α ּ

battle log*

this battle starts at
02/09 11:14:46
Raid - ð
հ : 116
: 38.7
HP : 3841680/3841680
հ : 300
: 60
HP : 36758/36758
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 500ŭ ߰.
(100 >>> 600)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 3683880/3683880
SP : 25800/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 78900/78900
SP : 1000/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 78900/78900
SP : 1000/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3859/3859
SP : 1522/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 2425/2425
SP : 2403/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 7168/7168
SP : 2330/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17686/17686
SP : 847/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5620/5620
SP : 4129/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
Relentless SP ! +10%
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4501 HP(7168 > 7168)
14064 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3683880 > 3669816)
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(1000 > 955)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4408 HP(7168 > 7168)
13773 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(78900 > 65127)
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(1000 > 955)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4408 HP(7168 > 7168)
13773 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(78900 > 65127)
: Two Hand Weapon
ũƼ !(+0.5)
: SubHatchet
Relentless ATK rise 88
Relentless ATK rise 65
Relentless DEF rise 214
Relentless MDEF rise 267
: Axe
Relentless ATK rise 644
Relentless ATK rise 255
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25755 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Field Battle

ִ , , ¦! Ķ! ϴ ༮ θ ڻ쳻ش!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .( Double Move )(0 >>> 150/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25800 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(150 >>> 147/100)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Darkness
103 1(3859 > 3756)
103 (2425 > 2322)
2% ! [Ÿ:Magic]
600 ݻ Relentless(3669816 > 3669216)
91 Relentless(7168 > 7077)
105 ƴ(17686 > 17581)
102 ڸ߻(5620 > 5518)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 394 HP ȸ (5518 > 5620)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (4129 > 4129)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (2403 > 2403)
Skill : Spell Focus
() ӽ״!
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Double Magic Circle
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x2
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Call:Grand Dino
߼ +50%!
߼ ߷ +18%!
Grand Dino(A)() ߴ!
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -150/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 HP ! +17%
1 SP ! +12%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise 20%
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise 20%
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2279 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25680 > 25635)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4884 HP(7077 > 7168)
15262 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3669216 > 3653954)
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(955 > 910)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4763 HP(7168 > 7168)
14885 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(65127 > 50242)
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(955 > 910)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4763 HP(7168 > 7168)
14885 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(65127 > 50242)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Goblin Battle Tank(B)
Skill : Hardness
Goblin Battle Tank(B)() ܴ!
Goblin Battle Tank(B) DEF rise 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) MDEF rise 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) SPD down 25%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- Goblin Battle Tank(A)
Skill : Attack
Grand Dino(A)() () ״!
38 Grand Dino(A)(14403 > 14365)
Goblin Battle Tank(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 3653954/3683880
SP : 25635/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 50242/78900
SP : 910/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 50242/78900
SP : 860/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 14365/14403
SP : 1602/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3756/3859
SP : 1447/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 2322/2425
SP : 2403/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 7168/7168
SP : 2279/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17581/17686
SP : 497/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5620/5620
SP : 3829/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25635 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Stomp
162 1(3756 > 3594)
162 (2322 > 2160)
Ҵ!! Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon .
0 Relentless(7168 > 7168)
165 ƴ(17581 > 17416)
160 ڸ߻(5620 > 5460)
446 Grand Dino(A)(14365 > 13919)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .( Double Move )(0 >>> 150/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25800 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(150 >>> 147/100)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Party Heal
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon () ȸǾ: 1272 HP(3653954 > 3655226)
Goblin Battle Tank(A) () ȸǾ: 1272 HP(50242 > 51514)
Goblin Battle Tank(B) () ȸǾ: 1272 HP(50242 > 51514)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (2403 > 2403)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2279 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25770 > 25725)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 21488 HP(7168 > 7168)
67150 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3655226 > 3588076)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(910 > 865)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9526 HP(7168 > 7168)
29769 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(51514 > 21745)
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(860 > 815)
ܴ δ! -50% .
Relentless () ȸǾ: 3985 HP(7168 > 7168)
12451 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(51514 > 39063)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 656 HP ȸ (3594 > 3859)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 394 HP ȸ (5460 > 5620)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (3829 > 4119)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 14)
10 SP !(1703 > 1713) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(865 > 855)
2126 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(21745 > 19619)
10 SP !(1713 > 1723) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(855 > 845)
2127 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(19619 > 17492)
10 SP !(1723 > 1733) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(845 > 835)
2127 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(17492 > 15365)
10 SP !(1733 > 1743) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(835 > 825)
2128 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(15365 > 13237)
10 SP !(1743 > 1753) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(815 > 805)
̻ ! ƿԴ...
1889 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(39063 > 37174)
10 SP !(1753 > 1763) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(805 > 795)
4477 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(37174 > 32697)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 1440 HP ȸ (13919 > 14403)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Hardness
Grand Dino(A)() ܴ!
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD down 25%
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise 20%
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise 20%
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25725 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 97/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2279 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 21488 HP(7168 > 7168)
67150 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3588076 > 3520926)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(825 > 780)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 20958 HP(7168 > 7168)
65491 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(13237 > -52254)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(795 > 750)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9526 HP(7168 > 7168)
29769 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(32697 > 2928)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)() ߴ.(TP )
Goblin Battle Tank(A) TP down -10%
Ƽ(5) 640 ġ .
mongsil() $ 2,880() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Full Asist
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR rise 40
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT rise 40
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX rise 40
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD rise 40
Goblin Battle Tank(B) STR rise 40
Goblin Battle Tank(B) INT rise 40
Goblin Battle Tank(B) DEX rise 40
Goblin Battle Tank(B) SPD rise 40
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .( Double Move )(0 >>> 150/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25655 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(150 >>> 147/100)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Darkness
108 1(3859 > 3751)
108 (2160 > 2052)
2% ! [Ÿ:Magic]
! 5% ߴ.
Relentless () ȸǾ: 48 HP(7168 > 7168)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 48 SP(2279 > 2327)
600 ݻ Relentless(3520926 > 3520326)
95 Relentless(7168 > 7073)
109 ƴ(17416 > 17307)
106 ڸ߻(5620 > 5514)
ܴ δ! -50% .
50 Grand Dino(A)(14403 > 14353)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 3520326/3683880
SP : 25680/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 2928/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 14353/14403
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3751/3859
SP : 1447/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 2052/2425
SP : 1763/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 7073/7168
SP : 2327/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17307/17686
SP : 497/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5514/5620
SP : 3769/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 394 HP ȸ (5514 > 5620)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (3769 > 4059)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 85/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Anubis
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 3
Anubis(A) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -400/100)
- Anubis(A)
Skill : Shout

Anubis(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Anubis(A)
Skill : Shadow Abyss
2864 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3520326 > 3517462)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
3127 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3517462 > 3514335)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
3345 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3514335 > 3510990)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down to the limit! (220)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
1639 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(2928 > 1289)
Goblin Battle Tank(B) STR down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) INT down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) DEX down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) LUK down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) SPD down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) ATK down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) MATK down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) DEF down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) MDEF down 20%
2164 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(1289 > -875)
Goblin Battle Tank(B) STR down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) INT down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) DEX down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) LUK down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) SPD down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) ATK down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) MATK down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) DEF down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) MDEF down 20%
2601 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(-875 > -3476)
Goblin Battle Tank(B) STR down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) INT down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) DEX down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) LUK down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) SPD down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) ATK down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) MATK down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) DEF down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) MDEF down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B)() ߴ.(TP )
Goblin Battle Tank(B) TP down -10%
Ƽ(5) 640 ġ .
mongsil() $ 2,880() .
Anubis(A)() ҸϿ.
Anubis(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2327 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25680 > 25635)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 53845 HP(7073 > 7168)
168265 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3510990 > 3342725)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (1763 > 1812)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* 1 HP ! 656 HP ȸ (3751 > 3859)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(3859) extended to 7396
MAXHP(2425) extended to 5962
Relentless MAXHP(7168) extended to 10705
ƴ MAXHP(17686) extended to 21223
ڸ߻ MAXHP(5620) extended to 9157
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(14403) extended to 21477
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 28)
10 SP !(1112 > 1122) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25635 > 25625)
2895 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3342725 > 3339830)
10 SP !(1122 > 1132) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25625 > 25615)
2895 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3339830 > 3336935)
10 SP !(1132 > 1142) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25615 > 25605)
2896 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3336935 > 3334039)
10 SP !(1142 > 1152) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25605 > 25595)
2897 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3334039 > 3331142)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(1152 > 1162) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25595 > 25585)
13315 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3331142 > 3317827)
10 SP !(1162 > 1172) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25585 > 25575)
2899 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3317827 > 3314928)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 2148 HP ȸ (14353 > 16501)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25575 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Mage(A)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
1() ִ!
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 1(3859 > 3859)
Goblin Mage(B)() ߴ.
143 (2052 > 1909)
Goblin Monk(A)() ߴ.
Ҵ!! Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon .
0 Relentless(7168 > 7168)
Goblin Monk(B)() ߴ.
145 ƴ(17307 > 17162)
Goblin Monk(C)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
140 ڸ߻(5620 > 5480)
Goblin Monk(D)() ߴ.
ܴ δ! -50% .
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(16501 > 16501)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .( Double Move )(0 >>> 150/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25800 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(150 >>> 147/100)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Party Heal
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon () ȸǾ: 803 HP(3314928 > 3315731)
Goblin Mage(A) () ȸǾ: 803 HP(1950 > 1950)
Goblin Mage(B) () ȸǾ: 803 HP(1950 > 1950)
Goblin Monk(A) () ȸǾ: 803 HP(4520 > 4520)
Goblin Monk(B) () ȸǾ: 803 HP(4520 > 4520)
Goblin Monk(C) () ȸǾ: 803 HP(4520 > 4520)
Goblin Monk(D) () ȸǾ: 803 HP(4520 > 4520)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise 20%
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise 20%
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 3315731/3683880
SP : 25770/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(A)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(B)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Monk(A)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 800/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Monk(C)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 800/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Monk(B)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 800/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Monk(D)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 800/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 16501/21477
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3859/7396
SP : 1447/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 1909/5962
SP : 1172/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 7168/10705
SP : 2189/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17162/21223
SP : 477/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5480/9157
SP : 3059/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25770 > 25725)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 53845 HP(7168 > 10705)
168265 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3315731 > 3147466)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Mage(A)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 62054 HP(10705 > 10705)
193918 Goblin Mage(A)(1950 > -191968)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Mage(B)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 28181 HP(10705 > 10705)
88066 Goblin Mage(B)(1950 > -86116)
45 SP !(2279 > 2324) : Goblin Monk(A)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 12795 HP(10705 > 10705)
39982 Goblin Monk(A)(4520 > -35462)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2324 > 2330) : Goblin Monk(B)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 24262 HP(10705 > 10705)
75818 Goblin Monk(B)(4520 > -71298)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Goblin Monk(C)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 25650 HP(10705 > 10705)
80154 Goblin Monk(C)(4520 > -75634)
0 Goblin Monk(D)(4520 > 4520)
Goblin Mage(A)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(B)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(A)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(B)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(C)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 510 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,000() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2330 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25680)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 12135 HP(10705 > 10705)
37922 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3147466 > 3109544)
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Monk(D)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 12101 HP(10705 > 10705)
37814 Goblin Monk(D)(4520 > -33294)
Goblin Monk(D)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 102 ġ .
mongsil() $ 200() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (1172 > 1221)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* 1 HP ! 1257 HP ȸ (3859 > 5116)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(7396) extended to 10933
MAXHP(5962) extended to 9499
Relentless MAXHP(10705) extended to 14242
ƴ MAXHP(21223) extended to 24760
ڸ߻ MAXHP(9157) extended to 12694
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(21477) extended to 28551
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25680 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Charge Attack
Grand Dino(A)() ƴ() ״!
ܴ δ! -50% .
680 Grand Dino(A)(16501 > 15821)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon moved to front.
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .( Double Move )(0 >>> 150/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25790 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ڼ ִ...(100%)(150 >>> 70/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 2855 HP ȸ (15821 > 18676)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Ground Strike
1427 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3109544 > 3108117)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ . (81 >>> 50/100).
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 42)
10 SP !(521 > 531) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25790)
2941 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3108117 > 3105176)
10 SP !(531 > 541) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25790 > 25780)
2942 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3105176 > 3102234)
10 SP !(541 > 551) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25780 > 25770)
2943 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3102234 > 3099291)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(551 > 561) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25770 > 25760)
9209 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3099291 > 3090082)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(561 > 571) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25760 > 25750)
13603 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3090082 > 3076479)
10 SP !(571 > 581) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25750 > 25740)
2945 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3076479 > 3073534)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2234 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25740 > 25695)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 50979 HP(10705 > 14242)
159307 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3073534 > 2914227)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise 20%
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise 20%
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25695 > 25650)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 11484 HP(14242 > 14242)
35886 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2914227 > 2878341)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Charge
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2878341/3683880
SP : 25650/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 18676/28551
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 5116/10933
SP : 1447/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 1909/9499
SP : 581/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 14242/14242
SP : 2189/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17162/24760
SP : 457/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5480/12694
SP : 3059/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25650 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Shield Up

,!! ,ϴ! , !!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() з ڽ մ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* 1 HP ! 1859 HP ȸ (5116 > 6975)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(10933) extended to 14470
MAXHP(9499) extended to 13036
Relentless MAXHP(14242) extended to 17779
ƴ MAXHP(24760) extended to 28297
ڸ߻ MAXHP(12694) extended to 16231
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(28551) extended to 35625
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (581 > 630)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 11484 HP(14242 > 17779)
α и Ƴִ!

0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2878341 > 2878341)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Skill : High Mana Recharge
() ȸǾ: 1202 SP(630 > 1832)
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 50979 HP(17779 > 17779)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2878341 > 2878341)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25710 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Rampage
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
170 1(6975 > 6805)
1 DEF down 10%
1 MDEF down 10%
179 (1909 > 1730)
DEF down 10%
MDEF down 10%
600 ݻ Relentless(2878341 > 2877741)
161 Relentless(17779 > 17618)
Relentless DEF down 10%
Relentless MDEF down 10%
179 (1730 > 1551)
DEF down 10%
MDEF down 10%
ܴ δ! -50% .
82 Grand Dino(A)(18676 > 18594)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 10%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1137 HP ȸ (5480 > 6617)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (3059 > 3349)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 3563 HP ȸ (18594 > 22157)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (1832 > 1881)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* 1 HP ! 2460 HP ȸ (6805 > 9265)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(14470) extended to 18007
MAXHP(13036) extended to 16573
Relentless MAXHP(17779) extended to 21316
ƴ MAXHP(28297) extended to 31834
ڸ߻ MAXHP(16231) extended to 19768
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(35625) extended to 42699
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2877741/3683880
SP : 25800/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 22157/42699
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
1 (casting)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 9265/18007
SP : 1522/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection (casting)
Job : Spell Master
HP : 1551/16573
SP : 1881/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 17618/21316
SP : 2189/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17162/31834
SP : 417/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 6617/19768
SP : 2999/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 50979 HP(17618 > 21316)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1384 HP ȸ (6617 > 8001)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (2999 > 3289)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 85/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless SPD rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 56)
10 SP !(1181 > 1191) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25745)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
10 SP !(1191 > 1201) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25745 > 25735)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
10 SP !(1201 > 1211) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25735 > 25725)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
10 SP !(1211 > 1221) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25715)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
10 SP !(1221 > 1231) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25715 > 25705)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
10 SP !(1231 > 1241) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25705 > 25695)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Anubis
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 3
Anubis(B) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -400/100)
- Anubis(B)
Skill : Shout

Anubis(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Anubis(B)
Skill : Shadow Abyss
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down to the limit! (220)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
ġŸ! 1.1!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down to the limit! (220)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down to the limit! (220)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
Anubis(B)() ҸϿ.
Anubis(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25695 > 25650)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 15144 HP(21316 > 21316)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25650 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Monk(E)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
89 1(9265 > 9176)
Goblin Mage(C)() ߴ.
93 (1551 > 1458)
Goblin Mage(D)() ߴ.
Ҵ!! Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon .
0 Relentless(21316 > 21316)
Goblin Warrior(A)() ߴ.
95 ƴ(17162 > 17067)
Goblin Monk(F)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
91 ڸ߻(8001 > 7910)
Goblin Mage(E)() ߴ.
ܴ δ! -50% .
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(22157 > 22157)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(18007) extended to 21544
MAXHP(16573) extended to 20110
Relentless MAXHP(21316) extended to 24853
ƴ MAXHP(31834) extended to 35371
ڸ߻ MAXHP(19768) extended to 23305
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(42699) extended to 49773
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* 1 HP ! 3662 HP ȸ (9176 > 12838)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 4977 HP ȸ (22157 > 27134)
Grand Dino(A)() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 0/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (1241 > 1290)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 67083 HP(21316 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Monk(E)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 25650 HP(24853 > 24853)
80154 Goblin Monk(E)(4520 > -75634)
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Mage(C)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14068 HP(24853 > 24853)
43961 Goblin Mage(C)(1950 > -42011)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2279 > 2324) : Goblin Mage(D)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 28181 HP(24853 > 24853)
88066 Goblin Mage(D)(1950 > -86116)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2324 > 2330) : Goblin Warrior(A)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 41485 HP(24853 > 24853)
129639 Goblin Warrior(A)(2670 > -126969)
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Goblin Monk(F)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 12101 HP(24853 > 24853)
37814 Goblin Monk(F)(4520 > -33294)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Goblin Mage(E)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 62054 HP(24853 > 24853)
193918 Goblin Mage(E)(1950 > -191968)
Goblin Monk(E)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(C)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(D)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(A)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(F)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(E)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 612 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,200() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2877741/3683880
SP : 25755/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A) (charging)
HP : 27134/49773
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
1 (casting)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 12838/21544
SP : 1522/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection (casting)
Job : Spell Master
HP : 1458/20110
SP : 1290/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 2330/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17067/35371
SP : 397/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 7910/23305
SP : 2289/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 SPD rise to the maximum(500%).
STR rise 20%
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless SPD rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 70)
10 SP !(590 > 600) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25745)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
10 SP !(600 > 610) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25745 > 25735)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
10 SP !(610 > 620) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25735 > 25725)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
10 SP !(620 > 630) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25715)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
10 SP !(630 > 640) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25715 > 25705)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
10 SP !(640 > 650) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25705 > 25695)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2330 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25695 > 25650)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 15144 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(17067 > 17072) : 1(12838 > 12833)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
1() ִ!
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(17072 > 17079)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 1(12833 > 12833)
1 ൿ . (84 >>> 134/100).
5 HP !(17079 > 17084) : (1458 > 1453)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(17084 > 17092)
141 (1453 > 1312)
ൿ . (58 >>> 108/100).
5 HP !(17092 > 17097) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(17097 > 17104)
600 ݻ Relentless(17104 > 16504)
128 Relentless(24848 > 24720)
Relentless ൿ . (48 >>> 97/100).
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(16504 > 16509) : ڸ߻(7910 > 7905)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 11 HP(16509 > 16520)
220 ڸ߻(7905 > 7685)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-166 >>> -116/100).
5 HP !(16520 > 16525) : Grand Dino(A)(27134 > 27129)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(16525 > 16530)
83 Grand Dino(A)(27129 > 27046)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (72 >>> 121/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Kill Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* 1 HP ! 3662 HP ȸ (12833 > 16495)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(134 >>> 104/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (650 > 699)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(108 >>> 78/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25650 > 25605)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 67083 HP(24720 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877741 > 2877741)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Skill : High Mana Recharge
() ȸǾ: 1202 SP(699 > 1901)
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25605 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Mage(F)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
1() ִ!
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 1(16495 > 16495)
Goblin Monk(G)() ߴ.
93 (1312 > 1219)
Goblin Mage(G)() ߴ.
600 ݻ Relentless(2877741 > 2877141)
84 Relentless(24853 > 24769)
Goblin Warrior(B)() ߴ.
95 ƴ(16530 > 16435)
Goblin Warrior(C)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
91 ڸ߻(7685 > 7594)
Goblin Monk(H)() ߴ.
ġŸ! 1.1!
ܴ δ! -50% .
47 Grand Dino(A)(27046 > 26999)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 15144 HP(24769 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877141 > 2877141)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Mage(F)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 62054 HP(24853 > 24853)
193918 Goblin Mage(F)(1950 > -191968)
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Monk(G)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 12795 HP(24853 > 24853)
39982 Goblin Monk(G)(4520 > -35462)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2279 > 2324) : Goblin Mage(G)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 62054 HP(24853 > 24853)
193918 Goblin Mage(G)(1950 > -191968)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2324 > 2330) : Goblin Warrior(B)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18840 HP(24853 > 24853)
58873 Goblin Warrior(B)(2670 > -56203)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Goblin Warrior(C)(550 > 505)
Goblin Warrior(C) DEF down 5%
Goblin Warrior(C) MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 43198 HP(24853 > 24853)
134993 Goblin Warrior(C)(2670 > -132323)
0 Goblin Monk(H)(4520 > 4520)
Goblin Mage(F)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(G)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(G)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(B)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(C)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 510 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,000() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2877141/3683880
SP : 25755/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Monk(H)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 800/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 26999/49773
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 16495/21544
SP : 1462/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 1219/20110
SP : 1901/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 2330/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 16435/35371
SP : 347/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 7594/23305
SP : 2289/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* 1 HP ! 3662 HP ȸ (16495 > 20157)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1462 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (1901 > 1950)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2330 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 30420 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877141 > 2877141)
0 Goblin Monk(H)(4520 > 4520)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(16435 > 16440) : 1(20157 > 20152)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(16440 > 16447)
135 1(20152 > 20017)
1 ൿ . (47 >>> 96/100).
5 HP !(16447 > 16452) : (1219 > 1214)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(16452 > 16460)
141 (1214 > 1073)
ൿ . (89 >>> 139/100).
5 HP !(16460 > 16465) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(16465 > 16472)
600 ݻ Relentless(16472 > 15872)
128 Relentless(24848 > 24720)
Relentless ൿ . (20 >>> 70/100).
5 HP !(15872 > 15877) : ڸ߻(7594 > 7589)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(15877 > 15883)
110 ڸ߻(7589 > 7479)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (50 >>> 99/100).
ƴ Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(26999 > 26999)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (97 >>> 147/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 4977 HP ȸ (26999 > 31976)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Poison Acid Breath
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877141 > 2877141)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon () ߵƴ! !
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 35%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 35%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ȮǾ!( + 100)
1713 Goblin Monk(H)(4520 > 2807)
Goblin Monk(H) () ߵƴ! !
Goblin Monk(H) DEF down 35%
Goblin Monk(H) MDEF down 35%
Goblin Monk(H)() ȮǾ!( + 100)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 84)
10 SP !(1250 > 1260) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25700)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877141 > 2877141)
0 Goblin Monk(H)(2807 > 2807)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(1260 > 1270) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25700 > 25690)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877141 > 2877141)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(1270 > 1280) : Goblin Monk(H)(800 > 790)
9726 Goblin Monk(H)(2807 > -6919)
10 SP !(1280 > 1290) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25690 > 25680)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877141 > 2877141)
10 SP !(1290 > 1300) : Goblin Monk(H)(790 > 780)
3186 Goblin Monk(H)(-6919 > -10105)
Goblin Monk(H)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 102 ġ .
mongsil() $ 200() .
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (7479 > 9111)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (2289 > 2579)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
* 1 HP ! 3662 HP ȸ (20017 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1462 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
- 1
Skill : Regeneration
1 HP ! +5%
HP ! +5%
Relentless HP ! +5%
ƴ HP ! +5%
ڸ߻ HP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) HP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 1243 HP ȸ (24720 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25680 > 25635)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 16390 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2877141 > 2877141)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25635 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2520 Ծ. (2877141 > 2874621)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Kill Bite
Grand Dino(A)() ڸ߻() ״!
ܴ δ! -50% .
957 Grand Dino(A)(31976 > 31019)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> -100/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 1165 HP ȸ (9111 > 10276)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (10276 > 11908)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (2229 > 2519)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 4
Arch Angel(A) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -300/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2874621/3683880
SP : 25800/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 31019/49773
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 1422/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 1073/20110
SP : 1300/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 2189/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 15883/35371
SP : 297/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 11908/23305
SP : 2019/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Arch Angel(A)
HP : 16558/16558
SP : 16558/16558
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- Arch Angel(A)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Arch Angel(A)
Skill : Holy Fortune
1 MAXSP(1522) extended to 1903
1 () ȸǾ: 9598 HP(21544 > 21544)
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEF rise 25%
1 MDEF rise 25%
MAXSP(2403) extended to 3004
() ȸǾ: 7998 HP(1073 > 9071)
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
DEF rise 25%
MDEF rise 25%
Relentless MAXSP(2330) extended to 2913
Relentless () ȸǾ: 7998 HP(24853 > 24853)
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEF rise 25%
Relentless MDEF rise 25%
ƴ MAXSP(847) extended to 1059
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8348 HP(15883 > 24231)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 50%
ƴ DEF rise 25%
ƴ MDEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MAXSP(4129) extended to 5161
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 8348 HP(11908 > 20256)
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MAXSP(1602) extended to 2003
Grand Dino(A) () ȸǾ: 7998 HP(31019 > 39017)
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(A)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 1243 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 291 SP ȸ (2189 > 2480)
* Relentless SP ߻! -233 SP ȸ (2480 > 2247)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2247 > 2292) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 72566 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 4740 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 228 SP ȸ (1422 > 1650)
* 1 SP ߻! 20 SP ȸ (1650 > 1670)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 1006 HP ȸ (9071 > 10077)
* SP ! 150 SP ȸ (1300 > 1450)
* SP ߻! 61 SP ȸ (1450 > 1511)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* ƴ HP ! 1769 HP ȸ (24231 > 26000)
* ƴ SP ! 53 SP ȸ (297 > 350)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 98)
10 SP !(811 > 821) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25745)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
10 SP !(821 > 831) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25745 > 25735)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
10 SP !(831 > 841) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25735 > 25725)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
10 SP !(841 > 851) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25715)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
10 SP !(851 > 861) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25715 > 25705)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
10 SP !(861 > 871) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25705 > 25695)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
Ҵ!! ƴ .
0 1(21544 > 21544)
1 ൿ . (53 >>> 103/100).
5 HP !(26000 > 26005) : (10077 > 10072)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(26005 > 26013)
148 (10072 > 9924)
ൿ . (-9 >>> 41/100).
5 HP !(26013 > 26018) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(26018 > 26025)
600 ݻ Relentless(26025 > 25425)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (82 >>> 132/100).
5 HP !(25425 > 25430) : ڸ߻(20256 > 20251)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(25430 > 25436)
116 ڸ߻(20251 > 20135)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-196 >>> -147/100).
5 HP !(25436 > 25441) : Grand Dino(A)(39017 > 39012)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(25441 > 25446)
87 Grand Dino(A)(39012 > 38925)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (67 >>> 117/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 7466 HP ȸ (38925 > 46391)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 100 SP ȸ (1552 > 1652)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Armor Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 30%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 30%
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 1243 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 437 SP ȸ (2292 > 2729)
* Relentless SP ߻! -233 SP ȸ (2729 > 2496)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2496 > 2541) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25695 > 25650)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 34314 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 4740 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 324 SP ȸ (1520 > 1844)
* 1 SP ߻! 20 SP ȸ (1844 > 1864)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(103 >>> 73/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 1006 HP ȸ (9924 > 10930)
* SP ! 150 SP ȸ (871 > 1021)
* SP ߻! 61 SP ȸ (1021 > 1082)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* Relentless HP ! 1243 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 437 SP ȸ (2541 > 2913)
* Relentless SP ߻! -233 SP ȸ (2913 > 2680)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2680 > 2725) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25650 > 25605)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 34314 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2874621/3683880
SP : 25605/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 46391/49773
SP : 1622/2003
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 1804/1903
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection (casting)
Job : Spell Master
HP : 10930/20110
SP : 1082/3004
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 2725/2913
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 25446/35371
SP : 300/1059
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 20135/23305
SP : 2019/5161
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 112)
10 SP !(382 > 392) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25605 > 25595)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
10 SP !(392 > 402) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25595 > 25585)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
10 SP !(402 > 412) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25585 > 25575)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(412 > 422) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25575 > 25565)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
10 SP !(422 > 432) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25565 > 25555)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
10 SP !(432 > 442) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25555 > 25545)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* 1 HP ! 4740 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 324 SP ȸ (1804 > 1903)
* 1 SP ߻! 20 SP ȸ (1903 > 1903)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ HP ! 1769 HP ȸ (25446 > 27215)
* ƴ SP ! 106 SP ȸ (300 > 406)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Relentless HP ! 1243 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 583 SP ȸ (2725 > 2913)
* Relentless SP ߻! -233 SP ȸ (2913 > 2680)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2680 > 2725) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25545 > 25500)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17091 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(27215 > 27220) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(27220 > 27228)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (40 >>> 89/100).
5 HP !(27228 > 27233) : (10930 > 10925)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(27233 > 27241)
148 (10925 > 10777)
ൿ . (42 >>> 92/100).
Ҵ!! ƴ .
0 Relentless(24853 > 24853)
Relentless ൿ . (22 >>> 72/100).
5 HP !(27241 > 27246) : ڸ߻(20135 > 20130)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(27246 > 27252)
116 ڸ߻(20130 > 20014)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (19 >>> 68/100).
5 HP !(27252 > 27257) : Grand Dino(A)(46391 > 46386)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(27257 > 27262)
87 Grand Dino(A)(46386 > 46299)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (97 >>> 147/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 7466 HP ȸ (46299 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 200 SP ȸ (1622 > 1822)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 1006 HP ȸ (10777 > 11783)
* SP ! 300 SP ȸ (442 > 742)
* SP ߻! 61 SP ȸ (742 > 803)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* 1 HP ! 4740 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 419 SP ȸ (1753 > 1903)
* 1 SP ߻! 20 SP ȸ (1903 > 1903)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Regeneration
1 HP ! +5%
HP ! +5%
Relentless HP ! +5%
ƴ HP ! +5%
ڸ߻ HP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) HP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 583 SP ȸ (2725 > 2913)
* Relentless SP ߻! -233 SP ȸ (2913 > 2680)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2680 > 2725) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25500 > 25455)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17091 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 2331 HP ȸ (20014 > 22345)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 516 SP ȸ (2019 > 2535)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (22345 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 362 SP ȸ (2535 > 2897)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 126)
10 SP !(103 > 113) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25455 > 25445)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
10 SP !(113 > 123) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25445 > 25435)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
10 SP !(123 > 133) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25435 > 25425)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
10 SP !(133 > 143) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25425 > 25415)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(143 > 153) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25415 > 25405)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
10 SP !(153 > 163) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25405 > 25395)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2874621 > 2874621)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 2331 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 516 SP ȸ (2547 > 3063)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 362 SP ȸ (3063 > 3425)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 4
Arch Angel(B) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -300/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2874621/3683880
SP : 25395/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 1822/2003
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Arch Angel(B)
HP : 17087/17087
SP : 17087/17087
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 1803/1903
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 11783/20110
SP : 163/3004
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 2725/2913
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 27262/35371
SP : 356/1059
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23305/23305
SP : 2925/5161
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- Arch Angel(B)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Arch Angel(B)
Skill : Holy Fortune
1 MAXSP(1903) extended to 2379
1 () ȸǾ: 9809 HP(21544 > 21544)
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEF rise 25%
1 MDEF rise 25%
MAXSP(3004) extended to 3755
() ȸǾ: 8174 HP(11783 > 19957)
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
DEF rise 25%
MDEF rise 25%
Relentless MAXSP(2913) extended to 3641
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(24853 > 24853)
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEF rise 25%
Relentless MDEF rise 25%
ƴ MAXSP(1059) extended to 1324
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(27262 > 35371)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEF rise 25%
ƴ MDEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MAXSP(5161) extended to 6451
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(23305 > 23305)
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MAXSP(2003) extended to 2504
Grand Dino(A) () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(B)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25395 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2520 Ծ. (2874621 > 2872101)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Mage(H)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
89 1(21544 > 21455)
Goblin Warrior(D)() ߴ.
93 (19957 > 19864)
Goblin Monk(I)() ߴ.
600 ݻ Relentless(2872101 > 2871501)
84 Relentless(24853 > 24769)
Goblin Monk(J)() ߴ.
95 ƴ(35371 > 35276)
Goblin Mage(I)() ߴ.
Ҵ!! Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon .
0 ڸ߻(23305 > 23305)
Goblin Mage(J)() ߴ.
ܴ δ! -50% .
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49773)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24769 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 728 SP ȸ (2725 > 3453)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3453 > 3162)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(3162 > 3207) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17091 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2871501 > 2871501)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3207 > 3252) : Goblin Mage(H)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 62054 HP(24853 > 24853)
193918 Goblin Mage(H)(1950 > -191968)
45 SP !(3252 > 3297) : Goblin Warrior(D)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9404 HP(24853 > 24853)
29387 Goblin Warrior(D)(2670 > -26717)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3297 > 3342) : Goblin Monk(I)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 56502 HP(24853 > 24853)
176567 Goblin Monk(I)(4520 > -172047)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3342 > 3387) : Goblin Monk(J)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 56502 HP(24853 > 24853)
176567 Goblin Monk(J)(4520 > -172047)
45 SP !(3387 > 3432) : Goblin Mage(I)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14068 HP(24853 > 24853)
43961 Goblin Mage(I)(1950 > -42011)
45 SP !(3432 > 3477) : Goblin Mage(J)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14068 HP(24853 > 24853)
43961 Goblin Mage(J)(1950 > -42011)
Goblin Mage(H)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(D)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(I)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(J)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(I)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(J)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 612 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,200() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21455 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 523 SP ȸ (1803 > 2326)
* 1 SP ߻! 24 SP ȸ (2326 > 2350)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ HP ! 3537 HP ȸ (35276 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 132 SP ȸ (356 > 488)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (26 >>> 76/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (19864 > 19859)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
148 (19859 > 19711)
ൿ . (93 >>> 143/100).
Ҵ!! ƴ .
0 Relentless(24853 > 24853)
Relentless ൿ . (84 >>> 134/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : ڸ߻(23305 > 23300)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(35371 > 35371)
116 ڸ߻(23300 > 23184)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-227 >>> -177/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49768)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(35371 > 35371)
87 Grand Dino(A)(49768 > 49681)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (97 >>> 147/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 9955 HP ȸ (49681 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 250 SP ȸ (1822 > 2072)
Grand Dino(A)() ڼ ִ...(100%)(147 >>> 47/100)
* HP ! 2011 HP ȸ (19711 > 20110)
* SP ! 376 SP ȸ (163 > 539)
* SP ߻! 76 SP ȸ (539 > 615)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(143 >>> 113/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 728 SP ȸ (3477 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3350 > 3395) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 75650 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2871501 > 2871501)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Skill : High Mana Recharge
() ȸǾ: 1878 SP(615 > 2493)
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 523 SP ȸ (2290 > 2379)
* 1 SP ߻! 24 SP ȸ (2379 > 2379)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 728 SP ȸ (3395 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(3350 > 3395) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25665)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 34314 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2871501 > 2871501)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2871501/3683880
SP : 25665/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A) (charging)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 2072/2504
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 2319/2379
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 20110/20110
SP : 2493/3755
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 3395/3641
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 35371/35371
SP : 438/1324
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23184/23305
SP : 2925/6451
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Kill Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2871501 > 2871501)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 2011 HP ȸ (20110 > 20110)
* SP ! 376 SP ȸ (2493 > 2869)
* SP ߻! 76 SP ȸ (2869 > 2945)
Skill : Double Casting ( 126 51 )
() ִ.
Double Casting 3.
ൿ .( Double Spell )(0 >>> 500/100)
* HP ! 2011 HP ȸ (20110 > 20110)
* SP ! 376 SP ȸ (2445 > 2821)
* SP ߻! 76 SP ȸ (2821 > 2897)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(500 >>> 450/100)
Skill : Lightning Vortex ( 51 26 )
10 SP !(2197 > 2207) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25665 > 25655)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2871501 > 2871501)
10 SP !(2207 > 2217) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25655 > 25645)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2871501 > 2871501)
10 SP !(2217 > 2227) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25645 > 25635)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2871501 > 2871501)
10 SP !(2227 > 2237) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25635 > 25625)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2871501 > 2871501)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(2237 > 2247) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25625 > 25615)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2871501 > 2871501)
10 SP !(2247 > 2257) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25615 > 25605)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2871501 > 2871501)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(2257 > 2267) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25605 > 25595)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2871501 > 2871501)
Double Casting 2.
ൿ .( Double Spell )(0 >>> 500/100)
* HP ! 2011 HP ȸ (20110 > 20110)
* SP ! 376 SP ȸ (2267 > 2643)
* SP ߻! 76 SP ȸ (2643 > 2719)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(500 >>> 450/100)
Skill : Lightning Vortex ( 26 1 )
10 SP !(2019 > 2029) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25595 > 25585)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2871501 > 2871501)
10 SP !(2029 > 2039) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25585 > 25575)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2871501 > 2871501)
10 SP !(2039 > 2049) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25575 > 25565)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2871501 > 2871501)
10 SP !(2049 > 2059) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25565 > 25555)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2871501 > 2871501)
10 SP !(2059 > 2069) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25555 > 25545)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2871501 > 2871501)
10 SP !(2069 > 2079) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25545 > 25535)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2871501 > 2871501)
10 SP !(2079 > 2089) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25535 > 25525)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2871501 > 2871501)
Double Casting 1.
ൿ .(0 >>> -120/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25525 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2520 Ծ. (2871501 > 2868981)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Mage(K)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
56 1(21544 > 21488)
Goblin Mage(L)() ߴ.
59 (20110 > 20051)
Goblin Mage(M)() ߴ.
Ҵ!! Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon .
0 Relentless(24853 > 24853)
Goblin Warrior(E)() ߴ.
60 ƴ(35371 > 35311)
Goblin Mage(N)() ߴ.
Ҵ!! Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon .
0 ڸ߻(23184 > 23184)
Goblin Warrior(F)() ߴ.
ܴ δ! -50% .
27 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49746)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21488 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 523 SP ȸ (2319 > 2379)
* 1 SP ߻! 24 SP ȸ (2379 > 2379)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* ƴ HP ! 3537 HP ȸ (35311 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 132 SP ȸ (438 > 570)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 910 SP ȸ (3395 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3350 > 3395) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 75650 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2868981 > 2868981)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3395 > 3440) : Goblin Mage(K)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 62054 HP(24853 > 24853)
193918 Goblin Mage(K)(1950 > -191968)
45 SP !(3440 > 3485) : Goblin Mage(L)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14068 HP(24853 > 24853)
43961 Goblin Mage(L)(1950 > -42011)
45 SP !(3485 > 3530) : Goblin Mage(M)(990 > 945)
Goblin Mage(M) DEF down 5%
Goblin Mage(M) MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14236 HP(24853 > 24853)
44485 Goblin Mage(M)(1950 > -42535)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3530 > 3575) : Goblin Warrior(E)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 41485 HP(24853 > 24853)
129639 Goblin Warrior(E)(2670 > -126969)
45 SP !(3575 > 3620) : Goblin Mage(N)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14068 HP(24853 > 24853)
43961 Goblin Mage(N)(1950 > -42011)
45 SP !(3620 > 3641) : Goblin Warrior(F)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9404 HP(24853 > 24853)
29387 Goblin Warrior(F)(2670 > -26717)
Goblin Mage(K)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(L)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(M)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(E)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(N)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(F)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 612 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,200() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (13 >>> 62/100).
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (20051 > 20046)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 15 HP(35371 > 35371)
295 (20046 > 19751)
ൿ . (-64 >>> -14/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (22 >>> 72/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ڸ߻(23184 > 23179)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34776 > 34782)
116 ڸ߻(23179 > 23063)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-12 >>> 38/100).
5 HP !(34782 > 34787) : Grand Dino(A)(49746 > 49741)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(34787 > 34792)
87 Grand Dino(A)(49741 > 49654)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (45 >>> 94/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 9955 HP ȸ (49654 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 376 SP ȸ (2072 > 2448)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 910 SP ȸ (3641 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(3350 > 3395) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17091 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2868981 > 2868981)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2868981/3683880
SP : 25710/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 2448/2504
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21398/21544
SP : 2229/2379
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 19751/20110
SP : 2089/3755
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 3395/3641
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34792/35371
SP : 520/1324
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23063/23305
SP : 2925/6451
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 642 SP ȸ (2229 > 2379)
* 1 SP ߻! 24 SP ȸ (2379 > 2379)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 2331 HP ȸ (23063 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 968 SP ȸ (2925 > 3893)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 452 SP ȸ (3893 > 4345)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Double Magic Circle
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x2
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 910 SP ȸ (3395 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(3350 > 3395) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25665)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17091 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2868981 > 2868981)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* HP ! 2011 HP ȸ (19751 > 20110)
* SP ! 563 SP ȸ (2089 > 2652)
* SP ߻! 76 SP ȸ (2652 > 2728)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25665 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2520 Ծ. (2868981 > 2866461)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Rampage
ܴ δ! -50% .
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 10%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 10%
74 (20110 > 20036)
DEF down 10%
MDEF down 10%
74 (20036 > 19962)
DEF down 10%
MDEF down 10%
75 ƴ(34792 > 34717)
ƴ DEF down 10%
ƴ MDEF down 10%
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
70 1(21544 > 21474)
1 DEF down 10%
1 MDEF down 10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ HP ! 3537 HP ȸ (34717 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 199 SP ȸ (520 > 719)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21474 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 642 SP ȸ (2319 > 2379)
* 1 SP ߻! 24 SP ȸ (2379 > 2379)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (99 >>> 149/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (19962 > 19957)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
148 (19957 > 19809)
ൿ . (97 >>> 147/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (84 >>> 134/100).
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ڸ߻(23305 > 23300)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 12 HP(34776 > 34788)
231 ڸ߻(23300 > 23069)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (58 >>> 107/100).
5 HP !(34788 > 34793) : Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49768)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(34793 > 34798)
87 Grand Dino(A)(49768 > 49681)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (92 >>> 142/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 9955 HP ȸ (49681 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 376 SP ȸ (2448 > 2504)
Grand Dino(A)() ڼ ִ...(100%)(142 >>> 42/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 15)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(2028 > 2038) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25790)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2866461 > 2866461)
10 SP !(2038 > 2048) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25790 > 25780)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2866461 > 2866461)
10 SP !(2048 > 2058) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25780 > 25770)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2866461 > 2866461)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(2058 > 2068) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25770 > 25760)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2866461 > 2866461)
10 SP !(2068 > 2078) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25760 > 25750)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2866461 > 2866461)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(2078 > 2088) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25750 > 25740)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2866461 > 2866461)
Double Casting !
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1092 SP ȸ (3395 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3350 > 3395) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25740 > 25695)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 75650 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2866461 > 2866461)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 2331 HP ȸ (23069 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 1290 SP ȸ (4045 > 5335)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 452 SP ȸ (5335 > 5787)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(108 >>> 101/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 2331 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 1290 SP ȸ (5437 > 6451)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 452 SP ȸ (6451 > 6451)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 4
Arch Angel(C) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -300/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2866461/3683880
SP : 25695/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A) (charging)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 2504/2504
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Arch Angel(C)
HP : 17087/17087
SP : 17087/17087
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21398/21544
SP : 2229/2379
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 19809/20110
SP : 2088/3755
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 3395/3641
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34798/35371
SP : 669/1324
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23305/23305
SP : 5951/6451
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- Arch Angel(C)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(C) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Arch Angel(C)
Skill : Holy Fortune
1 MAXSP(2379) extended to 2974
1 () ȸǾ: 9809 HP(21398 > 21544)
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEF rise 25%
1 MDEF rise 25%
MAXSP(3755) extended to 4694
() ȸǾ: 8174 HP(19809 > 20110)
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
DEF rise 25%
MDEF rise 25%
Relentless MAXSP(3641) extended to 4551
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(24853 > 24853)
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEF rise 25%
Relentless MDEF rise 25%
ƴ MAXSP(1324) extended to 1655
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(34798 > 35371)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEF rise 25%
ƴ MDEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MAXSP(6451) extended to 8064
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(23305 > 23305)
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MAXSP(2504) extended to 3130
Grand Dino(A) () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(C)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(C) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1365 SP ȸ (3395 > 4551)
* Relentless SP ߻! -364 SP ȸ (4551 > 4187)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(4187 > 4232) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25695 > 25650)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 75650 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2866461 > 2866461)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 952 SP ȸ (2229 > 2974)
* 1 SP ߻! 30 SP ȸ (2974 > 2974)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Kill Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2866461 > 2866461)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 2011 HP ȸ (20110 > 20110)
* SP ! 939 SP ȸ (2088 > 3027)
* SP ߻! 94 SP ȸ (3027 > 3121)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ HP ! 3537 HP ȸ (35371 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 331 SP ȸ (669 > 1000)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25650 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2520 Ծ. (2866461 > 2863941)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Warrior(G)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
56 1(21544 > 21488)
Goblin Mage(O)() ߴ.
59 (20110 > 20051)
Goblin Mage(P)() ߴ.
600 ݻ Relentless(2863941 > 2863341)
53 Relentless(24853 > 24800)
Goblin Mage(Q)() ߴ.
60 ƴ(35371 > 35311)
Goblin Monk(K)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
58 ڸ߻(23305 > 23247)
Goblin Monk(L)() ߴ.
ܴ δ! -50% .
27 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49746)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24800 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1365 SP ȸ (4232 > 4551)
* Relentless SP ߻! -364 SP ȸ (4551 > 4187)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(4187 > 4232) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17091 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2863341 > 2863341)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(4232 > 4277) : Goblin Warrior(G)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 41485 HP(24853 > 24853)
129639 Goblin Warrior(G)(2670 > -126969)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(4277 > 4322) : Goblin Mage(O)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 62054 HP(24853 > 24853)
193918 Goblin Mage(O)(1950 > -191968)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(4322 > 4367) : Goblin Mage(P)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 28181 HP(24853 > 24853)
88066 Goblin Mage(P)(1950 > -86116)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(4367 > 4412) : Goblin Mage(Q)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 28181 HP(24853 > 24853)
88066 Goblin Mage(Q)(1950 > -86116)
0 Goblin Monk(K)(4520 > 4520)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(4412 > 4457) : Goblin Monk(L)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 56502 HP(24853 > 24853)
176567 Goblin Monk(L)(4520 > -172047)
Goblin Warrior(G)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(O)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(P)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(Q)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(L)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 510 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,000() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 29)
10 SP !(2421 > 2431) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25745)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2863341 > 2863341)
10 SP !(2431 > 2441) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25745 > 25735)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2863341 > 2863341)
10 SP !(2441 > 2451) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25735 > 25725)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2863341 > 2863341)
10 SP !(2451 > 2461) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25715)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2863341 > 2863341)
0 Goblin Monk(K)(4520 > 4520)
10 SP !(2461 > 2471) : Goblin Monk(K)(800 > 790)
2902 Goblin Monk(K)(4520 > 1618)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35311 > 35316) : 1(21488 > 21483)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35316 > 35324)
141 1(21483 > 21342)
1 ൿ . (47 >>> 96/100).
5 HP !(35324 > 35329) : (20051 > 20046)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35329 > 35337)
148 (20046 > 19898)
ൿ . (-9 >>> 41/100).
5 HP !(35337 > 35342) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35342 > 35349)
600 ݻ Relentless(35349 > 34749)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (22 >>> 72/100).
5 HP !(34749 > 34754) : ڸ߻(23247 > 23242)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
! 10% ߴ.
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 135 HP(23242 > 23305)
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 135 SP(5951 > 6086)
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34754 > 34760)
116 ڸ߻(23305 > 23189)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-190 >>> -140/100).
5 HP !(34760 > 34765) : Grand Dino(A)(49746 > 49741)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(34765 > 34770)
87 Grand Dino(A)(49741 > 49654)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (40 >>> 89/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21342 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 952 SP ȸ (2914 > 2974)
* 1 SP ߻! 30 SP ȸ (2974 > 2974)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 9955 HP ȸ (49654 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 626 SP ȸ (2504 > 3130)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Poison Acid Breath
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2863341 > 2863341)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 35%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 35%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ȮǾ!( + 100)
1957 Goblin Monk(K)(1618 > -339)
Goblin Monk(K) () ߵƴ! !
Goblin Monk(K) DEF down 35%
Goblin Monk(K) MDEF down 35%
Goblin Monk(K)() ȮǾ!( + 100)
Goblin Monk(K)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 102 ġ .
mongsil() $ 200() .
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2863341/3683880
SP : 25715/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 3130/3130
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
1 (casting)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 2974/2974
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 19898/20110
SP : 2471/4694
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24714/24853
SP : 4457/4551
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34770/35371
SP : 950/1655
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23189/23305
SP : 6086/8064
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1365 SP ȸ (4457 > 4551)
* Relentless SP ߻! -364 SP ȸ (4551 > 4187)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(4187 > 4232) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25715 > 25670)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17636 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2863341 > 2863341)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 2011 HP ȸ (19898 > 20110)
* SP ! 939 SP ȸ (2471 > 3410)
* SP ߻! 94 SP ȸ (3410 > 3504)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1365 SP ȸ (4232 > 4551)
* Relentless SP ߻! -364 SP ȸ (4551 > 4187)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
ġŸ !
45 SP !(4187 > 4232) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25670 > 25625)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 78048 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2863341 > 2863341)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 43)
10 SP !(2804 > 2814) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25625 > 25615)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2863341 > 2863341)
10 SP !(2814 > 2824) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25615 > 25605)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2863341 > 2863341)
10 SP !(2824 > 2834) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25605 > 25595)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2863341 > 2863341)
10 SP !(2834 > 2844) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25595 > 25585)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2863341 > 2863341)
10 SP !(2844 > 2854) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25585 > 25575)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2863341 > 2863341)
10 SP !(2854 > 2864) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25575 > 25565)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2863341 > 2863341)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 952 SP ȸ (2914 > 2974)
* 1 SP ߻! 30 SP ȸ (2974 > 2974)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Regeneration
1 HP ! +5%
HP ! +5%
Relentless HP ! +5%
ƴ HP ! +5%
ڸ߻ HP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) HP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ HP ! 5306 HP ȸ (34770 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 331 SP ȸ (950 > 1281)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (33 >>> 83/100).
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (20110 > 20105)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 15 HP(35371 > 35371)
295 (20105 > 19810)
ൿ . (42 >>> 92/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (84 >>> 134/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ڸ߻(23189 > 23184)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34776 > 34782)
116 ڸ߻(23184 > 23068)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (25 >>> 75/100).
5 HP !(34782 > 34787) : Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49768)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(34787 > 34792)
87 Grand Dino(A)(49768 > 49681)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (57 >>> 106/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Relentless HP ! 3728 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1365 SP ȸ (4232 > 4551)
* Relentless SP ߻! -364 SP ȸ (4551 > 4187)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(4187 > 4232) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25565 > 25520)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 78048 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2863341 > 2863341)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 12443 HP ȸ (49681 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 626 SP ȸ (3130 > 3130)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Armor Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2863341 > 2863341)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 30%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 30%
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 3017 HP ȸ (19810 > 20110)
* SP ! 939 SP ȸ (2864 > 3803)
* SP ߻! 94 SP ȸ (3803 > 3897)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25520 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2640 Ծ. (2863341 > 2860701)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Kill Bite
Grand Dino(A)() 1() ״!
ܴ δ! -50% .
606 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49167)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> -100/100)
* 1 HP ! 6894 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 952 SP ȸ (2874 > 2974)
* 1 SP ߻! 30 SP ȸ (2974 > 2974)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 3496 HP ȸ (23068 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 1613 SP ȸ (6086 > 7699)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 565 SP ȸ (7699 > 8064)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2860701/3683880
SP : 25800/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49167/49773
SP : 3100/3130
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 2824/2974
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection (casting)
Job : Spell Master
HP : 20110/20110
SP : 3897/4694
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 4232/4551
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34792/35371
SP : 1231/1655
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ڸ߻ (casting)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23305/23305
SP : 8064/8064
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 57)
10 SP !(3197 > 3207) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25790)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
10 SP !(3207 > 3217) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25790 > 25780)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
10 SP !(3217 > 3227) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25780 > 25770)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
10 SP !(3227 > 3237) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25770 > 25760)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
10 SP !(3237 > 3247) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25760 > 25750)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
10 SP !(3247 > 3257) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25750 > 25740)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 3728 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1593 SP ȸ (4232 > 4551)
* Relentless SP ߻! -364 SP ȸ (4551 > 4187)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(4187 > 4232) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25740 > 25695)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 79076 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 3496 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 2016 SP ȸ (7714 > 8064)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 565 SP ȸ (8064 > 8064)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 4
Arch Angel(D) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -300/100)
- Arch Angel(D)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(D) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Arch Angel(D)
Skill : Holy Fortune
1 MAXSP(2974) extended to 3718
1 () ȸǾ: 9809 HP(21544 > 21544)
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEF rise 25%
1 MDEF rise 25%
MAXSP(4694) extended to 5868
() ȸǾ: 8174 HP(20110 > 20110)
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
DEF rise 25%
MDEF rise 25%
Relentless MAXSP(4551) extended to 5689
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(24853 > 24853)
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEF rise 25%
Relentless MDEF rise 25%
ƴ MAXSP(1655) extended to 2069
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(34792 > 35371)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEF rise 25%
ƴ MDEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MAXSP(8064) extended to 10080
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(23305 > 23305)
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MAXSP(3130) extended to 3913
Grand Dino(A) () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(49167 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(D)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(D) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* 1 HP ! 6894 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 1376 SP ȸ (2824 > 3718)
* 1 SP ߻! 38 SP ȸ (3718 > 3718)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ HP ! 5306 HP ȸ (35371 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 517 SP ȸ (1231 > 1748)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Relentless HP ! 3728 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1991 SP ȸ (4232 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(5234 > 5279) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25695 > 25650)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17870 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 15 HP(35371 > 35371)
282 1(21539 > 21257)
1 ൿ . (20 >>> 69/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (20110 > 20105)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
148 (20105 > 19957)
ൿ . (93 >>> 143/100).
Ҵ!! ƴ .
0 Relentless(24853 > 24853)
Relentless ൿ . (22 >>> 72/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : ڸ߻(23305 > 23300)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(35371 > 35371)
116 ڸ߻(23300 > 23184)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-220 >>> -171/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49768)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(35371 > 35371)
87 Grand Dino(A)(49768 > 49681)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (97 >>> 147/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 12443 HP ȸ (49681 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 978 SP ȸ (3100 > 3913)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2860701/3683880
SP : 25650/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 3913/3913
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21257/21544
SP : 3658/3718
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 19957/20110
SP : 3257/5868
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 5279/5689
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 35371/35371
SP : 1698/2069
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23184/23305
SP : 7564/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* HP ! 3017 HP ȸ (19957 > 20110)
* SP ! 1467 SP ȸ (3257 > 4724)
* SP ߻! 118 SP ȸ (4724 > 4842)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(143 >>> 98/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 71)
10 SP !(4142 > 4152) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25650 > 25640)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
10 SP !(4152 > 4162) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25640 > 25630)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(4162 > 4172) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25630 > 25620)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
10 SP !(4172 > 4182) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25620 > 25610)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(4182 > 4192) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25610 > 25600)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
10 SP !(4192 > 4202) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25600 > 25590)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 3728 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1991 SP ȸ (5279 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(5234 > 5279) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25590 > 25545)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17870 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 6894 HP ȸ (21257 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 1376 SP ȸ (3658 > 3718)
* 1 SP ߻! 38 SP ȸ (3718 > 3718)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 3728 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 2276 SP ȸ (5279 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(5234 > 5279) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25545 > 25500)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 35872 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* HP ! 3017 HP ȸ (20110 > 20110)
* SP ! 1760 SP ȸ (4202 > 5868)
* SP ߻! 118 SP ȸ (5868 > 5868)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* 1 HP ! 6894 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 1562 SP ȸ (3568 > 3718)
* 1 SP ߻! 38 SP ȸ (3718 > 3718)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Regeneration
1 HP ! +5%
HP ! +5%
Relentless HP ! +5%
ƴ HP ! +5%
ڸ߻ HP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) HP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ HP ! 7074 HP ȸ (35371 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 621 SP ȸ (1698 > 2069)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (26 >>> 76/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (20110 > 20105)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
148 (20105 > 19957)
ൿ . (99 >>> 149/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (84 >>> 134/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ڸ߻(23184 > 23179)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34776 > 34782)
116 ڸ߻(23179 > 23063)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-5 >>> 44/100).
5 HP !(34782 > 34787) : Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49768)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(34787 > 34792)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49768 > 49768)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (97 >>> 147/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 14932 HP ȸ (49768 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 1174 SP ȸ (3913 > 3913)
Grand Dino(A)() ڼ ִ...(100%)(147 >>> 47/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 85)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(5168 > 5178) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25500 > 25490)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
10 SP !(5178 > 5188) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25490 > 25480)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
10 SP !(5188 > 5198) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25480 > 25470)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
10 SP !(5198 > 5208) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25470 > 25460)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
10 SP !(5208 > 5218) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25460 > 25450)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
10 SP !(5218 > 5228) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25450 > 25440)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 2276 SP ȸ (5279 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(5234 > 5279) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25440 > 25395)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 79076 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2860701 > 2860701)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 1562 SP ȸ (3618 > 3718)
* 1 SP ߻! 38 SP ȸ (3718 > 3718)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25395 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2640 Ծ. (2860701 > 2858061)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Rampage
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
72 ڸ߻(23063 > 22991)
ڸ߻ DEF down 10%
ڸ߻ MDEF down 10%
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
72 ڸ߻(22991 > 22919)
ڸ߻ DEF down 10%
ڸ߻ MDEF down 10%
600 ݻ Relentless(2858061 > 2857461)
67 Relentless(24853 > 24786)
Relentless DEF down 10%
Relentless MDEF down 10%
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
72 ڸ߻(22919 > 22847)
ڸ߻ DEF down 10%
ڸ߻ MDEF down 10%
75 ƴ(34792 > 34717)
ƴ DEF down 10%
ƴ MDEF down 10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2857461/3683880
SP : 25800/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A) (charging)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 3913/3913
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 3658/3718
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 19957/20110
SP : 5228/5868
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24786/24853
SP : 5279/5689
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34717/35371
SP : 2019/2069
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 22847/23305
SP : 7564/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 4661 HP ȸ (22847 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 3024 SP ȸ (7564 > 10080)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 706 SP ȸ (10080 > 10080)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Double Magic Circle
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x2
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24786 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 2276 SP ȸ (5279 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(5234 > 5279) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17870 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2857461 > 2857461)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Kill Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2857461 > 2857461)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 4022 HP ȸ (19957 > 20110)
* SP ! 1760 SP ȸ (5228 > 5868)
* SP ߻! 118 SP ȸ (5868 > 5868)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 1562 SP ȸ (3658 > 3718)
* 1 SP ߻! 38 SP ȸ (3718 > 3718)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* ƴ HP ! 7074 HP ȸ (34717 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 621 SP ȸ (2019 > 2069)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 2276 SP ȸ (5279 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(5234 > 5279) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 79076 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2857461 > 2857461)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 99)
10 SP !(5168 > 5178) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25700)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2857461 > 2857461)
10 SP !(5178 > 5188) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25700 > 25690)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2857461 > 2857461)
10 SP !(5188 > 5198) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25690 > 25680)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2857461 > 2857461)
10 SP !(5198 > 5208) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25680 > 25670)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2857461 > 2857461)
10 SP !(5208 > 5218) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25670 > 25660)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2857461 > 2857461)
10 SP !(5218 > 5228) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25660 > 25650)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2857461 > 2857461)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (93 >>> 142/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (20110 > 20105)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
148 (20105 > 19957)
ൿ . (-9 >>> 41/100).
Ҵ!! ƴ .
0 Relentless(24853 > 24853)
Relentless ൿ . (22 >>> 72/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : ڸ߻(23305 > 23300)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(35371 > 35371)
116 ڸ߻(23300 > 23184)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (64 >>> 114/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49768)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(35371 > 35371)
87 Grand Dino(A)(49768 > 49681)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (45 >>> 94/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 4661 HP ȸ (23184 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 3024 SP ȸ (9780 > 10080)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 706 SP ȸ (10080 > 10080)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(114 >>> 108/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 14932 HP ȸ (49681 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 1174 SP ȸ (3913 > 3913)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 2276 SP ȸ (5279 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(5234 > 5279) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25650 > 25605)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17870 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2857461 > 2857461)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2857461/3683880
SP : 25605/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 3913/3913
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21398/21544
SP : 3658/3718
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 19957/20110
SP : 5228/5868
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 5279/5689
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 35371/35371
SP : 2019/2069
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23305/23305
SP : 9730/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 4661 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 3024 SP ȸ (9730 > 10080)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 706 SP ȸ (10080 > 10080)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 4
Arch Angel(E) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -300/100)
- Arch Angel(E)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(E) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Arch Angel(E)
Skill : Holy Fortune
1 MAXSP(3718) extended to 4648
1 () ȸǾ: 9809 HP(21398 > 21544)
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEF rise 25%
1 MDEF rise 25%
MAXSP(5868) extended to 7335
() ȸǾ: 8174 HP(19957 > 20110)
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
DEF rise 25%
MDEF rise 25%
Relentless MAXSP(5689) extended to 7111
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(24853 > 24853)
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEF rise 25%
Relentless MDEF rise 25%
ƴ MAXSP(2069) extended to 2586
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(35371 > 35371)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEF rise 25%
ƴ MDEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(23305 > 23305)
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MAXSP(3913) extended to 4891
Grand Dino(A) () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(E)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(E) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 4022 HP ȸ (20110 > 20110)
* SP ! 2201 SP ȸ (5228 > 7335)
* SP ߻! 147 SP ȸ (7335 > 7335)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25605 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2640 Ծ. (2857461 > 2854821)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Monk(M)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
56 1(21544 > 21488)
Goblin Warrior(H)() ߴ.
59 (20110 > 20051)
Goblin Monk(N)() ߴ.
600 ݻ Relentless(2854821 > 2854221)
53 Relentless(24853 > 24800)
Goblin Monk(O)() ߴ.
60 ƴ(35371 > 35311)
Goblin Warrior(I)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
58 ڸ߻(23305 > 23247)
Goblin Warrior(J)() ߴ.
ܴ δ! -50% .
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49773)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21488 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 1952 SP ȸ (3658 > 4648)
* 1 SP ߻! 47 SP ȸ (4648 > 4648)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24800 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 2844 SP ȸ (5279 > 7111)
* Relentless SP ߻! -568 SP ȸ (7111 > 6543)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(6543 > 6588) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17870 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2854221 > 2854221)
45 SP !(6588 > 6633) : Goblin Monk(M)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 12101 HP(24853 > 24853)
37814 Goblin Monk(M)(4520 > -33294)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(6633 > 6678) : Goblin Warrior(H)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18840 HP(24853 > 24853)
58873 Goblin Warrior(H)(2670 > -56203)
45 SP !(6678 > 6723) : Goblin Monk(N)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 12795 HP(24853 > 24853)
39982 Goblin Monk(N)(4520 > -35462)
45 SP !(6723 > 6768) : Goblin Monk(O)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 12795 HP(24853 > 24853)
39982 Goblin Monk(O)(4520 > -35462)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(6768 > 6813) : Goblin Warrior(I)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 41485 HP(24853 > 24853)
129639 Goblin Warrior(I)(2670 > -126969)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(6813 > 6858) : Goblin Warrior(J)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 41485 HP(24853 > 24853)
129639 Goblin Warrior(J)(2670 > -126969)
Goblin Monk(M)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(H)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(N)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(O)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(I)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(J)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 612 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,200() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 113)
10 SP !(6635 > 6645) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25745)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2854221 > 2854221)
10 SP !(6645 > 6655) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25745 > 25735)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2854221 > 2854221)
10 SP !(6655 > 6665) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25735 > 25725)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2854221 > 2854221)
10 SP !(6665 > 6675) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25715)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2854221 > 2854221)
10 SP !(6675 > 6685) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25715 > 25705)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2854221 > 2854221)
10 SP !(6685 > 6695) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25705 > 25695)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2854221 > 2854221)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* ƴ HP ! 7074 HP ȸ (35311 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 905 SP ȸ (2019 > 2586)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (67 >>> 116/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (20051 > 20046)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
148 (20046 > 19898)
ൿ . (42 >>> 92/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
! 5% ߴ.
Relentless () ȸǾ: 62 HP(24848 > 24853)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 62 SP(6858 > 6920)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
134 Relentless(24853 > 24719)
Relentless ൿ . (84 >>> 134/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ڸ߻(23247 > 23242)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ SPD rise 15%
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34776 > 34782)
116 ڸ߻(23242 > 23126)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-190 >>> -140/100).
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(34782 > 34787) : Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49768)
ܴ δ! -50% .
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(34787 > 34796)
173 Grand Dino(A)(49768 > 49595)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (92 >>> 142/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 14932 HP ȸ (49595 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 1712 SP ȸ (3913 > 4891)
Grand Dino(A)() ڼ ִ...(100%)(142 >>> 42/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24719 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 3200 SP ȸ (6920 > 7111)
* Relentless SP ߻! -568 SP ȸ (7111 > 6543)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(6543 > 6588) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25695 > 25650)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17870 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2854221 > 2854221)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 2185 SP ȸ (4498 > 4648)
* 1 SP ߻! 47 SP ȸ (4648 > 4648)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(117 >>> 86/100)
* HP ! 4022 HP ȸ (19898 > 20110)
* SP ! 2567 SP ȸ (6695 > 7335)
* SP ߻! 147 SP ȸ (7335 > 7335)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2854221/3683880
SP : 25650/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A) (charging)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 4891/4891
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 4588/4648
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection (casting)
Job : Spell Master
HP : 20110/20110
SP : 7335/7335
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 6588/7111
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34796/35371
SP : 2536/2586
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23126/23305
SP : 9580/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 127)
10 SP !(6635 > 6645) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25650 > 25640)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2854221 > 2854221)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(6645 > 6655) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25640 > 25630)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2854221 > 2854221)
10 SP !(6655 > 6665) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25630 > 25620)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2854221 > 2854221)
10 SP !(6665 > 6675) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25620 > 25610)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2854221 > 2854221)
10 SP !(6675 > 6685) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25610 > 25600)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2854221 > 2854221)
10 SP !(6685 > 6695) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25600 > 25590)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2854221 > 2854221)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 3200 SP ȸ (6588 > 7111)
* Relentless SP ߻! -568 SP ȸ (7111 > 6543)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(6543 > 6588) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25590 > 25545)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17870 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2854221 > 2854221)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25545 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2640 Ծ. (2854221 > 2851581)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Mage(R)() ߴ.
Ҵ!! Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon .
0 1(21544 > 21544)
Goblin Monk(P)() ߴ.
59 (20110 > 20051)
Goblin Mage(S)() ߴ.
600 ݻ Relentless(2851581 > 2850981)
53 Relentless(24853 > 24800)
Goblin Monk(Q)() ߴ.
60 ƴ(34796 > 34736)
Goblin Mage(T)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
58 ڸ߻(23126 > 23068)
Goblin Mage(U)() ߴ.
ܴ δ! -50% .
27 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49746)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Kill Bite
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() Goblin Mage(T)() ״!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2850981 > 2850981)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 2185 SP ȸ (4588 > 4648)
* 1 SP ߻! 47 SP ȸ (4648 > 4648)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ HP ! 7074 HP ȸ (34736 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 1034 SP ȸ (2536 > 2586)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24800 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 3556 SP ȸ (6588 > 7111)
* Relentless SP ߻! -568 SP ȸ (7111 > 6543)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(6543 > 6588) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17870 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2850981 > 2850981)
45 SP !(6588 > 6633) : Goblin Mage(R)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14068 HP(24853 > 24853)
43961 Goblin Mage(R)(1950 > -42011)
0 Goblin Monk(P)(4520 > 4520)
45 SP !(6633 > 6678) : Goblin Mage(S)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14068 HP(24853 > 24853)
43961 Goblin Mage(S)(1950 > -42011)
45 SP !(6678 > 6723) : Goblin Monk(Q)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 12101 HP(24853 > 24853)
37814 Goblin Monk(Q)(4520 > -33294)
45 SP !(6723 > 6768) : Goblin Mage(T)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14068 HP(24853 > 24853)
43961 Goblin Mage(T)(1950 > -42011)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(6768 > 6813) : Goblin Mage(U)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 28181 HP(24853 > 24853)
88066 Goblin Mage(U)(1950 > -86116)
Goblin Mage(R)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(S)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(Q)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(T)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(U)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 510 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,000() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
1() ִ!
ƴ () ȸǾ: 15 HP(35371 > 35371)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 1(21539 > 21539)
1 ൿ . (43 >>> 92/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (20051 > 20046)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
148 (20046 > 19898)
ൿ . (84 >>> 134/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ SPD rise 15%
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (11 >>> 61/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ڸ߻(23068 > 23063)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34776 > 34782)
116 ڸ߻(23063 > 22947)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (16 >>> 65/100).
ƴ Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49746 > 49746)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (34 >>> 83/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* HP ! 4022 HP ȸ (19898 > 20110)
* SP ! 2934 SP ȸ (6695 > 7335)
* SP ߻! 147 SP ȸ (7335 > 7335)
Skill : Double Casting ( 127 52 )
() ִ.
Double Casting 3.
ൿ .( Double Spell )(0 >>> 500/100)
* HP ! 4022 HP ȸ (20110 > 20110)
* SP ! 2934 SP ȸ (6835 > 7335)
* SP ߻! 147 SP ȸ (7335 > 7335)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(500 >>> 450/100)
Skill : Lightning Vortex ( 52 27 )
10 SP !(6635 > 6645) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25745)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2850981 > 2850981)
10 SP !(6645 > 6655) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25745 > 25735)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2850981 > 2850981)
10 SP !(6655 > 6665) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25735 > 25725)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2850981 > 2850981)
10 SP !(6665 > 6675) : Goblin Monk(P)(800 > 790)
Goblin Monk(P) STR down 5%
Goblin Monk(P) INT down 5%
Goblin Monk(P) DEX down 5%
7294 Goblin Monk(P)(4520 > -2774)
10 SP !(6675 > 6685) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25715)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2850981 > 2850981)
10 SP !(6685 > 6695) : Goblin Monk(P)(790 > 780)
Goblin Monk(P) STR down 5%
Goblin Monk(P) INT down 5%
Goblin Monk(P) DEX down 5%
7297 Goblin Monk(P)(-2774 > -10071)
10 SP !(6695 > 6705) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25715 > 25705)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2850981 > 2850981)
Goblin Monk(P)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 102 ġ .
mongsil() $ 200() .
Double Casting 2.
ൿ .( Double Spell )(0 >>> 500/100)
* HP ! 4022 HP ȸ (20110 > 20110)
* SP ! 2934 SP ȸ (6705 > 7335)
* SP ߻! 147 SP ȸ (7335 > 7335)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(500 >>> 450/100)
Skill : Lightning Vortex ( 27 2 )
10 SP !(6635 > 6645) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25705 > 25695)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2850981 > 2850981)
10 SP !(6645 > 6655) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25695 > 25685)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2850981 > 2850981)
10 SP !(6655 > 6665) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25685 > 25675)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2850981 > 2850981)
10 SP !(6665 > 6675) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25675 > 25665)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2850981 > 2850981)
10 SP !(6675 > 6685) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25665 > 25655)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2850981 > 2850981)
10 SP !(6685 > 6695) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25655 > 25645)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2850981 > 2850981)
10 SP !(6695 > 6705) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25645 > 25635)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2850981 > 2850981)
Double Casting 1.
ൿ .(0 >>> -120/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2850981/3683880
SP : 25635/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49746/49773
SP : 4891/4891
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21539/21544
SP : 4498/4648
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 20110/20110
SP : 6705/7335
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24714/24853
SP : 6813/7111
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34782/35371
SP : 2536/2586
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 22947/23305
SP : 9580/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21539 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 2417 SP ȸ (4498 > 4648)
* 1 SP ߻! 47 SP ȸ (4648 > 4648)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 14932 HP ȸ (49746 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 1956 SP ȸ (4891 > 4891)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Poison Acid Breath
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2850981 > 2850981)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 35%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 35%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ȮǾ!( + 100)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 3556 SP ȸ (6813 > 7111)
* Relentless SP ߻! -568 SP ȸ (7111 > 6543)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(6543 > 6588) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25635 > 25590)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18103 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2850981 > 2850981)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 4661 HP ȸ (22947 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 4032 SP ȸ (9580 > 10080)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 706 SP ȸ (10080 > 10080)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 4661 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 4032 SP ȸ (9730 > 10080)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 706 SP ȸ (10080 > 10080)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 4
Arch Angel(F) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -300/100)
- Arch Angel(F)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(F) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Arch Angel(F)
Skill : Holy Fortune
1 MAXSP(4648) extended to 5810
1 () ȸǾ: 9809 HP(21544 > 21544)
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEF rise 25%
1 MDEF rise 25%
MAXSP(7335) extended to 9169
() ȸǾ: 8174 HP(20110 > 20110)
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
DEF rise 25%
MDEF rise 25%
Relentless MAXSP(7111) extended to 8889
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(24853 > 24853)
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEF rise 25%
Relentless MDEF rise 25%
ƴ MAXSP(2586) extended to 3233
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(34782 > 35371)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEF rise 25%
ƴ MDEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(23305 > 23305)
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MAXSP(4891) extended to 6114
Grand Dino(A) () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(F)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(F) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 4445 SP ȸ (6588 > 8889)
* Relentless SP ߻! -711 SP ȸ (8889 > 8178)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(8178 > 8223) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25590 > 25545)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18103 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2850981 > 2850981)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25545 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2760 Ծ. (2850981 > 2848221)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Rampage
ܴ δ! -50% .
22 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49751)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 10%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 10%
ܴ δ! -50% .
22 Grand Dino(A)(49751 > 49729)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 10%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 10%
ܴ δ! -50% .
22 Grand Dino(A)(49729 > 49707)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 10%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 10%
48 (20110 > 20062)
DEF down 10%
MDEF down 10%
48 (20062 > 20014)
DEF down 10%
MDEF down 10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 3021 SP ȸ (4588 > 5810)
* 1 SP ߻! 59 SP ȸ (5810 > 5810)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* ƴ HP ! 7074 HP ȸ (35371 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 1293 SP ȸ (2536 > 3233)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (90 >>> 139/100).
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (20014 > 20009)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 15 HP(35371 > 35371)
295 (20009 > 19714)
ൿ . (19 >>> 68/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (52 >>> 101/100).
Ҵ!! ƴ .
0 ڸ߻(23305 > 23305)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-248 >>> -199/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : Grand Dino(A)(49707 > 49702)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(34776 > 34781)
87 Grand Dino(A)(49702 > 49615)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (40 >>> 90/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2848221/3683880
SP : 25800/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 780/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 750/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49615/49773
SP : 4891/6114
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
1 (casting)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21398/21544
SP : 5810/5810
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 19714/20110
SP : 6705/9169
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24714/24853
SP : 8223/8889
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34781/35371
SP : 3183/3233
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23305/23305
SP : 9580/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 4445 SP ȸ (8223 > 8889)
* Relentless SP ߻! -711 SP ȸ (8889 > 8178)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(8178 > 8223) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 80104 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2848221 > 2848221)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 14932 HP ȸ (49615 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 2446 SP ȸ (4891 > 6114)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Armor Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2848221 > 2848221)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 30%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 30%
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 4022 HP ȸ (19714 > 20110)
* SP ! 3668 SP ȸ (6705 > 9169)
* SP ߻! 184 SP ȸ (9169 > 9169)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 4445 SP ȸ (8223 > 8889)
* Relentless SP ߻! -711 SP ȸ (8889 > 8178)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(8178 > 8223) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 80790 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2848221 > 2848221)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 16)
10 SP !(8469 > 8479) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25700)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2848221 > 2848221)
10 SP !(8479 > 8489) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25700 > 25690)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2848221 > 2848221)
10 SP !(8489 > 8499) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25690 > 25680)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2848221 > 2848221)
10 SP !(8499 > 8509) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25680 > 25670)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2848221 > 2848221)
10 SP !(8509 > 8519) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25670 > 25660)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2848221 > 2848221)
10 SP !(8519 > 8529) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25660 > 25650)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2848221 > 2848221)
Double Casting !
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 3021 SP ȸ (5750 > 5810)
* 1 SP ߻! 59 SP ȸ (5810 > 5810)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Regeneration
1 HP ! +5%
HP ! +5%
Relentless HP ! +5%
ƴ HP ! +5%
ڸ߻ HP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) HP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ HP ! 8843 HP ȸ (34781 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 1293 SP ȸ (3183 > 3233)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ SPD rise 15%
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (47 >>> 96/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (20110 > 20105)
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
148 (20105 > 19957)
ൿ . (52 >>> 102/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (91 >>> 140/100).
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ڸ߻(23305 > 23300)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 12 HP(34776 > 34788)
231 ڸ߻(23300 > 23069)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-52 >>> -2/100).
5 HP !(34788 > 34793) : Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49768)
ܴ δ! -50% .
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 5 HP(34793 > 34798)
87 Grand Dino(A)(49768 > 49681)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (77 >>> 126/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 17421 HP ȸ (49681 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 2446 SP ȸ (6084 > 6114)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 6213 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 4445 SP ȸ (8223 > 8889)
* Relentless SP ߻! -711 SP ȸ (8889 > 8178)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(8178 > 8223) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25650 > 25605)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 80790 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2848221 > 2848221)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* HP ! 5028 HP ȸ (19957 > 20110)
* SP ! 3668 SP ȸ (8529 > 9169)
* SP ߻! 184 SP ȸ (9169 > 9169)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(102 >>> 57/100)
* 1 HP ! 9048 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 3021 SP ȸ (5710 > 5810)
* 1 SP ߻! 59 SP ȸ (5810 > 5810)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25605 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2760 Ծ. (2848221 > 2845461)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Battle End
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
Raid - ð() ¸ߴ!
HP : 2845461/3972610
: 1/48
: 8665
HP : 0/0
: 0/6
: 5296851
: 220/600
ȹ ġ : 30880
ȹ Funds : $ 15,360
žӽ :+840

žӽ :-4664

5296851 ( : 5296851)