relentless War Song !
Relentless ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 4445 SP ȸ (7973 > 8889)
* Relentless SP ߻! -711 SP ȸ (8889 > 8178)
- Relentless
Skill : War Song
1 TP rise 5%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless TP rise 5%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ TP rise 5%
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ũ TP rise 5%
ũ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ TP rise 5%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) TP rise 5%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 4.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ũ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 4445 SP ȸ (8178 > 8889)
* Relentless SP ߻! -711 SP ȸ (8889 > 8178)
Relentless() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* ũ HP ! 5204 HP ȸ (26020 > 26020)
* ũ SP ! 934 SP ȸ (2335 > 2335)
- ũ
Skill : Rush(Seal)
ũ sacrifice 3903 HP (26020 > 22117)
ۻ ! ȭ!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 6434 HP(22117 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 16340 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
ġŸ! 2.5!
20% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
ũ () ȸǾ: 16340 HP(26020 > 26020)
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2605081 > 2605081)
ũ moved to front.
ũ ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25035 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2760 Ծ. (2605081 > 2602321)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Battle End
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
Raid - ð() ¸ߴ!
HP : 2602321/3841680
: 1/3
: 9889
HP : 0/0
: 0/6
: 2450413
: 250/600
ȹ ġ : 27820
ȹ Funds : $ 14,160
žӽ :+1578

ũ žӽ :+828

2450413 ( : 2450413)